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1、2018/10/21,1,第三章 科技论文的写作,综述性论文,研究论文和 研究报告,在某领域的最新发现, 介绍研究成果, 研究方法,理论等。,介绍某一领域的科学研究结果 的发展状况,展望及动态等。,2018/10/21,2,主体部分,1. 文章的标题和作者(title and authors) 2. 文章的摘要和关键词(abstract and keywords) 3. 正文 (body) 3.1 引言或介绍(introduction) 3.2 实验(experimental procedure) 3.3 结果与分析(result and discussion) 3.4 结论(conclusi

2、on) 4. 附录(appendix) 5. 致谢(acknowledgement) 6. 参考文献(references)(同毕业论文类似),2018/10/21,3,1 title,突出研究的特征 (1)关于.的研究 A Study (Investigation, Research)on. Studies (Investigations, Researches) on ,2018/10/21,4,X对Y影响的研究,The Investigation (Study, Research)of the Effects of X on Y. .的研制与应用 The Research and App

3、lication of the . .的优化设计 Optimum (Optimization)Design of.,2018/10/21,5,电子束焊接工艺因素对焊缝组织的影响(“影响”是中心词) Influence of Technological Factors on Seam Structure in Electro-Beam Welding. (Influence 是中心词),2018/10/21,6,一种新型复合孕育剂对球墨铸铁性能的影响 Effects of a New Complex Inoculant on Properties of Ductile Iron 标题的第一个词和

4、每一个实词(如名词、动词、形容词等)的第一个字母都用大写,虚词(如介词、连词和冠词等)都用小写,2018/10/21,7,热处理对高钒高速钢组织与性能的影响 Effect of Heat Treatment Process on Microstructure and Properties of High Vanadium High Speed Steel,2018/10/21,8,热轧工艺参数对含钒微合金钢组织性能的影响 Effect of Hot Rolling Parameter on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Micro-a

5、lloyed Steel Containing Vanadium,2018/10/21,9,微量钒对高碳钢组织的影响 Effect of Trace Amount of Vanadium on Structure of High Carbon Steel,2018/10/21,10,激光焊接温度场数值模拟 Numerical simulation of temperature field in laser welding,2018/10/21,11,2 Authors,作者署名位于标题之下,用汉语拼音方案的拼法译出。现在我国规定姓氏在前,名字在后。姓氏第一字母大写,名字中第一字母大写,第二个字

6、不必与之用短划线分割。有多位作者署名时,按并列成分处理,在最后一位作者的姓名前加连词and。 Zhang Jun, Tong Xinglin and Cao Biao,2018/10/21,12,名字后面接作者单位;若还有一个工作单位,用“ ;”隔开;一般还可加上信箱,E-mail 如果还要标上实验室的话,放在系名后,学校之前。要强调的话,也可提前。,2018/10/21,13,Zhao Shijin *, Cheng Dayong, Wang Shaoqing and Ye Hengqiang Laboratory of Atomic Imaging of Solids, Institute

7、 of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 72 Wenhua Road, Shengyang 110016, P. R. China *E-mail: ,2018/10/21,14,M.M. Ivanenko1, S. Fahimi-Weber2, T. Mitra1, W. Wierich3 and P. Hering1,4 1 Centre of Advanced European Studies and Research, Bonn, Germany; 2 ENT Institute, Essen, Germany; 3 Insti

8、tute of Pathology, Recklinghausen, Germany; 4 Institute of Laser Medicine, University of Duesseldorf, Germany,2018/10/21,15,3 Abstract,对所作工作的高度概括,其内容可含有研究工作的某些细节或区别于他人的精彩之作。摘要后面紧随着35个关键词。,2018/10/21,16,几大要素:,1 研究目的 通常用一句话概括。 2 研究的过程和采用的方法 (利用了什么制备方法、检测手段、仪器等) 本文采用Bridgeman定向凝固技术制备NiAl合金,利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜

9、、透射电镜及X射线等手段,以及显微硬度计、Gleeble1500拉伸试验机等力学性能设备,研究了定向凝固NiAl合金的组织和力学性能。,2018/10/21,17,3 主要结果或发现 (最重要的部分,所获得的实验数据,实验结果得到的效果性能) 4 主要结论与推论,2018/10/21,18,书写摘要注意事项:,(1) 一般采用正规的术语,要尽量避免缩写。(许多检测方法用缩写) XRD(X-Ray Diffraction)、SEM(scanning electron microscope) (2)使用正确的时态 描述自己工作的时态要用过去式或完成时;但陈述理论与事实要用现在时。 (3)使用第三人

10、称 (4)避免使用宣传或带有感情色彩的语言 (例如对自己的工作进行评论,或谦虚等) (5)避免使用图表。,2018/10/21,19,如何写摘要,1 一个简单的方法是开始用 This paper, article, study, research + deals with / analyses / discusses / describe / presents / investigates / reviews 等句式, 常用被动语态,2018/10/21,20,This paper systematically studied the microstructure and mechanical

11、 properties of a nickel base superalloy. The microstructure and mechanical properties of a nickel base superalloy were systematically studied in this paper.,2018/10/21,21,2 描述实验过程: A series of multi-phase NiAl matrix composites have been successfully manufactured by using combustion synthesis method

12、. The microstructures of the composites were studied by means of XRD, SEM, TEM.,2018/10/21,22,3 结果表示方式 The results show that The results indicate that The results demonstrate that ,2018/10/21,23,4 结论表示形式不需要讨论,直接写出结果,同时按需要写上作者的结论或建议。 可采用 Its suggested/recommended/ has been found that The author sugge

13、sts/concludes that,2018/10/21,24,4 Keywords,(1)概括研究内容的词或词组 (2)大多从标题或摘要中选取 (3)一般要求第一个词应能体现出论文的学科分类 (4)中英文一致,用;或,隔开,最后一个词没有标点符号 (5)每个词的第一个字母大写,不能有数学公式,2018/10/21,25,一种新型镍基高温合金长期时效后的组织和性能 关键词:镍基高温合金,显微组织,析出相,力学性能,长期时效 Keywords: Nickel base superalloy, Microstructure, Precipitate, Mechanical property, L

14、ong aging,2018/10/21,26,5 Introduction,一般介绍文章所属领域的背景及近期的发展动态。常用句型:a 提出问题的句型: Although much research has been devoted to A Much work has been done on A Many studied have been published concerning A Much literature is available on A推论 little research has been done on Blittle attention has been paid to

15、 B,2018/10/21,27,b 指出研究目的的句型提出论文的研究目的The purpose (aim)of this paper(thesis, report等)is to find out The purpose of this work is to investigate the effects of solidification rate on the microstructure evaluation and mechanical properties of a new nickel base superalloy,2018/10/21,28,6 Experience,介绍实验所

16、用仪器,设备,材料成分,制备方法等,2018/10/21,29,(1)Experimental materials,The tested alloy was produced by The alloy used in the present study was melted in a vacuum-induction furnace and cast in an ingot. Its composition was (at.%) ,2018/10/21,30,(2) Experimental procedure,介绍实验方法,工艺流程等 例: 粉体制备的示意图如下:Schematic representation of powder preparation can been seen as follows.,


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