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1、印刷类运营表单模板印刷类运营表单模板 - 前台部分前台部分1.1. 杂项收入转账单杂项收入转账单2.2. 同意代客支付凭证同意代客支付凭证手册中暂无模板,可根据前台在用模板印刷,后期将会添加进手册中手册中暂无模板,可根据前台在用模板印刷,后期将会添加进手册中3.3. 房间房价变更单房间房价变更单手册中暂无模板,可根据前台在用模板印刷,后期将会添加进手册中手册中暂无模板,可根据前台在用模板印刷,后期将会添加进手册中4.4. 行李卡行李卡5.5. 贵重物品保险箱寄存卡贵重物品保险箱寄存卡The second accessR Ru ul le es s f fo or r t th he e g g

2、u ue es st t t to o u us se e t th he e s sa af fe e b bo ox x3.如果客人离店时没有结清账目,本酒店有权扣留保险箱中的物品;Signature of Person(s) Authorized to have Access to Safe Deposit BoxHandled by4.No one but the guest can have access the safe. So the hotel is not liable for any losses.3.The hotel have the right to detain t

3、he contents of the safe deposit box in the event that the guest departs from the hotel without paying bills.2.The guest can use the safe deposit box free of charge during accommodation period in the hotel;1.We do not have a duplicate key to the safe deposit box. So if the key is lost or misplaced, w

4、e must break open the safe and replace the lock.A charge of RMB¥200 will be collected for replacement of the lock at the expense of the guest.授权使用人(值班经理)签名Guest SignatureTime时间Date日期The first access房号Room No. 姓名Name保险箱号码Box No.5.任何易燃、易爆、放射性、腐蚀性物品,剧毒物品、毒品、武器,以及国家其他明令禁止存放的违禁品,谢绝寄存。4.只有客人的钥匙才能开启保险箱,因此本

5、酒店对任和遗失概不负责;第 一 次 开 启第 二 次 开 启TimeHandled by经办人客人签名时间Date日期客人签名Handled by经办人Guest SignatureThe fourth access第 四 次 开 启Handled by经办人Guest SignatureTime日期The third access第 三 次 开 启Time时间Date日期Handled by客人签名Guest Signature客人签名经办人Guest Signature日期时间DateTime时间Date客人签名最最后后开开启启我特此承认我放在汉庭酒店保险箱中的所有物品都已被我安全如数收回

6、,酒店对这些物品不再负有任何责任。 I hereby acknowledge that all property stored in the Safe Deposit Box of HANTING HOTEL has been safely withdrawn there from, and all liability of said hotel therefore is hereby released.L LA AS ST T T TI IM ME E A AC CC CE ES SS SHandled by经办人日期客人签名 DateGuest SignatureTime时间经办人客客人人

7、使使用用保保险险箱箱规规章章S SA AF FE E D DE EP PO OS SI IT T B BO OX X R RE EC CO OR RD D C CA AR RD D7.若您结账离店时遗忘办理交还所使用保险箱的手续,且在30天内未与酒店联系,酒店有权在30天后开启保险箱并移出保存物品,不承担任何责任。6.宾客开启保管箱须同时出示有效证件及保管箱钥匙7.If you forget to go through the procedure of retuning the safe deposit box when you check out, and have no contact w

8、ith our hotel in 30 days, HANTING HOTEL has the right to open the box and remove the contents without liability after 30 days.6.Valid identification certificate (passport, ID card) are required upon access to the safe.5.Any flammable, explosive, poisonous or radioactive material, drug, weapon and an

9、y other official prohibited goods are not allowed to be put into the safe boxes.证件号码 I D/Passport No. 联系电话 Tel.申请日期Date开开箱箱记记录录请请在在下下列列栏栏目目中中填填写写以以便便开开启启保保险险箱箱。 P Pl le ea as se e f fi il ll l i in n t th he e f fo or rm m f fo or r a ac cc ce es ss s t to o y yo ou ur r S Sa af fe e D De ep po os s

10、i it t B Bo ox x. .A AC CC CE ES SS S T TH HE E S SA AF FE E D DE EP PO OS SI IT T B BO OX X贵贵重重物物品品保保险险箱箱寄寄存存卡卡永久地址 Permanent Add.本本人人收收到到保保险险箱箱钥钥匙匙并并同同意意以以上上保保险险箱箱使使用用规规定定。 I I h he er re eb by y a ac ck kn no ow wl le ed dg ge e r re ec ce ei ip pt t o of f t th he e k ke ey y t to o t th he e S

11、Sa af fe e D De ep po os si it t B Bo ox x. . I I u un nd de er rs st ta an nd d a an nd d a ag gr re ee e w wi it th h t th he e t te er rm ms s a an nd d c co on nd di it ti io on ns s o on n t th he e i is ss su ua an nc ce e a as s s st ta at te ed d a ab bo ov ve e. .2.住店客人使用保险箱是免费的;1.保险箱钥匙只有一把

12、。如果钥匙遗失或找不到,我们将不得不更换新锁,您需承担换锁的费用:人民币200元;NO. 6.6. 撬开保险箱委托书撬开保险箱委托书Attach With Photocopy Of PP粘贴宾客证件复印件AUTHORITY TO BORE SAFE DEPOSIT BOXClerk总台员工(收款人)Witnesses证人Guest sign upon received签收Duty manager值班经理Room NO.Guest Name 我谨此申明承担遗失( )号保险箱钥匙的全部责任。我委托汉庭酒店当面为我撬锁,以便于我获取寄存之物。我同意赔偿撬锁 及换锁钥匙的一切费用。为此酒店方不负任何责

13、任I hereby assume complete responsibility for the loss of key to the safe deposit box NO.( )and authorize the hotel to bore the lock in my presence in order that I may have access thereto.I agree to reimburse the hotel for the cost of boring and replacing the lock and key and thereby release the hote

14、l from any and all liability.Record of item in the box开箱物品清点记录Signature of the box holder撬开保险箱委托书保险箱使用人签名Permanent address永久地址房号客人姓名NO. 7.7. 遗留物品标贴遗留物品标贴8.8. 遗留物品招领本遗留物品招领本9.9. 早餐券早餐券10.10. 报修单报修单11.11. 叫醒服务记录本叫醒服务记录本12.12. 前台交接班本前台交接班本前台交接班本班次: 中班 一、行李交 接二、当日催帐情况交接三、贵重物品交接已使用保险号01#02# 03# 四、钥匙:五、前台

15、备用金(元)备用金定额本班封包备用金结余10000 200010000 六、发票及早餐券名称当班票号开出 张数作废票号作废 张数移交票号发票从00000001至000001001000000003 000000072从00000011至00000100从00000001至0000010010000000031从00000011至00000100早餐券出售数量10赠送 数量无七、会员卡本班销售会员卡销售名称上班接 班会员 卡量金卡普卡以旧 换新赠送挂失 补卡其他移交下班 会员卡汉庭黑卡20 10 11无 无8其他备注八、备忘录重要预订,未处理工作,需处理的投诉,钥匙寄存,转交物品,宾客遗留物品,传真信件,备品不 足需补充的物资和单据,领导交待的重要事项;交班注意事项处理结果1、 2、交班人签名:王 XX(签全名) 接班人签名:张 XX(签全名) 值班经理签名:刘 XX(签全名)日 期:2012-4-1 日 期:2012-4-1 日 期:2012-4-113.13. 房卡套房卡套印刷类运营表单模板印刷类运营表单模板 - 客房部分客房部分1.1. 楼层门卡钥匙签收表楼层门卡钥匙签收表楼层门卡钥匙分配签收表楼层门卡钥匙分配签收表 HK00


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