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1、词汇、语法结构,大学英语四级讲座,一 、四级词汇,大纲要求 掌握4538个单词( 中学已学过1800个), 真正 需要记得是500个。 2. 词组短语:700个(动词短语 100个) 3. 具有按照一般构词法知识,识别生词的能力. 二、CET4中的词汇语法部分,在最新题中,只考词汇 语法:昔人已乘黄鹤去,退出江湖. 词组考查会进一步淡化.04年6月,05.6都只考4道题,05.1考3道题,不过06.1考7道题. e.g. 31.This is not economical way to get more water; _, it is very expensive.(04.6) A) or e

2、lse B) in short C) on the contrary D) on the other hand 36. Joe is not good at sports, but when it_ mathematics, he is the best in the class.(04.6) A) come up to B) comes around to C) comes to D) comes on to,43. Now that spring is here, you can_ these fur coats till you need them again next winter.(

3、04.6) A) Put over B) put off C) put down D) put away 44. I went along thinking of nothing _. Only looking at things around me.(04.6) A) in brief B) in doubt C) in harmony D) in particular,46.The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary _ too much work last week. (06.1) A. take to B. take out C.

4、 take away D. take on 47. “You try to get some sleep. Ill_ the patients breakfast,” said the nurse. (06.1) A. see to B. stick to C. Get to D. lead to,单词:重中之重 42. I must congratulate you_ the excellent design of the new bridge.(04.6) A) With B) at C) on D) of 43. These overseas students show great _

5、for learning a new language. (06.1) A. enthusiasm B. authority C. convention D. faith 55. I know youve got a smooth tongue, so dont talk me _ buying it. (05.6) A. away B. down C. out D. into,Note: 近年来CET4 几乎每次都会考一道搭配题. 如03.6-64题be treated with particular care 和03.9-45题be relevant to .另外04.6-39题考查pow

6、er failure 03.6-53 strike a match 02.6-41 run a risk 历年真题中单词重复率高.如,40.For more than 20years, weve been supporting educational programs that _ from kindergartens to colleges.(04.6) A) spread B) shift C) move D) range 44. The price of beer _ from 50 cents to 54 per liter during the summer season,(99.6

7、) A) alter B) range C) separated D) differed 词汇:秘诀一定不要想法设法读懂题干,三、词汇出题的四大类型: 1 短语词组的考察 1.1 turn to sb. / sth. ( resort to arm law a court) turn over/ on/ off /up /down /in/out 1.2 call on (upon)号召 call for 需要 call off 取消 call in把某人叫来(考的可能性不大) 1.3 hand over 交出来 hand in上交 hand out散发 hand down传下来,1.4 go

8、 with 与搭配 go back on 失言 go into 进入(抽象) 问题;调查、研究 go along with 赞同;与一道 go though 贯穿(与through搭配的词组重要) 1.5 ran over ran into ran down (数量、成 本)降低、减少 ran through 普遍存在于始终,贯穿(只 考 过一次,但不是答案),1.6 take in 吸收理解,欺骗 take on 承担 take after长得像 take over接管 take up着手处理, take away把带走 take off 起飞,脱掉 take apart 拆开,卸开 tak

9、e to( 逐渐)对产生好 1.7 pull in (火车,船)进站,进港 pull out 驶出,开出(车站) pull up 使(车、船),停下 pull through 渡过(难关,危机);恢复(健康),1.8 break up 分手(男女),(合作关系)终止 break through 取得实质性进展 break out break into 爆发,突然发生 break off 中断,突然停止 break away 摆脱,彻底决裂 break down (精神,身体)崩溃;机器出现故障 1.9 make up 组成,捏造 make up for 理 解 make for 朝走去 mak

10、e off (匆忙)离去 make out (努力地)辨认出, (开出)支票,1.10 set off 出发动身 set down 记下来 set out 出发,开始做,着 手处理(不考) set up 建立,树立,建造 set back 防碍,阻碍,耽误 1.11 lay down 记下 lay out 布置,摆出,布局 lay off (暂时)解雇 lay aside 把放在一边 1.12 count on 依赖 count in 把计算在内 count down 向下数(倒计时),1.13 come across 遇到 come about 产生,发生 come around 恢复知觉,

11、苏醒过来 come out 出版,发行(主语为书) 1.14 bring around 使苏醒,使恢复过来 bring about 使产生,使发生,导致造成 bring out 出版(主语是人) e.g. Computer technology will bring about revolution in business administration,1.15 in terms of 就而言,从来说 in view of by virtue of in favor of at intervals at length etc. e.g. Which sport has the most exp

12、enses _ training equipment , players personal equipment and uniform? A) in place of B) in terms of C) by means of D) by way of,2 连接词 2.1. 时间:when as while when表“就在这个时候” when it comes to 当提到 since 考原因,由于,不考“时间”。 before 在之前 the moment / minute/ instant /instantly 一就 e.g. I was halfway back to the cott

13、age where my mother lived_ Susan caught up with me . A) though B) until C) when D) while,时间状语从句,while; when; before; whenever; as; after; till; until; since; ever since; as soon as; no sooner than; hardly when; scarcely/barely when; the moment/minute/instant; instantly/directly on (the point of) doi

14、ng,2.2. 表原因:for, because, as, since 不考 in that 之所是因为 now that既然 owing to / thanks to/due to sth. /sb. on account of e.g. Although many people view conflict as bad ,conflict is sometimes useful_ it forces people to test relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors. A) by which B) to which C) in t

15、hat D) so that,原因状语从句,because; since; as; seeing that; considering that; now that; in that; for fear that; lest; owing to the fact that; because of the fact that; due to the fact that,2.3. 表条件的连词: if only 要是就好了 but for 不要话,没有话 so (as) long as, lest 惟恐,以免 provided: if on condition that in case (of) e.g. Im sure he is up to the job_ he would give his mind to it. A) if only B) in case C) until D ) unless,条件状语从句,


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