山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高一英语学案:《unit 3 travel journal》单元 (新人教版必修1)

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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高一英语学案:《unit 3 travel journal》单元 (新人教版必修1)_第1页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高一英语学案:《unit 3 travel journal》单元 (新人教版必修1)_第2页
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《山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高一英语学案:《unit 3 travel journal》单元 (新人教版必修1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高一英语学案:《unit 3 travel journal》单元 (新人教版必修1)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 I、根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词。 1. He got a job in a foreign company after g _(毕业) from university. 2. It is very difficult to p _(说服) my father to give up smoking. 3. All these goods will be t_(运输) abroad by ship. 4. I am _(有决心) to finish the work ahead of time.5. She looks down upon those people b_ (在下面

2、)her. 6. According to the weather f_(预报)it will rain tomorrow. 7. I like the way you o_(组织)the information in the report. 8. I worked in a school far away from home and my mother p _(说服)me to buy a car.9. Sometimes whether you are a success is determined by the different a_(态 度) 10. The plane is now

3、 flying at an a_(海拔)of 30 000 feet. 、单项选择题。 1. The lady insisted that the young man _ her wallet and that he _ to the police station at once. A. had stolen; be sent B. should steal; should be sent C. had stolen; sent D. had stolen; must be sent2. Are you still busy? Yes, I _, and it wont take long.

4、A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. was just going to finish 3. The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby. A. find B. to find C. to finding D. on finding 4. I dont imagine that he will come here if it rains, _? A. do you B. dont you C. will he D.

5、 wont he 5. Im going to Thailand this summer holiday. _ A. Have a nice trip! B. Write to me. C. Take care! D. When will you go? 6. What are you going to do this afternoon? I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _ quite early, so we _ to the bookstore after that. A. finished; are going

6、B. finished go C. finishes; are going D. finishes; go 7. It is always the husband who _ first when a quarrel breaks out between the young couple. A. gives away B. gives out C. gives off D. gives in 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) I dont know whats your opinion about mountains. It was only in the eig

7、hteenth century 36 people in Europe began to 37 that mountains were beautiful. 38 that time, mountains were feared by the people 39 on the plain, especially by the city people, 40 they were wild and 41 places 42 one was easily 43 or killed by terrible animals. Slowly, however, 44 people 45 comfortab

8、ly in the towns began to grow 46 them. They began to feel 47 looking for wild excitement, as their attention turned from the man-made town to the 48 country; and to places 49 dangerous and wild. So high mountains began to be 50 for a holiday. Then, mountain-climbing began to grow popular 51 . To som

9、e people, there is something 52 about getting to the 53 of a high mountain: a struggle against nature is finer than a battle 54 other human beings. And after a difficult climb, what a 55 reward it is to look down on everything within sight. 36、A. when B. which C. that D. and 37、A. regret B. seem C.

10、hope D. think 38、A. After B. Before C. During D. At 39、A. lived B. living C. to live D. who living 40、A. whom B. for whom C. with whom D. to whom 41、A. whom B. for whom C. with whom D. to whom 42、A. that B. which C. where D. in where 43、A. lost B. missed C. found D. searched 44、A. many B. much C. ma

11、ny the D. a lot 45、. that living B. who were living C. that were lived D. who living 46、A. tiring with B. tiring of C. tired with D. tired of47、A. interesting B. interest in C. interested D. interested in 48、A. untouched B. touched C. untouching D. touching49、A. where was B. which were C. which that

12、 was D. which it was 50、A. excited B. expensive C. popular D. terrible 51、A. for sport B. as a sport C. with a sport D. like a sport52、A. pleasure B. pleased C. pleasant D. unpleasant 53、A. top B. middle C. bottom D. foot 54、A. about B. for C. without D. against 55、A. disappointed B. satisfied C. sa

13、tisfactory D. disappointing 、阅读理解 A man named Smith was sitting on his roof during a flood, and the water was up to his feet. Before long a fellow in a canoe passed and shouted, “Can I give you a lift to higher ground?“ “No, thanks, “ said Smith. “I have faith in God and he will save me.“ Soon the w

14、ater rose to Smiths waist. At this point a motor boat pulled up and someone called out, “Can I give you a lift to higher ground?“ “No, thanks, I have faith in God and he will save me.“ Later a helicopter flew by, and Smith was now standing on the roof with water up to his neck. “Grab the rope, “shouted the pilot. “Ill pull you up.“ “No, thanks,“ said Smith. “I have faith in God and he will save me. “But after hours of struggling with water, poor exhausted Smith drowned and went to his reward. As he arrived at the Pearly Gates, Smith met God and complained


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