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1、必修二必修二 Unit 3 Computers 晨背三部曲:特殊句式晨背三部曲:特殊句式(省略、感叹及其他省略、感叹及其他) 经典佳句经典佳句 1当需要时,你就是给我帮助的那个人。 You are the very person who gives me a hand when necessary. 2这是一个多么有趣的故事啊! How interesting a story/What an interesting story it is! 3因此,我认为你还是回来好。那么你还在等什么呢? Therefore, I think its a good idea for you to return

2、. So what are you waiting for? 4总之,让我们每天都微笑吧!明天又是崭新的一天! In a word, lets greet every day with a smile. Tomorrow is another day. 5然而,喜欢阅读科普文的学生是喜欢阅读学习方法学生的两倍。 However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning met

3、hods. 热身体验热身体验 句式仿写 1 If_given_the_chance (如果给予机会), Ill invite our guests to join in our family gettogether. 2While_in_Beijing (在北京时), I paid a visit to the Summer Palace. 3However, the others, 60 percent of our class, are_fond_of (喜欢) the Web Language. .词海拾贝 基础记忆 1anyhow adv. 无论如何;即使如此 2goal n. 目标;

4、目的;球门;(进球)得分 3signal vi. as a result, we had to put off our hiking. 天气不好,结果我们不得不推迟徒步旅行。 Jenny nearly missed the flight as a result of doing too much shopping. 由于购物时间太久,詹妮差点误了航班。 【轻松识记】 【对点练习】 用 result 的相关短语填空 As_a_result_of the car accident, Jackson couldnt work any longer. We helped each other in s

5、tudies and as_a_result we became good friends. As a matter of fact, his carelessness resulted_in his failure. I think his cancer resulted_from the overfull tiredness. 6.in a way ( in one way/in some way)从某一角度;在某种程度上 Pets are amusing and entertaining, but we are in a way doing animals harm by making

6、them live in a human environment. 宠物有趣且给人带来欢快,但让它们生活在人类环境中,在某种程度上我们是在伤害 它们。 In a way, he has made great progress this term. 从某方面来说,这学期他已经取得了很大的进步。 all the way 一路上;自始至终;完全 by the way 顺便说一下 in no way 一点也不;决不(位于句首时,句子应使用部分倒装) in the way 挡道;碍事 No way! 俚别想!没门! He decided that he would drive all the way h

7、ome instead of putting up at a hotel for the night. 他决定一路开车回家而不在旅馆里过夜。 【对点练习】 .用 way 的相关短语填空 He stayed all_the_way at home during the winter holidays. Dont stand in_the_way.Move aside and let me pass. .完成句子 Only in this way can_we_successfully_build an economized society.(build) 只有用这种方式我们才能成功地建立一个节约

8、型社会。 In no way should_you_lose_heart when you are faced with difficulties.(lose) 面对困难时,你决不应该失去信心。 7.deal with 处理;安排;对付;论述;与打交道,做买卖 In many peoples opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant to deal with. 在很多人看来,虽然那家公司比较小,但和它做买卖令人愉快。 Some people are less willing to deal with humans b

9、ecause they are becoming less patient. 一些人不太愿意与人打交道是因为他们变得不太有耐心。 do with sth. 处理某事 deal in sth. 做生意;经营;买卖 make a deal 达成协议;做成交易 Its a deal. 成交;一言为定。 【语境串记】 I dont know how to deal with the man dealing in secondcars.Can you tell me what to do with my old car? 我不知道如何与那个买卖二手车的人打交道,你能告诉我如何处理我的那辆旧车吗? 【关键

10、一点】 deal with 表示“处理”时,常与连接副词 how 连用;do with 表示“处 理”时,常与连接代词 what 连用。 【对点练习】 写出下列句中 deal with 的含义 We have been dealing with the firm since the early 1990s.和做买卖 His article deals with many issues we are greatly concerned about.涉及 In the process, the children learn to deal with difficulties.处理 His work

11、 experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people.与打交道 8.calculate/from . on/with the help of ./watch over calculate vt. 计算 be calculated to do sth. 打算或计划做某事 It has been calculated that . 据估算 calculate on 指望 from . on 从时起 from now on 从今以后 from . to . 从到 with the help of . 在的帮助下 come to sb.s

12、help 帮某人的忙 help sb. out 帮某人摆脱困境 help oneself to 自用;自取 watch over 看守;监视;守护;照管 watch out (for) 当心; 注意 keep a watch on 监视 【对点练习】 选词填空 watch over, with the help of, from now on, calculate It has been calculated that the trip will take two days. The rescuers are looking for the survivors with_the_help_of

13、 dogs. Please be more careful from_now_on. Soldiers arrived to watch_over the city and maintain peace. 1.I think its_impossible_to_live without computers! 我认为离开了计算机就没法生活! 【句型透视】(1)句中 it 为形式主语,动词不定式短语是真正的主语,其基本结构为 “It be adj./n.(for/of sb.) to do sth.” 。 It is bad manners to leave your food on the pl

14、ate in some countries. 在一些国家,把你的食物剩在盘子里是不礼貌的。 (2)在上述结构中, for 前面通常是 difficult, necessary, important 等多与事物特征有关 的形容词;而 of 前面通常是 wise, kind, stupid, nice 等与人的性格特点有关的形容词。 It is hard for you to finish the job in three days. 三天内让你完成这项工作有点困难。 It is kind of you to help me with the case. 你帮我搬箱子,真是太好了。 【对点练习】

15、.介词填空 It was very kind of you to come to help me. It is difficult for a foreigner to learn Chinese. .翻译句子 收到 BBC 英语节目是很容易的。 It_is_easy_to_receive_BBC_English_programs. 和他谈话是一件非常愉快的事。 It_is_a_great_pleasure_to_talk_with_him. 2.By_the_time I was sixteen, my dream had come true. 在我满十六岁时,我梦想成真了。 【句型透视】(

16、1)by the time“到为止” ,后接时间状语从句。如果 by the time 后面 的从句用一般过去时,则主句用过去完成时;如果 by the time 后面的从句用一般现在时, 则主句用将来完成时。 (2)“by表示过去的时间”作状语时,句子谓语一般用过去完成时;“by表示将来 的时间”作状语时,句子谓语一般用将来完成时。 By the time we arrived at the station, the train had left. 当我们到达车站时,火车已经离开了。 By the time this letter reaches you, I will have left the country. 你收到这封信时,我已离开这个国家了。 【对点练习】 用所给动词的正确形式填空 By the end of last term, we had_lea


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