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1、【由由 20142014 陕西省西安市长安区第一中学一模改编陕西省西安市长安区第一中学一模改编】完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出合适填入对应空白处的最佳选项。I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about 10 years. I was always the one sitting at the end of the bench, and 1 got into a game. I went to all the 2 and showed up even when it was so 3 that your breath fr

2、oze and when the other players had decided to stay home. I felt I had 4 enough and thought of quitting. I finally decided to 5 the news to my mom that I was leaving the team. My mom may have looked like a tiny and quiet lady but on 6 my words, she said, “Remember, A quitter never wins and a winner n

3、ever quits. Your mother didnt raise 7 , so think about yourself in a 8 way and see yourself as a winner!” So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape, 9 my shot accuracy and changing my 10 .Once in a match, we 1 our first game badly. Whats worse, one of our best players got hurt. I was s

4、itting at my 2 place, at the end of the bench, when the coach came over and told me I was going 13 . I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time.The opposing team was fast and I had to admit I was a little 14 . But my moms words 15 out in my head like a church bell. Instead of being af

5、raid, I was “pumped” and I very quickly found that all my 16 work was paying off. I was as fast a skater as anyone else on the ice, and I seemed to get the 17 to score. The crowd went quiet. All the time I spent on the ice when everyone had gone home had 18 me for this moment.Won! I won! The lesson

6、I learned from my moms 19 has stayed with me over the years. I hear them whenever I am faced with a challenge, or whenever I 20 myself. 1. A. onceB. seldomC. usuallyD. even2. A. meetingsB. showsC. matches D. practices3. A. cloudyB. wetC. coldD. windy4. A. sufferedB. explainedC. plannedD. escaped5. A

7、. write B. breakC. readD. report6. A. noticingB. gatheringC. hearingD. analyzing7. A. talkersB. dreamersC. attackers D. losers 8. A. positiveB. familiar C. briefD. convenient9. A. testingB. improvingC. questioningD. affecting10. A. aimB. tasteC. habitD. attitude 11. A. lost B. controlledC. practiced

8、D. continued 12. A. usualB. safeC. secretD. private 13. A. offB. inC. byD. up14. A. annoyedB. awkwardC. scaredD. bitter15. A. ranB. gave C. stood D. rang 161. A. delicateB. extraC. creativeD. casual 17. A. chance B. messageC. order D. note18. A. spared B. requestedC. preparedD. sent19. A. actionsB.

9、reasonsC. wordsD. promises20. A. judgeB. expressC. comfortD. doubt【参考答案】完形填空110、BDCA B CDABD 1120、A ABCD B ACCD SECTION C (12)Directions: Complete the following passage by using ONE word that fits the context.Visit the Edinburgh Festival Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital

10、 city of Scotland, to be part of the Edinburgh Festival. For three weeks every August and September the city is filled with actors and artists from 48 over the world. They come to Edinburgh 49 the biggest arts festival in Britain. During this time the streets of the city are alive with music and dan

11、ce from 50 morning till late at night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets. One of the best parts of the Festival is the “Fringe”, 51 students do comedy shows in small halls and cafs. 52 of thousands of tourists come to the Festival to see new films and plays and hear music per

12、formed by famous musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred performances 53 actors from more than forty countries. The tickets for these performances are quite cheap and it is usually easier to see your favorite stars in Edinburgh 54 it is in London. Come to Edinburgh next summer, but remem

13、ber it can be difficult to find a room, 55 why not book your hotel now?【参考答案】48. all _ 49. for 50. early 51. where_52.Tens 53. with/by 54. than 55.so完形填空(共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)Children find meanings in their old family tales. When Stephen Guyers three children were growing up, he told them stor

14、ies about how his grandfather, a banker, 36 all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. In one of the darkest times 37 his strong-minded grandfather was nearly 38 , he loaded his family into the car and 39 them to see family members in Canada with a 40 , “there are more importan

15、t things in life than money. ” The 41 took on a new meaning recently when Mr. Guyer downsized to a 42 house from a more expensive and comfortable one. He was 43 that his children ,a daughter, 15, and twins, 22, would be upset. To his surprise, they werent. 44 , their reaction echoed (共鸣) their great-grandfathers. What they 45 was how warm the people were in the house and how 46 of their heart was accessible. Many parents are finding family stories have surprising power to help children 47 hard times. Storytelling experts say the phenomenon reflects a growing 48 in telling tales, e


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