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1、单项选择(4),1. -Why do you suggest Gulin?-I believe_ beauty of _ nature there will make _ excellent impression upon the tourists. A. a, the, an B. the, the, an C. the, /, the D. the, /, an2. Mum, is the pair of gloves _ mine?Yes. You have to wear another pair.A. washing B. have washedC. having washed D.

2、 being washed3._ you dont like him is none of my business.A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether,选D。 the beauty of nature指“自然美景”, make an excellent impression upon sb.表示“给某人留下良好的印象”。,选D。根据答语,问语的中文意思为“妈妈,正在洗的那副手套是我的吗?”,用进行时的被动语态,作后置定语修饰“the pair of gloves”。,选C。本句的谓语动词是is,前面是一个主语从句; “you dont like him”是一个意

3、思完整的句子,从句不需要任何有词义的连词引导,that只起连接作用,无词义,所以选C。,4. My brother is very tall. The little bed wont _for him.A. prepare B. match C. fit D. do5. I like _ when my parents are friendly to me.A. it B. that C. these D. them6. I didnt do well in the exam. What about you? I did _ you. Maybe even worse.A. not bette

4、r than B. not worse thanC. as well as D. no better than,选D。本题主要考查动词的意义和用法的区别。do for sb. 意思是“适合,对有效。”,选A。it指代整个从句的内容。类似的动词还有:enjoy, hate, love, appreciate等。,选D。根据后面的答语Maybe (I did) even worse(than you).可以知道应该使用D。 no better than = as badly as,7. I read about this story in some book or other. Does it m

5、atter _ it was?A. where B. what C. how D. which8. Do you know where my blue coat is ?Dont bother to look for it. Im sure it will _some day.A. turn out B. turn on C. turn up D. turn over9. Whether by accident or _, he arrived too late to help us.A. purpose B. aim C. design D. chance,选D。此句后面部分可以看作是doe

6、s it matter which book it was 的省略。此题受母语干扰,很容易错选A。只要抓住题干前一句中 “I read about this story in some book of other”的提示,就可知道是指一定范围内的“哪一个”,故答案为D。,选C。本题主要考查动词短语的意义区别。turn out 意义是“证明是;结果是”;turn on 意思是“转动;打开”;turn up 意思是“出现;到达”;turn over意思是“翻转过来”。,选C。purpose常与介词on。by chance“偶然地”与by accident同义。by design“蓄意地,有意地”。

7、题意为:不知道是碰巧还是故意的,他到的太晚了,没能帮我们。,10. Shall I go and buy two more bottles of beer? No, Ive already bought twenty. That_be enough for us two.A. can B. may C. ought to D. might11. She looks quite young _ her age.A. at B. by C. for D. to12. Through English we will be able to communicate _ part of the world

8、 we come from.A. in which B. even if C. whatever D. wherever,选C。ought to表示“(按常理,根据一般道理,一般情况下)理应,应当”。,选C。 for (表示关联)至于,就而言。,选C,不管我们来自世界的哪里,whatever=no matter what作让步状语从句的定语。,13. It is the first time that you have come to China, _?A. havent you B. isnt it C. hasnt it D. arent you14. He went there _ so

9、me books and call on an old friend of his.A. bought B. buying C. buy D. to buy15. The country life he was used to _ greatly since the opening policy.A. change B. has changedC. changing D. having changed,选B。本题考查反意疑问句。根据主句It is来确定做题。,选D。and call on暗示与前面的形式必须一致。而He went there暗示去的目的,所以用不定式作目的状语,与(to)cal

10、l on并列。,选B。The country life 是定语从句的先行词,同时也是句子的主语。而he was used to是定语从句,省略了关系代词that/which。,16. He had promised me to come to the party, and _.A. so did he B. so he didC. so he would D. so would he17. He hasnt finished the work yet. Well, he _.A. ought B. ought toC. ought to have D. ought to have finish

11、ed18. You must obey every word of mine! _ I dont?A. How if B. What if C. Such as D. Only if,选B。so he did意思是“确实,正是”。表示对前句内容的肯定。,选C。 to后不定式的动词be,have或have been通常不省略。,选B。What if?如果怎么办?要是会怎样呢?,19. I hope you enjoyed the film last night. How on earth do you know I went to a film? I _ you.A. wont tell B.

12、didnt tell C. havent told D. hadnt told20. Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo _ another term in office, _ her closest rival(对手), film star Fernando Poe Junior.A. won; beating B. got; winning C. got; won D. won; beat,选B。从问句中可以知道是发生在昨天晚上的事情,所以我不知道的动作也应该是在当时发生。做这类试题可以在句子的相关部分填加一定的时间状语。本题可以加上at that time。,选A。win后面经常接a victory/prize/ award, etc.本题中指赢得下一轮执政权。用beat表示击败对手。用doing作状语。,



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