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1、,CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH 世纪商务英语 阅读教程 (专业篇I) 第四版,大连理工大学出版社,UNIT 10 Business Law,2,Unit Introduction,TEXT A,TEXT B,Words and Expressions,10-1,Unit Introduction,Laws are, in essence, rules developed by society to regulate the conduct of its members. The legal environment of business includes all laws

2、and regulations dealing with the activities of business and the conduct of business people. Commercial law is, therefore, the law of a country applied to any kind of business activities. This unit offers you some basic knowledge about business law, which relates to domestic business activities and i

3、nternational business activities.,10-1,Unit Introduction,There are three relative texts and 9 tasks designed for you in this unit. They will mainly help you understand what legal environment of business is and learn what international business law deals with. The following words and expressions are

4、all connected with business law. Make sure that you know all of them. If you are not sure about their meanings, dont look them up in the dictionary until you finish Task1.,10-1,Unit Introduction,antitrust resolution litigation the US Civil False Claims Act vitiate discharge irrevocable interdynamic

5、mechanism,tort transferable arbitration blanket purchase agreement judicial regulatory trust indenture merger and acquisition peril,10-1,Unit Introduction,negligence antitrust legislation General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) breach termination executory contract remedy warranty monetary rec

6、overy,10-1,Task 1,Write down the expressions according to the explanation provided. Each one is related to one of the expressions introduced above.1 a failure to do sth that must be done by law2 a way of improving a difficult situation3 the failure to give sth enough care or attention,breach,neglige

7、nce,remedy,10-1,Task 1,4 something wrong that sb does to sb else that is not criminal, but can lead to actions in a civil court of law5 the process of making or defending a claim in a court of law6 that cannot not be changed; final,tort,irrevocable,litigation,10-1,Task 1,7 a written agreement in whi

8、ch a company selling sth promises to repair or replace it, if there is a problem within a particular period of time8 to spoil or reduce the effect of sth9 the official process of settling an argument or a disagreement by sb who is not involved,warranty,arbitration,vitiate,10-1,Task 1,10 the fact of

9、sth being dangerous or harmful11 legislation designed to break up existing monopolies and prevent the formation of new monopolies to increase competition and societal welfare12 connected with a court of law, a judge or legal judgement,peril,judicial,antitrust legislation,10-1,Task 1,13 the act of en

10、ding sth14 that can be moved from one place, person or used to another15 the act of solving or settling a problem,termination,resolution,transferable,10-1,TASK 1,Prereading From this text, you will learn how business and law affect each other. By reading the text, you are supposed to understand what

11、 legal environment of business refers to, what functions legal environment of business has, and how business law affects business.,10-1,Text A,Legal Environment of Business 1 The legal environment of business is defined as: the attitude of the government toward business; the historical development o

12、f this attitude;,翻译,商 业 法 律 环 境 商业法律环境定义是:政府对商业的态度;这种态度的历史沿革;,10-1,Text A,current trends of public control in taxation, regulation of commerce and competition; freedom of contract, antitrust legislation1 and their relationship to marketing, mergers and acquisitions;2 and labor management relations.,

13、翻译,目前,税收的公共管制、商业规范与竞争的趋势; 契约自由、反托拉斯立法及其与营销、并购的关系;以及劳动管理关系。,4-2,Text A,2 The legal system and principles of law relate to the world of business. Law supports, facilitates and regulates practice in all functional areas of business.3 For of accounting, finance, information systems, marketing and variou

14、s other fields of management, law is inescapable and .,翻译,法律制度和法律原则与商业社会关系密切。法律支持、推动、规范商业综合功能区域的活动。对会计、金融、信息系统、营销以及管理的其他各个领域的从业人员来说,法律问题不可避免、无所不在。,practitioners,practitioner 从业人员,omnipresent,omnipresent 无所不在,4-2,Text A,3 Moreover, law is in local, national and global business environments. 4 Busines

15、s legal environment emphasizes the importance of planning, prevention, and managerial participation in the resolution of legal problems.,翻译,此外,法律突出表现在地方、国家和全球的商业环境中。 商业的合法环境强调在解决法律问题时计划、预防和参与管理方面的重要性。,prominent,prominent 突出的,10-1,Text A,Those measures promote our understanding of legal processes aff

16、ecting business, help us learn and recognize legal issues, manage legal risks, increase ethical sensitivity,4 and help us to develop critical thinking skills.,翻译,这些措施提高我们对影响商业的法律过程的认识、帮助我们学习和认识法律问题、处理法律风险、加强道德敏感性、帮助我们提高批判性思维能力。,4-2,Text A,Through the study of business law, we can attain a foundational understanding of legal and principles. We should encourage and enable a lifetime of learning about law as it relates to an individuals career.,


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