《part b》课件小学英语陕旅版三年级起点五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)(36)

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1、Hello ! Everybody,Before dinner, Wash your hand. After dinner, Brush your teeth. Theyre good for your healthy.,Get up early, Run in the morning. They are good for your healthy. You should, they should ,we should, Have a good habit !,Lets chant,read in bed,talk in the library,make a noise,Have a good

2、 habit !(2),Lesson 14,Have a bad habit.,Aims:(目标) 1.能够熟读并理解课文。 灵活运用下列句式。 sb should / shouldnt do sthIt s good / bad for ,自学指导: (认真阅读66页对话练习,回答下面问题)。1. What is Linda doing ?( She is reading.)2. Where is she reading?(She is reading in bed.)3. Why she shouldnt read in bed?( Its bad for her eyes.)4. Wha

3、t should she do?(She should read at the table.),认真读句子,仔细观察 can和should 是什么词,后跟什么词性。What can you do?I can jump long.We should read on the desk.,Lets talk as groups(小组讨论),重点: 1. should 应该,shouldnt 不应该, 它和can 能, cant 不能,都是情态动词,是对别人的劝告和对自己行为的 约束。直接用主语 加should / shouldnt后跟动词原形。如: You / should read at the

4、desk.We / shouldnt read in bed.,They _ talk in the library.,Shouldnt,课堂练习,We _keep quiet in the Hospital.,should,We shouldnt be late for school. We should be on time and we should have a good habit.,当堂检测 (Practise (1) Page 68),We make a noise in the library. We keep quiet and we should have a good h

5、abit.,Shouldnt,should,We read in bed. We sit at the table and we should have a good habit.,Shouldnt,should,We talk in class. We listen to the teacher carefully and we should have a good habit.,Shouldnt,should,Find the right pictures for these sentences.(P69) ( )1. They shouldnt play too much. They s

6、hould do their homework first. ( ) 2. She shouldnt get up too late. Its a bad habit. ( ) 3. She shouldnt eat the cake. She should wash her hands first. ( ) 4. She shouldnt be late for school every day. Its not a good habit. She should go to school on time.,A,B,D,C,2. Its bad for 对有坏处。Its good for 对有好处如:You shouldnt read in bed. Its bad for your eyes.You should do some sports. Its good for your health.,Its _for her eyes. Have a _habit.,bad,bad,Its_for his eyes. Have a _ habit.,good,good,Lets play a game,Homework 仔细观察周围同学,发现好的行为和不良习惯,用 should 和 shouldnt, 写出自己的行为准则。,Thank you for coming.,


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