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1、2012届高考英语书面表达(文字提纲式作文)练习讲评四,注意: 1.对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译; 2.字数150左右; 3.作文中不得提及考生所在班级和本人姓名。,时下,家长给在校的孩子送可口饭菜的现象屡见不鲜。对此,有关各方都有自己的看法。请根据下表所提供的信息,用英文写一篇短文。,讲评,一、认真审题,确立话题,归纳要点,通过审题,确定本文的话题为“对家长给孩子送可口饭菜的现象不同的想法以及建议”。围绕这个话题,将题目中叙述的文字转换成以下要点:,时下,家长给在校的孩子送可口饭菜的现象屡见不鲜; 对此,有关各方都有自己的看法。 家长的想法 担心学校的饭菜也许不合孩子的口味;

2、满足孩子生活上的需求是他们的责任; 老师的想法 家长这样做是可以理解的; 可能会带来饮食方面的安全问题;,学生的感想和建议 父母的关心和爱护表示感谢; 为了减轻家长的负担,对学校食堂和包括你在内的学生提出建议。,二、 理顺要点,增加细节,连贯表达,本篇书面表达的文字提纲实际上就是按照表达顺序提供的,所以不存在理顺要点的环节。 至于所要增加的要点实际上就是“对学校食堂和包括你在内的学生提出建议”。 根据生活实际对学校食堂的建议顺手拈来: 提高饭菜的质量和服务态度,为我们学生提供 可口,健康的饭菜。 对包括你在内的学生的建议也比较容易想到。 如:不仅要学习书本知识,还要学会独立生活等等。,三、 化

3、解难点,灵活表达,词能达意,时下nowadaysnowrecently 可口饭菜delicious fooddelicious mealsfood that tastes good/ delicious 屡见不鲜commona common sighta common occurrence(be) often /commonly seen,学校的饭菜school foodmeals served by the school canteen 不合孩子的口味not cater to their childrens tastenot satisfy their childrennot meet th

4、eir childrens needs 满足孩子生活上的需求satisfy their childrens needs meet their childrens needs of life,带来饮食方面的安全问题bring about/cause/lead to/results in some problems, such as food safetybring about/cause/lead to/result in such problems asfood safety 减轻家长的负担share parents burdenlighten parents burden,2.变点为句 No

5、wadays its common for parents to bring much delicious food to their children at school. Recently its often seen that parents bring much food that tastes good/ delicious to their children at school. The persons concerned have different opinions on this phenomenon. On this phenomenon, there are differ

6、ent opinions among the persons concerned. On this phenomenon, different people have different opinions.,Parents are afraid/worried that school food may not cater to their childrens taste. Parents are afraid/worried that the meals served by the school canteen may not satisfy their children. Parents a

7、re afraid/worried that their children may not be satisfied with school food Parents think it their responsibility/duty to satisfy their childrens needs. Parents think it their responsibility/duty meet their childrens needs of life. Parents think it their responsibility/duty what their children need

8、in life.,Teachers understand what parents do for their children. Teachers understand why parents do so. This will bring about/cause/lead to/results in some problems, such as food safety. Perhaps this will bring about/cause/lead to/result in such problems as food safety. We students should be gratefu

9、l to our parents for their selfless care and love. We students should thank our parents for their selfless care and love. We students should be grateful to our parents because of how they care for and love us.,To share parents daily burden. I suggest that the school canteen improve its food quality

10、as well as its service, supplying more delicious and healthier meals with students. We should not only learn the book knowledge, but also learn to live independently not to let our parents worry about us.,四、错落有致,连接恰当,发挥有度,连接恰当,整理成文 Nowadays its common for parents to bring much delicious food to thei

11、r children at school. On this phenomenon, parents, teachers and students have different opinions. Many parents are afraid that school food may not cater to their childrens taste. They think it their responsibility to satisfy their childrens needs. As for teachers, they understand what parents do for

12、 their children, yet the situation will bring about some problems, such as food safety. We students should be grateful to our parents for their selfless care and love. However, we and the school canteen should try our best to share parents daily burden. I suggest that the school canteen improve its

13、food quality as well as its service, supplying more delicious and healthier meals with students As far as we students are concerned, we should not only learn the book knowledge, but also learn to live independently, which will make our parents not worry about us again.,同步练习,【网络资源2012届话题作文写作指导】 现在很多中

14、学生喜欢阅读小说,对此有人赞成,有人反对,阅读下表内容写一篇短文介绍这些观点,并谈谈自己的看法。 字数要求:150左右,参考范文,Now, many middle school students are fond of reading novels, about which different people have different opinions. Some people think that reading novels can enrich our life, let off our pressure and improve our mood. Whats more, readin

15、g novels can make our heart clean and direct us to grow up normally. In the meanwhile, reading novels can add to our knowledge and broaden our horizons. However, other people dont think so. They hold the view that reading novels is a waste of time and has a bad effect on students study. Whats worse,

16、 some novels are unhealthy in content, and reading them will do harm to the healthy growth of students. In my opinion, reading novels has its strengths and weaknesses. We can certainly read novels, but we must read right novels at the right time. Only by this means can we benefit from reading novels.,


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