2017-2018学年中考英语一轮复习 qr开头词汇习题

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《2017-2018学年中考英语一轮复习 qr开头词汇习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年中考英语一轮复习 qr开头词汇习题(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1一、单项选择一、单项选择中考一轮复习中考一轮复习 QRQR 开头词汇开头词汇(习题)(习题)( )1. Be quiet! The students _ a physics test in the next room.A. hadB. have hadC. were havingD. are having ( )2. Sarah, youd better drink more water afterfor such a long time.A. runB. runsC. to runD. running( )3. His family are worried about him becaus

2、e they haventletter from him for a long time.A. acceptedB. receivedC. writtenD. collected ( )4. Itsto listen to light music when you feel tired.A. dangerousB. scaryC. relaxingD. difficult ( )5. I hear you are a big fan of Yao Ming.Quite right. But its a pity that heseveral years ago.A. retiresB. ret

3、iredC. will retiredD. retiring ( )6. How about climbing the hill?I would rather _ along the river thanthe hill. Im a bit tired.A. walk; climbB. walking; climbingC. walking; to climbD. walk; to climb ( )7. Im afraid the class has begun.Dont worry. Ituntil the bell .A. doesnt begin; ringsB. wont begin

4、; will ringC. wont begin; ringsD. doesnt begin; will ring ( )8. There are lots ofthat students have to follow in school.A. exercisesB. problemsC. skillsD. rules( )9. Today people are encouraged topaper, plastic and water for a better environment.A. useB. wasteC. recycleD. make( )10. I rememberhim to

5、 close the window, but now the window is still open.A. tellingB. to tellC. tellD. tells ( )11. Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef, vegetables and .A. some riceB. a few riceC. a little ricesD. a rice ( )12. Excuse me, Miss Chen, could you tell me ?It is short for the Silk Road Economic Belt a

6、nd 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.2A.what the Belt and Road meantB.what does the Belt and Road mean3C.what the Belt and Road meansD.what did the Belt and Road mean( )13. Eric arrived on time,it was the rush hour.A. althoughB. becauseC. whileD. unless ( )14. Dad, please tell me when Mum .I miss her

7、very much.She will return when sheher task. And she will bring a nice present for you.A. returns; finishesB. returns; will finishC. will return; finishesD. will return; will finish( )15. To my great surprise, the famous athletes story differently in the newspapers.A. was reportedB. reportedC. was re

8、portingD. reports ( )16. Were not sure if ittomorrow. If it, we wont go hiking.A. will rain; rainsB. will rain; will rainC. rains; rainsD. rains; will rain ( )17. picture books in class, please. .ANot readB. No read CNot readingDDont read( )18. Youd better go to school a bit earlier. The traffic in

9、the morning is terrible. A. All right.B. What for?C. Not at all.D. My pleasure. ( )19. How about climbing the hill?I would rather _ along the river thanthe hill. Im a bit tired.A. walk; climbB. walking; climbingC. walking; to climbD. walk; to climb ( )20. Andy prefersbooks toTV.A. reading; watching

10、B. read; watchC. looking; seeingD. look; see 二、根据提示填空二、根据提示填空21.Tom and Jerry rtheir bikes to Uncle Mas Farm twice a month.22.The boy moved (quiet) into the hall as the concert had already begun.23.Whats the weather like today? Its (fog).24.What a (sun) day today! Lets go fishing.25.Today is a(cloud

11、) day and there are lots of(cloud) in the sky. 26.Madee felt proud when she (升起) the national flag in the playground this Monda y. 27.据报道,兰州将于 2014 年 9 月举办第 23 届金鸡百花电影节。4Itsthat the city of Lanzhou will host the 23rd Golden Rooster and HundredFlowers Film Festival in September, 2014.528.他需要一个安静的房间休息

12、。He needs ato . 29.当那几个德国人到达机场时,雨正下得很大。It was heavily when the Germans at the airport. 30.他们正在组织一场才艺表演为慈善事业筹款。Theyre organizing a talent show tofor charity.31.The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color.(翻译)32.These are the reasons why they do not like it.(翻译)33.She p

13、layed a role of an English teacher in the film.(翻译)34.When you get up in the morning, remember to make the bed.(翻译)35.In fact, he was rather tired after a days harvest work.(翻译)36.We must wait until the traffic light turns green when we cross the road.(翻译)37.This not only saves the use of paper but

14、also greatly reduces the mailing cost.(翻译) 38.Teachers should also listen to their students so that(以便于) they can increase their understanding and improve relationships.(翻译) 39.我后悔告诉她这个坏消息。(翻译) 40.在周末我宁愿看书也不看电视。(翻译)三、词语运用(从方框选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空)三、词语运用(从方框选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空)stepyounglookwhenhetopmountaincle

15、arcomequickyearreachYou are never too young to start doing things. Do you believe it?Jordan Romero, a 13-year-old cute boy from California, got a new record by 1the top of Mount Qomolangma at the end of last month. He has become the 2person to climb the worlds highest mountain. At the 3of the mounta

16、in, he was excited to call 4mom, “Mom, Im calling you from the top of the world. I love you! I love you!”The teenager has long curly hair, and 5very cute. He began climbing mountains6 he was nine years old. “I have been climbing mountains for four years. Every67 I take is finally toward the biggest goal of my life, to stand on top of the wor


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