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1、My holiday,Unit 4,1.能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:learned Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures,climbed a mountain, ate good food.2.能够询问别人在假期里所做的事情并做答。能够听、 说、读、写句型:Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang.3.能够听懂Lets try部分的录音并完成练习;能够理解、说唱歌谣“Where did you go on your holiday?”。,教学目标,一、导入新课,Lets learnWh

2、at do you do on your holiday?,learn Chinese,ed,二、新知呈现,learned Chinese,learn Chinese,A: What did he do on his holiday? B:He learned Chinese.,二、新知呈现,dance,sing,sang,danced,A: What did they do on their holiday? B:They sang and danced.,二、新知呈现,take pictures,took pictures,二、新知呈现,A:What did you do on your

3、holidays? B:I took pictures.,take pictures,took pictures,The Great Wall,二、新知呈现,eat good food,ate good food,A:What did you do on your holidays? B:I took pictures.,二、新知呈现,climb a mountain,climb a mountain,ed,二、新知呈现,过去式:rowed a boat,划 船,原形: row a boat,二、新知呈现,过去式:saw elephants,看大象,原形: see elephants,二、新知

4、呈现,过去式:went skiing,去滑雪,原形: go skiing,二、新知呈现,过去式:went ice-skating,去滑冰,原形: go ice-skating,二、新知呈现,?,I _ on my holiday.,三、句型练习,What did you do on your holiday?,What did you do on your holiday?,I,ate good food.,climbed a mountain.,learned Chinese.,took pictures.,sang and danced.,三、句型练习,What did he do on

5、his holiday?,climbed a mountain,三、句型练习,What did he do on his holiday?,took pictures,三、句型练习,What did he do on your holiday?,三、句型练习,sang and danced,三、句型练习,ate good food,What did he do on your holiday?,What did they do on your holiday?,三、句型练习,learned Chinese,What did you do on your holiday?,I bought pr

6、esents.,三、句型练习,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to America.,四、巩固操练,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to Beijing .,四、巩固操练,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to shanghai .,四、巩固操练,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to Japan .,四、巩固操练,took pictures,I _ on my holiday.,四、巩固操练,Wha

7、t did you do on your holiday?,ate good food,I _ on my holiday.,四、巩固操练,What did you do on your holiday?,climbed a mountain,I _ on my holiday.,四、巩固操练,What did you do on your holiday?,sang and danced,I _ on my holiday.,四、巩固操练,What did you do on your holiday?,learned Chinese,I _ on my holiday.,四、巩固操练,Wh

8、at did you do on your holiday?,第一first=1st 第二second=2nd 第三third=3rd 第四fourth=4th 第五fifth=5th 第六sixth=6th 第七seventh=7th on February 1st on the 1st 具体到“几号”用on,五、拓展延伸,on the first day 在第一天 leave-left 离开 get- got 得到 relax-relaxed 放松 prepare-prepared 准备,五、拓展延伸,On the 4th, I did my homework.,在4号,我做了我的家庭作业

9、。,On the 5th, I went ice-skating.,在5号,我去滑冰了。,五、拓展延伸,2. 词尾是e的动词 加-dlive livedhope hoped,3. 末尾只有一个 辅音字母的重读 闭音节词,先 双写这个辅音 字母,再加-edstop stoppedplan planned,4. 结尾是“辅音字 母+y”的动词,变 “y”为“i” 再加-edcarry carriedstudy studied,1.一般在动词原形 末尾加-edplay playedvisit visited,六、总结归纳,go went do did take took sing sang make

10、 made eat ate see - saw,六、总结归纳,1、What _did_ (do /did /does ) you do on your holiday?I _bought_ (bought /buy )presents. 2、Did you _see_(saw /see ) elephants yesterday?No, I _didnt_ (didnt /did ). 3、I went _skiing_ (skied /skiing /sking ) with my parents last weekend.,七、当堂检测,1、本课所学单词的过去式形式,每个单词要求带汉语,一边读一边写,每个写5遍,带5遍汉语。 2、本课所学的句子,每个句子写2遍,一边读一遍写,带2遍汉语。,八、课后作业:,


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