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1、Vegetable Overview 蔬菜概览,Glen Sweetman,Trends 趋势,Better food at home expanded menus 家中更好的食物-更多的选择 Fresh food with a longer shelf life 更长保质期的新鲜食物 premixed salads 半成品沙拉 More experimenting with ethic dishes 更多风味食品 Reduced chemical usage 减少化学品使用量 organic, no pesticide or natural 有机,无化肥或天然 Consumers are b

2、etter informed 消费者有更详细的信息,Consumer 消费者,Visual inspection 视觉检查 Exhalent quality 注重质量 Exhalent uniformity 注重一致性Concerns 关注 What chemicals? 什么化学物质? Artificially ripened? 是否人工催熟? What fertilizer? 是否应用化肥?,Demand 需求,Packaging and merchandizing make vegetables comparable to fast food for many people 包装公司将蔬

3、菜与快餐食品同样处理 Personal health concerns for the increasing numbers of over weight kids 更多超重儿童引起自身健康考虑 Fresh, safe, nutritious food that is convenient. Vegetables can be that food 蔬菜能够变成新鲜,安全,营养和方便的食品,Marketing 市场营销,Possible direct marketing of product a province away? 市场直销是否是一条有效途径? High quality 高质量 Goo

4、d displays 摆放整齐 Wholesale & retail? 批发还是零售? Signage 标牌 Branding 商标,Product loyalty 对产品忠实性,Branding, testing and quality assurance 标签,检测和质量认证 Safeway has a product guarantee for its fruit and vegetable that it is ripe and tasty. It is checked five times and they will give you your money back and prov

5、ide you with replacement produce if it is not. Safeway公司有果蔬成熟保障系统。如果不能通过五次检查公司会退款,Product traceability 产品追溯性,Quality Assurance Programs 质量保证 from seed to plate 从种子到盘子 driven by the stores in Canada 有加拿大商店推出 Food safety 食品安全 farm, storage, shipping, store 农场,储存,运输,商店 consumer education 消费者教育 Advertis

6、ing and fallow through 广告,Shelf life 保质期,Start with a good product 从好产品开始 Remove field heat 低热 Storage temperature and controlled atmosphere if needed 存储温度和条件控制 Maintain product quality through enhanced trucking methods 通过更好的运输提高产品质量,Value Added 产品增加值,Using low grade product to produce a premium pro

7、duct 用低质量产品生产高质量产品 Salsa is the new #1 condiment in North America Salsa是北美新的第一位的调料 Packaging 包装 Processing 加工 Marketing 市场营销,Vegetable Field to Plate 蔬菜生产和食用,Production 生产 Irrigation 灌溉 Pest management 害虫管理 Nutrient management 养分管理 Food Safety 食品安全 Post Harvest 收获后 Environment 环境 Food Safety 食品安全 Pr

8、e-harvest interval 收获前 Storage 存储 Labeling 标识,Vegetable Field to Plate 蔬菜生产和食用,Transportation 运输 Food Safety 食品安全 Environment 环境 Handling 交易 Processing 加工 Food Safety 食品安全 Value added 产品增加值 Packaging 包装 Store 商店 Food Safety 食品安全,Production Information 产品信息,Crop requirements 作物需求 Temperature 温度 Nutri

9、ent 养分 Crop rotation 轮作 Pest management 害虫管理 Weed 杂草 Insect 害虫 Disease 疾病,Setting objectives for product development 设立产品发展目标,Set guild lines 设立规范 Quality assurance 质量保证 Objectives 目标 Evaluation 评估 Benefits 利益 Compliance 实行,Communication 交流,Cross department cooperation 部门间协作 Sharing ideas and resour

10、ces 分享思路和资源 Educational seminars for extension personal 对外教育性论坛 Information feed back system from the field to research and development 从生产中反馈信息到研发中 Personal development for researchers and specialists 研究转向人员培训,Training and Education 培训和教育,Publications 著作 Demonstration Plots 实验田 Field Days 田间参观 Grow

11、er Groups 生产者组织 Conferences 会议 Extension Agents 外联人员 Short courses 短课程 Hands on training 实践 Train the trainer 对培训人员的培训,Educational seminars for growers 生产者教育讨论会,Personal calls and farm visits 电话和农场访问 Demonstration training 培训展示 Farm tours during production seasons 农场参观 Educational seminars set up pr

12、oducer groups 教育讨论会建立生产者团体 Publications 专著,Intergraded Pest Management 全面害虫管理,Education 教育 Identification 识别 Life cycles 生长周期 Application 使用 Availability 适用性 Environmental impact studies 环境影响研究 Costs & benefits evaluated 成本收益分析,Will the consumer pay more? 消费者愿意付出更多吗?,Technology 技术,China farmers demonstrate they are able to implement production systems very well 中国农民对不同的生产系统表现出优秀的适应性 Post harvest needs to be standardized 收获后管理要标准化 Food Safety 食品安全 Environmental impact 环境影响 Chemical reduction 化学物使用,



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