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1、1全科班强化练习之完形填空阅读理解全科班强化练习之完形填空阅读理解1Do you exercise every day? Some of you do, but many dont.Some students say they have _1_time to exercise. “We must work hard. We have a lot of _2_ to do. We will have an exam tomorrow.” They can make many excuses. Of course, hard work is good. But you cant _3_ the w

2、hole day and on your study. Please remember everyone needs rest and_4_.Exercise can make people_5_ . Some students often catch a cold. Why? Because they dont exercise. They are not healthy.You dont have to exercise a _6_ time every day. Half an hour is enough. You can run or walk. You can play ping-

3、pong or basketball. You can _7_ go swimming easily. They are very _8_ for you, right? At the weekend, you can climb the hills.You can exercise with your parents or your friends. Exercise can be fun. _9_ they can help you keep healthy. So why not exercise every_10_? Exercise is good for your body.( )

4、1. A. much B. no C. lots of D. many( )2. A. jobs B. class C. homework D. books( )3. A. spend B. take C. cost D. use( )4. A .work B. study C. exercise D. play( )5. A. interesting B. healthy C. health D. bored2( )6 .A. long B. short C. quick D. much( )7. A. too B. either C. not D. also( )8. A. dangero

5、us B. bad C. easy D. difficult( )9. A. And B. But C. So D. Because( )10. A. week B. day C. year D. month2My name is Mirian. Im a student. Now Id like to tell you something about myself.I like playing_1_ games , such as table tennis, basketball and volleyball. But of all, soccer is my favorite sport.

6、 And it is _2_ in our school. I Think playing soccer can help me stay healthy and_3_. I often played soccer with my friends in our free time. I wanted to _4_ our school soccer team some day. So I _5_ it hard every day after school. Finally, my _6_ came true. I am really happy, because Im a member of

7、 the team.We often have soccer games_7_ other schools. We feel very excited and happy when we _8_ a game. Messi is my favorite player. I Think he is very great. I like _9_ the game on TV if he plays the game. I hope to be a player like him when I _10_ up.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ win, relax , grow, join,

8、ball, watch, against, practice, dream, popular36._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 3Barack Obama is the 44th president(总统) of the USA. He was born on August 4th, 1961. He was elected(被选为) president for the second time in November, 2012.Obama has a very healthy lifestyle(生活方式). As a president, hes always very busy

9、and works about 10 hours a day. But he still spends some time doing exercise. About 7:30 every morning, he goes to a gym. He does exercise there for about 90 minutes every day. He says that doing exercise makes him young and strong. Doing exercise can make him relaxed. His eating habits(习惯) are also

10、 very healthy. He usually stays away from junk food. He eats a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. He doesnt like coffee or ice cream. His favorite food is the Pizza from a restaurant in Chicago. The name of the restaurant is Italian Fiesta Pizzeria.Do exercise every day from now on. Youll be hea

11、lthy like Obama!阅读短文,选择正确答案( )1. How old is Barack Obama this year?A. 44 B. 52 C. 61 D. 62( )2. How long does he work every day?A. 7 hours B. 8 hours C. 9 hours D. 10 hours( )3. How many hours does he do sports every day?A. About one B. About one hour and a half 4C. About two D. About three( )4.Whic

12、h of the following is WRONG?A. Doing exercise makes him relaxed.B. He eats lots of vegetables and fruit every dayC. He doesnt like ice creamD. He likes coffee very much ( )5. Doing exercise makes Obama _.A. strong B. young C. relaxed D. All of above 4Harry Lee McGinnis calls himself “The Hank (鹰)”.

13、Why? Because he likes traveling very much. He walks around the world instead of driving cars or riding bikes. You might think he is a young man, however, he is 80 years old now. he began waling 18 years ago.He made his way through 66 different countries. He enjoyed different kinds of delicious food,

14、 and met elephants and golden monkeys and made new friends. He plans to travel Central America and Mexico before finishing traveling in Texas. He enjoys writing stories about his travels on the Internet Walking of the Hawk. He doesnt want to finish his travel until 2016, and he still has lots of pla

15、ns for the rest of his days. What he arrives home, hell finish his book. And what will he do after that? “I want to play tennis when Im 100 years old,” he said.5阅读短文,选择正确答案( )1. Harry started traveling at the age of _.A. 62 B. 80 C. 88 D.100 ( )2. Harry is telling his stories _.A. in his book B. on TV C. on the Internet D. in the newspaper( )3.Whats NOT mentioned(提到) in the reading?A. food B. animals C. countries D. trees (


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