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1、R 七年级上册,Section A 第2课时,Unit 3 Is this your pencil?,Is this _(you) pencil? Yes, _ _.,your,it is,Review,Is this _( I ) book?,No,_ _.,This is _ ( you ) book.,my,it isnt,your,Is _ _( he ) book?,_,it is.,this,his,Yes,New words,excuse v. me pron. excuse me teacher n. about prep. yours pron. thank v. for p

2、rep. help v.&n. welcome adj.,原谅;宽恕 我 劳驾,请原谅 老师;教师 关于 你的;你们的 感谢;谢谢 为了;给;对 帮助;援助 受欢迎的,Attention!,Language points,一、含有动词be的一般疑问句 【观察领悟】仔细观察例句, 体会含有动词be的一般疑问句及其回答。1. Is this a map? 这是一张地图吗? 2. Are you a student? 你是一名学生吗? 3. Is that a plane? 那是一架飞机吗? Yes, it is. 是的, 它是。,4. Is this your watch? 这是你的手表吗? No

3、, it isnt. 不, 它不是。 5. Are you a doctor? 你是名医生吗? No, Im not. 不, 我不是。,【句型剖析】(1)一般疑问句的概念:能用yes或 no回答的问句就叫一般疑问句。(2)含有be动词的陈述句变一般疑问句的方法:将be动词提至句首将句末标点改为问号将第一人称变为第二人称,即 I 由 you替换;my由your替换;相应地am也变为are.简单归纳即为:一提二变三替换。,Mary is an English girl . 一般疑问句是:Is Mary an English girl ? I am in my classroom. 一般疑问句是:A

4、re you in your classroom ?,(3)含有be 动词的一般疑问句的回答方式: 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+ be(am,is are). 其中,be动词不能与主语缩写。,否定回答:No, 主语+ be(am, is, are)+not.其 中be可以与not缩写,但am不能与not缩写。如:Is this an ID card ? Yes, it is. Are you Mr.Smith? No, Im not. (4)一般疑问句的语调:读一般疑问句用升调 ,其简略回答用降调 。,【温馨提示】疑问句的主语是第一人称, 回答时主语要换成第二人称; 疑问句的主语是第二人称, 回

5、答时主语要换成第一人称; 疑问句是第三人称, 回答时主语不变。 Am I right? 我是对的吗? Yes, you are. 是的, 你是对的。/No, you arent. 不, 你不对。 Are you Alan? 你是艾伦吗? Yes, I am. 是的, 我是。/No, Im not. 不, 我不是。,【学以致用】 用be动词的适当形式填空 1. How are you? I OK, thanks. 2. Oh, this black pen Peters. 3. Who is the woman? She our English teacher. 4. Bobs two aunt

6、s on the sofa.,am,is,is,are,5. Jerry and Loe students at Sunshine Middle School. 6. the black pen yours? Yes, its mine. 7. These my friends, Bob and Cindy. 8. Who the boy in the photo? Hes my cousin, Li Lei.,are,Is,are,is,二、物主代词 【观察领悟】仔细观察例句, 体会形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的用法不同。 1. Is this your pencil? Yes, it

7、is. Its mine. 2. Is this his green pen? No, it isnt. The blue pen is his. 3.Are these your books? No, they arent. Theyre hers.,【知识构建】 表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词 (Possessive Pronouns) , 也叫人称代词的所有格。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。物主代词有人称和数的变化。人称代词与其对应的物主代词见下表:,【学以致用】 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Alice and Bill are (I) good friends.

8、2. These books are (I) . 3. The girl is Ann and this is (she) mother. 4. This book is (she) . 5. (her) is Susan, my sister.,my,mine,her,hers,She,this,Isnt,these,they,that,is,those,arent,not和no的区别: (1)not 用于构成否定形式,置于句中,常放在be动词、情态动词can等、助动词do的后面,可与前面的词缩成一个词,但不能独立使用。 如:This is not (isnt) a pen.I can no

9、t (cant) come.I do not (dont) know.,Language points,(2) no 常用于带冠词(a, an, the)的名词前,主要修饰可数名词,此时,既可放在单数名词前,也可放在复数名词前。在no+名词的结构中,名词前不能加any, much等词。* It has no tail.它没有尾巴。Tom has no books.汤姆没有书。There is no water now.现在没有水。,1. Is this her ruler?,2. Is that Erics schoolbag?,Yes, _. Its _.,No, _. _ Sallys.,

10、it is,hers,it isnt,It is,3. Are these his pencils?,4. Are those Annas books?,Yes, _. Theyre _.,No, _. _ mine.,they are,his,they arent,Theyre,No, it isnt.,Find the Owner!,A: Is this your ?,B: Yes, it is.No, it isnt.,Game,Is this your eraser?,No, it isnt.,Is this your ruler ?,Yes, it is.,单项选择 1. Is th

11、is your pencil? Yes, . A. its B. it is C. its D. is it 2. Is that Alices dictionary? Yes, its . A. his B. hers C. mine D. yours,Exercise,3. Are those Toms pens? No, arent. A. these B. those C. it D. they 4. This isnt book. Its . A. my; her B. my; hersC. mine; her D. mine; hers 5. Thank you your phot

12、os. A. at B. for C. of D. to,句型转换 1. That is his schoolbag. (变为一般疑问句) _ _ his schoolbag? (作肯定及否定回答)Yes, _ _. / No, _ _. 2. These are her erasers. (变为一般疑问句) _ _ her erasers? (作肯定及否定回答)Yes, _ _. / No, _ _.,Is that,they are,it isnt,it is,Are these,they arent,3. This is her green jacket. (改为同义句)This gre

13、en jacket is _. 4. My pen is red. What color is your pen? (同义句)My pen is red. What color is _? 5. This is his green jacket. (改为同义句)This green jacket is _. 6. Your pen is red, my pen is red, too.(同义句)Your pen is red, _ is red, too.,hers,yours,his,mine,补全对话, 每空一词 A: 1 me, Mary. 2 these your pencils? B

14、: 3 , they are Helens. A: And 4 this her eraser? B: No, it 5 . Its Dales. A: What 6 this ruler? B: Its Cindys. And the pen is 7 , too.,A: And the dictionary? Is that yours? B: Yes, its 8 . A: Thank you 9 your help, Mary. B: Youre 10 . 1._ 2. 3. _ 4._ 5. 6. _ 7. 8. _ 9._ 10.,Excuse,Are,No,is,isnt,about,hers,mine,for,welcome,


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