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1、The Peoples Republic of ChinaTeacher CertificationThe Teacher Certification is a legal proof of teacher qualification granted by the State to the citizens who satisfy the requirements and capabilities of being a teacher according to laws and regulations. The persons who undertake the job as teachers

2、 in schools at all levels and of all kinds or other education institutions within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China are required to hold this Certificate.Ministry of Education of the Peoples Republic of ChinaMinistry of Education of the Peoples Republic of ChinasealUO(Photo)Holder:LU Ch

3、ongyanGender:FemaleDate of Birth:Feb 00, 1900Ethnic Group:HanID Card No.:000000190002000000Qualification Category:Qualification for a Teacher in an Institution of High LearningTeaching Subject:ArtCertificate No.:00000000000000000Department of Education of Guangdong Province embossing sealAccording t

4、o the provisions of the Teachers Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the Regulations on the Qualifications of Teachers, it is hereby accredited that LU Chongyan is qualified to be a teacher of Institutions of High Learning.Accreditation Authority official sealSept 13, 2007Department of Educatio

5、n of Guangdong Province sealNotesI. This Certificate is valid only with seal of the accreditation authority.II. This Certificate is a legal proof that certifies the holder is qualified to be a teacher. The holder shall keep this Certificate properly and no alteration or damage is allowed. In case of loss, the holder shall report to the issuing authority immediately. III. If the holder loses or is revoked the teachers qualifications, the Certificate shall be taken back by the education administrative department of the Peoples Government above the county level.


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