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1、Spa & Spa Treatment,The term is derived from the name of the town of Spa, Belgium, whose name is known back to Roman times. A body treatment, spa treatment, or cosmetic treatment is non-medical procedure to help the health of the body.,Typical treatments include,facials facial cleansing with a varie

2、ty of products massage waxing用冷、热腊脱毛的方法 the removal of body hair with hot wax body wraps身体裹敷- wrapping the body in hot linens, plastic sheets and blankets or mud wraps, often in combination with herbal compounds. aromatherapy rum erpi用香料按摩 nail care such as manicures and pedicures bathing or soaking

3、 in any of the following: hot spring hot tub mud bath sauna steam bath nutrition and weight guidance personal training yoga and meditation默想, 默念,冥想,Vocabulary for SPA,massage 按摩 massage bed 按摩床 treatment 治疗 temperature 温度 knee 膝盖 voucher 凭证 softer 轻点 stronger 重点 comfortable 舒适的 concentrated 浓缩的 bath

4、 towel 浴巾 balm 香油,slipper 拖鞋 robe 浴袍 disposable underwear 一次性内衣裤 pajamas 睡衣bra/brassiere 胸罩 jewelry 珠宝 herbal 草本的 floral 花的,花似的 cold/hot towel 冷/热毛巾 pillow 枕垫 heart condition (disease) 心脏病,Useful Expressions 1,先生/夫人,早上/中午/晚上好! 欢迎来到水疗中心! Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. Welcome to SPA cente

5、r! 我是您的按摩/理疗师 我可以帮你吗? I am your therapist. How may I help you? 请随我来好吗? 这边请! 您先请! Ill show you the way. This way please! After you! 往直走 请向左/右转! 上楼 /下楼 Go straight ahead! Turn left/right, please! Go upstairs! Go downstairs! 小心脚下! 请当心! Watch your step! Please be careful! 抱歉打扰您了! 对不起,让您久等了! I am sorry t

6、o disturb you! Sorry to have kept you waiting! 对不起,是我的错 I am sorry, its my fault! 。 很高兴为您效劳! 谢谢您的理解!Iam always at your service! Thank you for your understanding! 您太客气了! 谢谢您的建议! Its very kind of you! Thank you for your advice. 谢谢光临! 再见! 盼望再次见到您 Thank you for coming! Goodbye! Were looking forward to s

7、eeing you again! !,Useful Expressions 2,我叫XXX,您可以随时叫我,我很乐意为您服务。 My name is XXX, call me anytime. I am always at your service. 请脱下您的衣服,换上这件睡袍和一次性内衣。 Please remove your cloth and put on this robe and disposable underwear. 请脱下您的胸衣穿上这件外袍。 Please remove only your bra (brassiere) and put on this rob. 这是您的

8、拖鞋。 Here are your slippers. 这些茶和新的毛巾是为您准备的。 Here is tea and some fresh towels for you.,Useful Expressions 3,我会立即给您拿过来。 I will bring/send it to you immediately. 这是草本/姜茶,请享用。 This herbal/ginger tea, please enjoy. 请您穿上您的衣服,请您喝杯草药茶。 Please put on your clothes again and have a herbal drink. 为了使您更好地享受您的按摩

9、护理,请您关掉手机,并保持安静。谢谢! For your enjoyable massage, please turn off your phone and keep silent, thanks! 这是我们的四种香薰按摩油, 您可以闻一下然后选出您喜欢的。 This is four kinds of aroma massage oil, you may smell and choose the one which you like. 护理期间,如果您有任何不适请让我知道。 During the treatment if you feel any uncomfortable, please l

10、et me know. 你可以把衣服挂这儿。 You can put your cloth here. /Hang your clothes here. 当您冲完凉后请来这间房。 When you finish shower, please come to this room.,Useful Expressions 4,This is cold/hot towel for your face. 这个冷/热毛巾是给你敷脸的。 Before starting your treatment I will give youre a Floral Foot Bath. 在开始水疗之前,我会给您先来个植物

11、香足浴。 Please put your feet in the water. 请把脚放在水里面。 Is the temperature OK? 这个温度可以吗? Is the music level OK? 这个音量可以吗? Is the strength(pressure)OK? 这个力道可以吗? Would you like the massage strong or soft? 您喜欢力度大一点或轻一点呢? Are there any areas you would like to concentrate on or avoid? 有没有什么部位您需要着重按摩或者是避免碰触的? Are

12、 you comfortable? 您觉得舒服吗?,Useful Expressions 5,Are you comfortable? How is the pressure? If you like stronger of soften, please let me know. 您舒服吗?力度怎么样?如果您想力度大点或轻点,请告诉我。 Please lay your face down. 请把脸朝下。 Could you please turn over? 麻烦您翻过来好吗? I am going to wash my hands and will be right back. 我先去洗手,

13、马上回来。 Please close your eyes and enjoy your treatment. 请您闭上您的眼睛享受护理。 May I place the eye pillow on your eyes? 我可以给您戴上眼罩吗? Excuse me! The product is not enough, would you mind me leave for a while? Thank you! 对不起,产品不够了,您介意我回去拿点吗?谢谢! Please shower off and return to the massage bed and I will continue

14、the massage. 沐浴后请您回到按摩床,我将继续为您按摩。,Useful Expressions 6,I will hang a clean towel outside the shower room for you. 我会在浴室的外面给您挂一条干净的毛巾。 I have hung a clean towel inside the shower room for you. 我已经在浴室里给你挂了一条干净的毛巾。 Excuse me, sir/madam, I have finished the treatment. 劳驾一下,这次的水疗结束了。 Did you enjoy your t

15、reatment? 您对这次水疗满意吗? The massage oil will be working on your body for one hour, so please take your shower after one hour. 按摩油会在您身上作用一个小时,所以请您一小时后再沐浴。 Excuse me! Your treatment is finished, please have a rest for a while and I will turn on the shower and then you may have a shower. 打扰一下,您的护理结束了,您可以稍

16、微休息一下我去帮你开水,然后您洗个澡。 In order to enjoy the full benefit of the massage oil you should leave it on for another 2 hours. 为了让您充分吸收按摩油,请您涂抹后保持两个小时。,Useful Expressions 7,May I help you with your robe? 让我来帮您脱下外袍好吗? Please allow me to assist you off the bed. 请让我扶您起身好吗? Please shower off and change and I wil

17、l have some warm tea waiting for you outside. 沐浴更衣后,我会在外面准备一些热茶。 How would you like to pay/by cash or credit card, or charge to the room bill? 您希望怎么结帐呢,用现金还是刷卡呢? Here is your bill/your check, madam. 夫人这是您的帐单。 Would you please sign your name here? 请在这签名。 Please dont leave anything behind. 请不要遗漏您的东西。 Thats our mini(minimum) charge. 这是我们的最低消费。 Did you enjoy your treatment? 您对这次的水疗满意吗?,


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