中财系列 再保险精品讲义

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1、概述-Summarize,Definitions history nature Function,Definitions:定义,What Do These Words Mean?,Reinsurance : 再保险,A form of insurance whereby one insurer (the reinsurer) indemnifies another insurer (the reinsured) for losses under insurance policies issued by the reinsured to the public. 再保险又称分保,指原保险人将自己承

2、担的部分或全部保险合同责任分给再保险人。,Ceding Company:分出人,A Primary Company:原保险人 Direct Company:直接保险公司 cedant , cedent , - all known as the “Reinsured” -再保险分出人 Cede: When a company reinsures its liability with another, it “cedes” business -再保,分保,;割让;让与;放弃,Ceded company:分入公司,-the Company to whom the risk is transferre

3、d Reinsurer: 再保险人,再保险接受人 -An insurer or reinsurer assuming the risk of another under contract. Assume:假定,承担,接受,Three (Re)insurance Parties 保险和再保险的当事人的关系,Insurance Reinsurance,Insured,Insurer Reinsured Ceding company Cedant,Reinsurer,Retrocede:转分保,Retrocession: Reinsurance of Reinsurance -转分保,分保的再次分保

4、 Retrocessionaire and Retrocedent:The parties to a Retrocession Retrocessionaire:转分接受人; Retrocedent:转分保分出人,Retention:自留额,Retention:自留额 -The amount of risk not being reinsuredCession:分出额 -The portion of the sum insured of a risk ceded to a reinsurer by the Cedant.,Commission:佣金,- In reinsurance, the

5、primary insurance company usually pays the reinsurer its proportion of the gross premium it receives on a risk. The reinsurer then allows the company a ceding or direct commission allowance on such gross premium received, large enough to reimburse the company for the commission paid to its agents, p

6、lus taxes and its overhead. The amount of such allowance frequently determines profit or loss to the reinsurer. Reimburse:补偿;overhead:经营管理费用,Profit Commission 盈余佣金,纯益手续费,- A provision found in some reinsurance agreements which provides for profit sharing. Parties agree to a formula for calculating p

7、rofit, an allowance for the reinsurers expenses, and the cedants share of such profit after expenses Formula:公式 Allowance:津贴、定量供应、允许,补助,history,The origins of insurance,The origins of insurance are lost in the mists of antiquity but from very early times various attempts were made, initially in conn

8、ection with ships and cargoes, to achieve a spreading of risk, which is the simple purpose of both insurance and reinsurance. mists of antiquity:历史的迷雾 Initially:最初 Spread:分散,分布,MERCHANT UNDERWRITERS: 商人保险商,It is clear from all the early policies that the insurers were individuals, and it seems proba

9、ble that for a very long time insurance business was carried on not as a separate profession or business but as an adjunct of the operations of merchants. It is also clear that at an early date policies were subscribed or under-written by a number of such merchants for varying amounts, much as is do

10、ne at the present day on a more elaborate basis by Lloyds under-writers. Adjunct:辅助;merchant:商人;商业的 Elaborate:精细的,EMERGENCE OF INSURANCE COMPANIES 保险公司的出现,An elementary form of fire insurance existed in the Middle Ages as one of the functions of the trade guilds: a levy was made on members to assist

11、 such of them as suffered damage to their property by fire. However, there is no record of true fire insurance before the foundation in Christiania (Oslo) of the Norges Brandkasse in 1667. guild:行业协会 Levy:征收,征用,征集,EMERGENCE OF INSURANCE COMPANIES 保险公司的出现,By coincidence in that same year, as a reacti

12、on to the Great Fire of London in 1666, Dr Nicholas Barbon is reported to have setup a business known as The Fire Office in the Cityof London to insure houses and other buildings against fire. Recent researches, however, suggest that he only began to operate in 1681. Coincidence:同时存在的,USE OF CO-INSU

13、RANCE FOR LARGE RISK 对大的风险进行共保的运用,As indicated above, the early development of insurance was by individuals as opposed to companies. This naturally led to the form of co-insurance which survives on such a large scale today at Lloyds, where individual risks are insured by many individuals for varying

14、 amounts aggregating to the total sum insured. Opposed to:对立的 Aggregate:总计,合计,USE OF CO-INSURANCE FOR LARGE RISK 对大的风险进行共保的运用,Even with the subsequent development of reinsurance the practice of co-insurance has continued. At Lloyds it continues to be the normal method of spreading individual risks,

15、and with major industrial risks it is the usual pattern of operation to incorporate in the policy a schedule to which many insurance companies may have sub-scribed for their respective shares. Subsequent:后来的 Schedule:表格,计划; pattern:模式,EMERGENCE OF REINSURANCE IN MARINE BUSINESS:再保险出现在海上保险业务上,The ear

16、liest record of a marine reinsurance relates to an insurance of a voyage from Genoa to Sluys. The reinsurance was effected not as a proportion of the whole risk but for the whole of the risk for that part of the voyage from Cadiz to Sluyss, which the original insurer clearly considered the more hazardous. Effect:有效,EMERGENCE OF REINSURANCE IN MARINE BUSINESS:再保险出现在海上保险业务上,


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