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1、Unit 1 Reading Stand-up for your health,Language points,By Zhou Jianxia (周建霞),Revision,Revision,health,Billy Crystal,Types/Kinds 种类,Definition 下定义,Stand up for your health,comedians,Language points,Listening,Words 1. Some comedians tell jokes about the way people _ or about daily life. 2. Each time,

2、 he _his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast _ on TV. 3. .has the ability to _ people all over the world .,behave,performs,live,amuse,Phrases 1. _for your health! 2. There are_ different styles of stand-up comedy. (L8)3. it usually only works if both the comedi

3、an and the audience _ or admire the person being _.(L21-22) 4. and is often able to_ new jokes about the people and things around him. (L34-35) 5. Crystal _a new one. (L40),Stand up,a variety of,have affection for,made fun of,come up with,made up,stand-up 喜爱 a variety of 提出 have affection for 单口相声 c

4、ome up with 各种各样 make up 取笑 rely on 编造 make fun of 依靠 queue up 绊倒 trip over 排队,Phrases,Stand up for your health,Words,behaveperformliveamuse,逗乐,现场直播,表演,行为,1. behave,1) Mum is always telling me to _ when I go out.(注意举止) 2) He behaved perfectly . 3) I always wonder about _(他的行为)away from home.,v._,表现,

5、举止,做人,Words,behave oneself behave badly /well/perfectly behavior,vt.注意举止 vi.表现坏/好/完美 n.行为,举止,his behavior,behave myself,表现完美,2. live adv./adj.,1) The news was broadcast live.2) We are watching the live broadcast .3)She was frightened at the sight of a live snake.4)Who is the greatest man alive?,adv.

6、现场直播地,adj.现场直播的,adj.活的 (后置定语),adj.活的 (前置定语),3. amuse vt.,1) His ability to amuse people all over the world is amazing. 2) The announcer broadcasted a piece of amusing news. 3)那个笑话不好笑。 4) We were amused at his story. 5)His chief amusement is reading novels.,vt. 逗乐,adj. 有趣的,The joke isnt amusing/funny

7、.,adj. 被逗乐的,n.消遣,文娱活动,Exercise,1. The audience were _ by his _ performance on the stage. A. amused; amused B. amusing; amusing C. amusing; amused D. amused; amusing2. Crystals popularity with all age groups and his ability _ people all over the world prove that stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone. (

8、amuse),D,to amuse,Stand up for your health!标题中的stand up是双关语,一指单口喜剧有益健康,另stand up for something的本意,即“支持,维护”之意。,Phrases,stand by stand for stand out stand up,袖手旁观,代表,象征,突出,显眼,站立,起立,思维拓展,欣赏单口喜剧,促进身心健康!,热身练习,1.These letters_well against a dark background. A. stand for B.stand by C. stand out D.stand up

9、2.The letters UN_(代表)United Nations. 3.Dont just stand by.( )You can do something to help.,C,stand for,袖手旁观,2 Crystal made up a new one. _,编造,Can you_(编造一个故事)according to the picture?,make up a story,你知道make up 的其他含义吗?,make up 编造;化妆;准备;构成;补齐 make up for 补偿; 弥补,1). He is making up a story. 2). They m

10、ade him up as an old man in the play. 3). We can make up a bed for the boy on the sofa.,编造,准备,化妆,4)Our class is made up of 58 students.5) 58 students make up our class.6) Im trying to make up for the time I lost while I was playing games.,弥补,构成,由构成,make up 编造;化妆;准备;构成;补齐 make up for 补偿; 弥补,_ , resea

11、rch shows that in the end, the English saying Laughter is the best medicine may be true after all. (LL56-57)(1) 句子结构分析:此句是一个复合句。Whatever the reason是_从句,主句为research shows that . ;动词shows后的that从句为_从句。,宾语,让步状语,难句解析,(,),No matter what the reason (is),Whatever the reason,(2)语言知识分析:Whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于no

12、matter what,意为_。whatever 还可以引导_从句。而no matter what只引导_从句。_从句往往与主句间有_隔开。,“不管什么,无论什么”,名词性,状语,状语,逗号,no matter +“疑问词“ 或“疑问词“+后缀ever,No matter what happened, he would not mind.= _, he would not mind. 引导状语从句时:no matter what = no matter who = no matter when = no matter where = no matter which = no matter ho

13、w =,however,whichever,wherever,whenever,whoever,whatever,Whatever happened,no matter 不引导主语从句和宾语从句。,“ ( )No matter what you say is of no use now. ( )Whatever you say is of no use now.(Whatever you say是主语从句)( )Prisoners have to eat no matter what theyre given. ( )Prisoners have to eat whatever theyre

14、given.,Practice (练一练),1. It is not wise of parents to give their son _ he wants. A. whatever B .no matter what C.which D.that 2. _ knows the truth will tell you about it.A. Who that B. Whoever C. Whom that D. That who,A,B,stand-up a variety of have affection for come up with make up rely on make fun of queue up trip over,



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