新版五年级上unit2_my_week b lets learn课件

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《新版五年级上unit2_my_week b lets learn课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新版五年级上unit2_my_week b lets learn课件(57页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2,MY week,B Lets learn,Monday, Monday, math on Monday. Tuesday, Tuesday, art on Tuesday. Wednesday, Wednesday, computers on Wednesday. Thursday, Thursday, P.E. on Thursday. Friday, Friday, my favourite day!,Lets chant,单词记忆王,Tuesday,Friday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Wednesday,Monday,Tuesday,Friday,Wednes

2、day,Thursday,Monday,Friday,Thursday,Friday,Free Talk,What day is it today?,Its_,What do you have on Thursdays?,We haveon Thursdays,Thursday.,What day is it ?,Its Friday.,What day is it ?,Its Saturday(Sat.).,What day is it today ?,Its Sunday(Sun.).,sun,+,day,Sunday,星期日,Sun.,a week 一周,weekend 周末,I oft

3、en(经常) go shopping(购物),on the weekend?,/fn /,Hi,Huitailang!,What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? 做什么,Look! What do they do on Saturdays?,watch TV,do my homework,read books read a book,play football,wash my clothes,books,+,football,foot,ball,play football,home,+,工作,work,homework,do homework,做作业,cloth

4、es,wash my clothes,wa ch TV,wa sh my clothes,t,watch TV,We cant often watch TV at home.,我们不能经常在家看电视。,/fn /,play ping-pong,play computer games,play football,What do you do on SaturdaysSundays?,I often _ .,Do my homework,Wash my clothes,read books,watch TV,do homework,Wash my clothes,Do you often on t

5、he weekend? Yes, I do./No, I dont.,play computer games,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play computer games,Do you often on the weekend? Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play ping-pang,Do you often on the weekend? Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch T

6、V,do homework,go shopping,play computer games,Do you often on the weekend? Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play computer games,Do you often on the weekend? Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play football,Do you often on the weekend?

7、 Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play computer games,Do you often on the weekend? Yes, I do./No, I dont.,Do you oftenon the weekend ?,watch TV,do homework,read books read a book,play football,wash my clothes,No,I dont.,Yes,I do.,GAME,游戏:Whats missing?,Sunday,Tuesda

8、y,watch TV,What do you do on Sundays?,What day is it today?,read a book,read books,do homework,Do you often wash your clothes?,play football,Thursday,Saturday,Whats missing?,Lets chant!,Saturday, Saturday What do you do on Saturdays? I often paint or watch TV. Saturday is fun for me!,Sunday, Sunday

9、What do you do on Sundays? I read books or play computer games. Sunday is sweet for me!,watch TV,read books,play football,do homework,listen to music,play computers games,A:What do you do on _s? B:I often _.Do you often? A: Yes,I do./No,I dont.,paint,have a sleep,Wash my clothes,Pratice 练习,1. is it

10、today? Tuesday. 2. do you on Sundays? I often my . 3. ?I often do my homework on Sundays. 4. you often books and TV on _ (星期六)?,What day,It s,What do,do homework,What do you do on Sundays,Do,read,watch,Saturdays,1. _is the first(第一天) day of the week.A.Monday B.Sunday C.Saturday 2. What do you do _ S

11、undays?A.in B.at C.on 3.I go to school from M_ to F_ .I have no class on _ and _ .,Practise,B,C,onday,riday,Sunday,Saturday,Lets learn,Sumarry:,Saturday Sunday do homework watch TV read books wash my clothesplay football,What do you do on Saturdays/? I often do homework.,Do you often.on the weekend? Yes,Ido./No,I dont.,词汇,句子,1 、Copy the new words and new phrases 8 times.2、Talk about (谈论)your Saturdays and Sundays with your friends.,Homework,See you!,


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