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1、Unit 3,Objective,8 Notes To Passage A, Activities On Passage A, Basic E-commerce Writing,& Related Reading,Unit 3,8 Notes To Passage B, Activities On Passage B,: Work online,3,Unit 3,Objective: In this unit, you will learn: C The issues need to know in the application of E-Commerce C The B2C applica

2、tion flow model C Benefits and losses occurred in the application of E-commerce C Basic E-commerce English WritingFocus: Use E-commerce wisely and take advantage of it .Nodus: How to avoid the negative effect brought by E-commerce,学 习 目 标,1) An e-commerce connects critical business systems directly

3、to customers, employees, suppliers, and distributors via the Web to improve time to market, access a broader base of customers and suppliers, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.,Passage A,电子商务往往通过网络把企业与顾客,雇员,供应商和分销商直接联系起来,并籍此获得市场先机,扩大顾客和供应商群体,提高效率并减少开支。,4注解:电子商务将传统的商务流程电子化、数字化,一方面以电子流代替了实物流,可以大量 减

4、少人力、物力,降低了成本;另一方面突破了时间和空间的限制,使得交易活动可以在 任何时间、任何地点进行,从而大大提高了效率。,2) To allow e-commerce to reap the desired benefits, e-commerce applications must meet some fundamental requirements. .,为了使电子商务获取这些所祈望的利益,电子商务的应用必须满足一些最基本的要求。,4注解:以一个简单的定单交易为例,其中包括了定单内容的传递和对定单的处理。前者属于数据交换,后者属于流程交易。当买方企业把定单用基于XML的格式传给了其供应商

5、,那么它们之间就完成了定单的数据交换。接下来,买方企业和供应商之间对定单的应答过程构成了定单的流程交易。如果供应商对定单的处理流程跟买方企业的一样,那么流程对话完成,交易实现。然而,事实上,大部分企业间的流程规定是不一样的。如果供应商系统中约定一段时间内的不回复表示拒绝,显然,这庄交易肯定不能做成功。在这种情况下, 买方企业与供应商之间为了实现交易,就必须彼此沟通,通过利益均衡,定出一个折中的可行的标准接口流程。在互联网时代,企业所面对的客户和供应商已经不再仅仅局限于本地有限的几个,而是散布在世界各地的数目可观的一批。如果说原来企业间交易可以通过专门开发的接口,那么面对数量众多的异构商务平台,

6、在实时性要求相当苛刻的现在,专用接口已经不能胜任,建立一个基于XML数据交换标准的、描述企业间商务流程交易的标准框架体系已经成为必需。,3) SSL 安全套接层,4注解:SSL是 Secure Socket Layer 的首字字母缩写,是一种加密的通讯协定,用在使用者与网络服务器之间。SSL(Secure Socket Layer Protocol)网络资料传输的安全协定,是由著名的Internet先驱Netscape Communication提出的针对数据的隐秘性/完整性/身份的确认/开放性的安全标准机制。Netscape公司已经把SSL协议递交给W3C网络安全工作小组以便使之成为万维网应

7、用的安全标准。尽管使SSL协议成为标准还需要一段时间,但SSL协议事实上已被大部分万维网软件生产商所采用。SSL协议能很好地解决身份验证、信息保密、信息完整等网络信息传输过程中最为关键的安全保密问题。,End, Activities On Passage A,1)Will EC be limited because not many people can afford PCs and/or access to the Internet?,3.3.1 Critical thinking,2) What is your concern if you want to initiate a trans

8、action online?,3) Can you describe the application flow of B2C model?,4) What is the application flow of B2B model to you?,5) What are the necessary measures to ensure internet safety and privacy?, Activities On Passage A, Give the Chinese equivalents of the following words or expressions:,3.

9、3.2 Translation practice,1) SSL encryption 2) server-centric 3) order enquiry 4) maintenance costs 5) shopfront management system 6) verification 7) improve efficiency 8) reduce costs 9) consumer privacy 10)government regulation,SSL加密 (技术),以服务器为中心的,订单咨询,维修费用,店面管理系统,认证,提高效率,减低成本,消费者隐私,政府监管, Activitie

10、s On Passage A, Give the English equivalents of the following words or expressions:,3.3.2 Translation practice,1) 售后服务 2) 客户数据库 3) 订货管理系统 4) 物流管理 5) 在线支付 6) 服务质量保证 7) 供货商 8) 在线购物 9) 网络名录 10) 安全性和可靠性,after-sale service,customer database,order management system,logistics management,online payme

11、nt,guaranteed quality of service,vendor,online shopping,online catalogue,security and reliability, Activities On Passage A, Sentence translation from English to Chinese:,3.3.2 Translation practice,1) Consumers find it very difficult to believe that their financial information will be safely t

12、ransmitted between themselves and a merchant.,消费者很难相信他们的财务资料能被安全地通过互联网送达商户。,2) It will require the use of digital signatures and encryption to ensure security.,这需要使用数字签名和加密技术来确保安全。,3) Electronic commerce raise issues of security, consumer privacy, and government regulation.,电子商务在安全,个人隐私和政府监管方面都产生了新问

13、题。, Activities On Passage A,3.3.2 Translation practice,4)The E-commerce application must be scalable to allow e-commerce applications to handle the highly variable and unpredictable loads in todays Web environment,电子商务应用适应范围应较广,以满足在当今的网络环境下处理多变及不可预料的工作需求。,5) Electronic commerce could lead to improve

14、ments in both developed nations and developing nations.,发达国家与发展中国家都能从电子商务中受益。, Activities On Passage A, Sentence translation from Chinese to English,3.3.2 Translation practice,1)消费者足不出户,就能支付账单,开立账户并且清点股票。(open new accounts),Without leaving home, consumers can pay bills, open new accounts and

15、check stocks.,2)电子商务能让公司降低广告、装运费用及设计和生产的成本。(allow to reduce),Electronic commerce allows companies to reduce advertising costs, delivery costs and design and manufacturing costs., Activities On Passage A,3.3.2 Translation practice,4)我们可以利用互联网采集各种各样的商品信息。 (leverage),We can leverage the Internet to col

16、lect various product information.,5)你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?(connect),Will you connect this wire to the television?,End,3)他之所以取得成功是他努力的结果。(achieve success),He achieved success because he was a hard worker.,Benefits and Problems Caused By E-Commerce,1) Given the benefits it provides, the related problems must be solved in a cheap and efficient manner.,Passage B,8 Notes To Passage B,


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