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1、Using language,Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors,Can you guess what would be eaten on the feast in 18,000 BC?,THE FEAST: 18, 000 BC,1. What kind of food did Lalas family prepare for the feast?,Key: nuts, fruit, fish, the deer and pig meat.,Scanning,2.In pairs work out which jobs Dahu did and which Lala

2、did.,catch fish, repair stone, make scrapers and axe-heads,collect fruit and nuts, prepare food,This text is mainly an imaginative story about a family feast of _.A. a girlB. a manC. a girl of the earliest peopleD. a modern girl 2. From the first paragraph, we can learn that the family groups lived

3、on _.A. fish B. cropsC. hunting D. farming,C,C,Skimming,3. Lalas guests came to _.A. danceB. talk about an important thingC. enjoy a feastD. see Lala 4. Dahu went out to sharpen the scrapers to _.A. kill an enemy B. use them as weaponsC. scrape the fish D. cut stones,C,C,5. From the text we can infe

4、r that family groups _.A. lived togetherB. lived far awayC. lived in the same caveD. lived separately,D,1. Who works cooperatively and who does tasks alone?Both men and women work cooperatively. For example, Lalas mother and aunts were preparing the meat of deer and pig over the fire. Men do tasks a

5、lone.,Answer the following questions after reading the text:,2. Who does the most dangerous tasks?Men do the most dangerous tasks. 3. Where does the danger come from?The danger comes from the wild animals.,Words and expressions,1. If only it could be just like last year! 要是能像去年那样就好了!,if only 要是, 只要是

6、, 往往引起虚拟语气, 用感叹句。用过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟, 用一般过去时表示对现在的虚拟。 If only he had come,If only I could fly!,only if 只有 I wake up only if the alarm clock rings. 只有闹钟响了,我才会醒。,v. to express approval of (someone or something) especially by such clapping. 赞赏, 鼓掌向(某人或某物) 表示赞赏, 尤指鼓掌欢呼Everyone applauded when the play ended.

7、演出结束时, 大家都热烈鼓掌。I applaud your decision.我赞成你的决定。,2. applaud:,根据汉族意思完成句子今天我们不能不为他这个决定而欢呼。Today we can only _. (2) 他的讲话赢得了听众的掌声。His speech _ _.,won the applause of the,applaud his decision,audience,3. look ahead 向前看, 做未来的打算你是否想过五年后你要做些什么? _to what youll be doing in five years time?,Have you looked ahea

8、d,accelerate a. to increase the speed of 加速, 促进加快.的速度这部新车加速效能良好。The new car has good acceleration.b. to cause to happen earlier (正式) 催促他决定加快他的课程进度。He decided to accelerate his courses.,4. Having heard wolves howling in the forest, Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there

9、 might be wild beasts lying in wait for her.,5. arrest vt. 逮捕; 吸引; 扣留; 阻止, 抑制n. 逮捕; 拘留; 停止 他被警察逮捕了。 _. 她警告的口吻引起了我的注意。 Her warning tone _. 警方在足球赛时逮捕了一些人。 The policeman _ during the football match.,He was arrested by the police,arrested my attention,made several arrests,arrest sb for 因逮捕某人 arrest ones

10、 attention 引起的注意力 =attract ones attention / draw ones attention,having a whirling sensation and a tendency to fall 眩晕的, 眼花的感到眩晕并要摔倒的a dizzy height 令人晕眩的高度The old woman was dizzied by the strong wind. 那位老太太被风吹得头昏眼花。The disaster dizzied his brain. 那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱。,6. dizzy:,7. Abruptly she sat down, only

11、to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna. scoop up 用勺子舀出、挖出 把人搂起来 考点 only to do 是不定式作结果状语, 表示出乎意料或令人失望的结果,e. g. He hurried home only to find the guests had left. She wanted to do a good deed, only to be scolded by her teacher. 她想做件好事,不料反而受到老师的斥责。,8. relief n. U (痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除U 救济品 C 减轻

12、痛苦的事物 这药可以稍微减轻你的痛苦。 This medicine will _. 政府送救济品给在台风中失去家园的人们。 The government _. who lost their homes in the typhoon. to ones relief 令放心的是, 令感到宽慰的是 Much to his relief, finally his lost son was found by the police.,give you some relief,sent relief to the people,见到你在这儿也就放心了。 _ to find you here. 她把夹脚的鞋脱

13、下时说: “可松快了!” “_ !” she said, as she took her tight shoes off.,Its a great relief,What a relief,9.pronounced adj.发出音的;读(或讲)出来的;明显的,显著的He had a large, square face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.他脸盘很大,浓眉大眼,颧骨突出。,1. The police have a_ two suspects in connection with the bank robbery.

14、2. The _ (放射性的) waste should be buried deep under the ground in sealed boxes.,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 写出各单词的正确形式。,arrested,radioactive,练习坊,3. The driver stepped on the gas and a_ the car. 4. Americans in my neighborhood used to make their own _ (酸乳酪). 5. The new method caught on and many peasants

15、 became very _ (熟练的) at it.,accelerated,yogurt,skilful,6. It was so hot in the room that she felt _ (目眩的). 7. The audience a_ the singer for three minutes for his excellent performance.,dizzy,applauded,1. Generally speaking, preparations _ the Beijing Olympics are smoothly marching forward in accordance with plans. 2. Twenty years ago people looked _ and thought the problem would be solved by now, but that clearly hasnt happened.,


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