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1、高考完形填空解题技巧 区艳媚 2006 1 6,完形填空考点和能力要求分析,命题意图:在语篇层面上考查常用词汇的准确、得体的应用。 选材:以夹叙夹议或叙述文为主,信息量大,情节曲折。 基本能力:1)阅读理解能力 2)词汇运用能力 完形填空的解题思路:1)句子理解考查单句语境中词语运用2)上下文理解考查并列句及复合句语境中词语的运用3)段落理解围绕段落主旨的段落语境中词语的运用4)文章中心理解围绕文章中心的文章整体语境中词语运用,命题意图:在语篇层面上考查常用词汇的准确、得体的应用。 选材:以夹叙夹议或叙述文为主,信息量大,情节曲折。 基本能力:1)阅读理解能力 2)词汇运用能力 完形填空的解题

2、思路:1)句子理解考查单句语境中词语运用2)上下文理解考查并列句及复合句语境中词语的运用3)段落理解围绕段落主旨的段落语境中词语的运用4)文章中心理解围绕文章中心的文章整体语境中词语运用,例1:Dad taught me a lot about life, especially its hard times. I remembered one of his 1 one night when I was ready to quit a political campaign I was losing, and wrote about it in my diary. Tired, feeling t

3、he months of 2 , I went up to my study to make some notes. 1. A. classes B. advice C. lessons D. talks 2. A. struggle B. working C. battle D. defense,词汇意义理解和辨析,分析:class(课班级阶级)advice(忠告建议不可数名词)lesson(课程教训)talk(谈话讲演),根据短文中提供的信息,应该是作者准备退出一场失败了的政治活动时,想起父亲曾经给他的“教训”,所以1题的答B. lessons。2题的选项A. struggle意为“斗争战

4、争” ,B. working(工作劳动),C. battle是指大型战役中的小规模“战斗”。 D. defense(防卫辩护)明显不合乎逻辑.作者在这次政治活动中经历了数月的艰辛,为争取某种权利而进行了艰苦的“斗争”,根据文章的情节线索我们可以确定最佳选项是A。这两个题的解决都借助了词义的辨析,同时也离不开对短文情节发展的把握。,例2. She noticed how nervous he was and suggested he should stand near the stage where he could watch and follow the play. It was a goo

5、d 1 of getting rid of his nervousness, she said. She was right, it seemed to 2 . 1. A. idea B. way C. path D. plan 2. A. do B. win C. work D. act,分析:句中“她”注意到“他”很紧张,建议“他”观看表演以消除紧张。显然,“她”所建议的是一种消除紧张的“方法”。1题的四个选项A. idea(想法意见) B. way(路线方法) C. path(小路路线) D. plan(计划规划) 中只有B选项有此含义,无疑是最佳答案。紧接下来的一句话是“她说得对,这个

6、方法似乎有效。”2 题的四个选项A. do(做尽力) B. win(获胜夺得)C. work(工作,起作用) D. act(行动表演)中只有C选项有“奏效”这个含义,自然应该是最佳答案。这两个题的解答也是在考虑 上下文的前提下,从词汇意义入手的,例3. At this moment, the air hostess _73_. She looked pale, but was quite _74_. 73. A. showed B. presented C. exposed D. appeared 74. A. well B. still C. calm D. quiet,73. 中四个选项都

7、有“出现、显露”方面的意思,但自身的语义特征构成了各自及物不及物的区别。A,B,C 都是及物动词,而这里应用不及物动词,表示“出现”之意,所以答案为D。 74. 除A外,三个选项意思接近,为近义词。但语义的侧重不同,与人连用时,still表示“站着不动“,quiet表示“安静,不乱说,乱动“,calm则表示人,“镇定、平静“。上文的“脸色苍白“,说明了“恐惧“的存在,而一般在这种状态下,人们的行为会有些失常,表现出不够“镇定“,“不能泰然处之“。句中but的使用,所以,答案应该是C。,根据生活常识及文化背景知识进行逻辑推理,例1: It was an early morning in summ

8、er. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their_ . This was the beginning of another_ day in New York City. 1. A. jobs B. homes C. buses D. offices 2. A. working B. hot C. same D. ordinary,分析:从信息词“early morning”和“sleepy-eyed”来判断,B. homes不符合逻辑,按生活经验,他们是去上班。这时有些考生也许会认

9、为,既然上班,就要去“挤公交车”或“去办公室”。但上班的方式也有步行的、骑车的或坐地铁的,也有自己开车去的。人们上班有去农场的、煤矿的,还有去工厂车间的,不一定去办公室。因此,C. buses和D. offices不符合生活实际。1题只有A. jobs才是最合乎逻辑的选项,人们起床后,各自奔向自己的工作岗位。而这 种情况是天天发生,是平平常常的,因此2题答案是D. ordinary,例2:(NMET1998)Every morning she would give him breakfast 29 bed and bring him the papers to 30 . 29.A. to B.

10、 at C. in D. by 30.A. check B. read C. keep D. sign,分析:29题的答案是C,bed的前面应当用介词in。至于30题,就要用到相应的文化背景知识:外国人有早上读报的习惯,句中papers即报纸(newspapers)。这是理解文章细节的关键。有了这些文化背景知识,便可迅速推断出最佳选项B. read。因为生活中过分溺爱孩子的母亲,让儿子“在床上”吃早饭,“读”早报是很自然的事情。,上下文语境联系,I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following w

11、ith two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was 1 and the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad 2 a step and fell, sending my new suitcase 3 down the stairs. 1) A. helpless B. lazy C. anxious D. tired 2) A. took B. minded C. missed D. picked3) A. rolling B. passing C. dropping D. turn

12、ing,分析:在把握上文“我提着衣箱缓慢地上楼梯”的情况下,可知1题答案为D. tired,即当我到达三楼时,已经很累了;再从爸爸“提着两只衣箱跟在我后面”以及下文的信息词“fell”可知此句的意思是:爸爸少跨了一步摔倒了,衣箱滚下了楼梯。因此2、3题 的答 案分别为C、A,尽管其它选项在语法上均无错误,1. I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was 1 and the s

13、ame time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad 2 a step and fell, sending my new suitcase 3 down the stairs. 1) A. helpless B. lazy C. anxious D. tired 2) A. took B. minded C. missed D. picked 3) A. rolling B. passing C. dropping D. turning,2. That “something special” was men-_4_individuals who could inv

14、ent machines, find new (sources) of power, and establish business organizations to reshape the society. The men who _6_ the machines (came )from many backgrounds and many occupations. 4 A. generating B. effective C. motivation D. creative 6 A. employed B. created C. operated D. controlled,第4题选D) 。句中

15、creative individuals是后面定语从句who invent machines在意义上的同现,符合上下文。 第6题选B) created。Created是上一句中creative individuals who could invent machines的近 义复现。其他选项均与上下文不符。,逻辑手段,并列关系,转折关系,因果关系,解释关系,顺序关系,Choose the best answer to questions below: (1) Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home that was no

16、problem. After school, _, when all the buses were lined up along the street, I was afraid that Id get on the wrong one and be taken to some, unfamiliar neighborhood. A. though B. yet C. although D. still (2) He appeared calm,_ inside his heart was beating wildly with fear. A. and B. or C. but D. otherwise,


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