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1、The Veins 静脉,General feature Thin walls, larger lumens, venous valves, venous plexus, venous rete Two sets Superficial vein Deep veins Special structures: sinuses of dura mater 硬脑膜窦 diploic veins 板障静脉 Aplenty anastomosis,Venous valve,Diploic veins,Sinuses of dura mater,右心房,右心室,右房室口,肺动脉口,肺动脉,肺毛细血管,肺静

2、脉,左心房,左心室,左房室口,主动脉,体毛细血管,上下腔静脉,血液循环模式图,主动脉口,The Pulmonary Veins 肺循环静脉,The Systemic Veins 体循环静脉,二、肺循环的静脉 肺静脉 Pulmonary vein,动脉血,静脉血,右心室,肺静脉有四条:左、右上肺静脉,左、右下肺静脉。,(二)上腔静脉系统 The superior vena cava and its tirbutaries,(三)下腔静脉系统 The inferior vena cava and its tributaries including hepatic portal vein and i

3、ts tributaries .,(一)心静脉系统 The veins of the heart.,三、体循环的静脉The Systemic Veins,(一)心静脉系统,收集心的静脉血,(二)上腔静脉系统收集头颈部、上肢和胸部的静脉血。,superior vena cava,brachiocephalic vein,Brachiocephalic veins,internal jugular vein,subclavian vein,venous angle,internal thoracic vein,inferior thyroid veins,1.头颈部静脉,Veins of head

4、 and neck Internal jugular vein External jugular vein Brachiocephalic vein: venous angle,Internal jugular vein,A. The facial vein,B. the retromandibular vein,The subclavian vein,superficial temporal vein,maxillary vein,retromandibular vein,external jugular vein,internal jugular vein,facial vein,supe

5、rior thyroid vein,middle thyroid vein,pterygoid venous plexus,inferior thyroid vein,venous angle,subclavian vein,deep facial vein,危险三角 ,面静脉与颅内静脉的交通,2. 上肢静脉,浅静脉:,头静脉,贵要静脉,肘正中静脉,腋静脉,锁骨下静脉,Veins of upper limb Deep vein: Superficial veins: cephalic v. 头静脉 basilica v. 贵要静脉 median cubital v. 肘正中静脉,A. The

6、superficial veins of the upper limb,cephalic vein,basilic vein,basilic vein,median cubital vein,median antebrachial vein,Dorsal venous rete of hand,B. The deep veins of the upper limb,axillary vein,subclavian vein,radial vein,brachial vein,ulnar vein,ascending lumbar vein,奇静脉 azygos vein,(1)The hemi

7、azygos vein,(2)The accessory hemiazygos vein,hemiazygos vein,accessory hemiazygos vein,right posterior intercostal vein,left posterior intercostal vein,3. 胸部静脉Veins of thorax,上腔静脉Superior vena cava,Parietal Tributaries Anterior Wall of Thorax 1. Thoracoepigastric v. axillary v. 2. Anterior intercost

8、al vv. internal thoracic v. brachiocephalic v.,肋间后静脉,奇静脉,半奇静脉,副半奇静脉,壁支:后壁,Veins of vertebral column,脏支: Visceral Tributaries,1. Esophageal v. 2. Bronchial v. esophageal varicose vein,(三)下腔静脉系统,3. 腹部静脉,1. 盆部静脉,2. 下肢静脉,收集腹部、盆部和下肢的静脉血。,1. 盆部静脉髂内静脉,-收集盆部的静脉血,与同名动脉伴行 。,直肠静脉丛,2. 下肢静脉,大隐静脉的属支,股外侧浅静脉,股内侧浅静脉

9、,阴部外静脉,腹壁浅静脉,旋髂浅静脉,Veins of lower limb Deep vein: Superficial veins: great saphenous v. 大隐静脉 small saphenous 小隐静脉,Veins of the Lower limb,great saphenous vein,small saphenous vein,popliteal vein,superficial lateral femoral vein,superficial medial femoral vein,external pudendal vein,superficial epiga

10、stric vein,superficial iliac circumflex vein,A. the superficial veins of the lower limb,B. the deep veins of the lower limb,femoral vein,popliteal vein,The common iliac veins,(1)the internal iliac vein,(2)the external iliac vein,inferior vena cava,common iliac veins,internal iliac vein,external ilia

11、c vein,Inferior vena cava and its tributaries,3. 腹部静脉,(1)下腔静脉属支,(2)肝门静脉系统,(1)下腔静脉属支,壁支:,膈下静脉,腰静脉,脏支:,睾丸静脉,肾静脉,肾上腺静脉,肝静脉,The tributaries of the inferior vena cava,(1)The parietal tributaries,inferior phrenic and lumbar vein,lumbar vein,inferior phrenic vein,ascending lumbar vein,(2) The visceral trib

12、utaries,They are the testicular veins(male), the Ovarian Veins(female), the renal veins, the suprarenal veins, the hepatic veins,suprarenal veins,renal veins,testicular veins,hepatic veins,病例,患者金某,男,62岁,因呕血、便血等表现入院,检查发现患者存在食管静脉曲张、直肠静脉和腹壁静脉曲张。医生初步诊断肝硬化致门脉高压。,两个问题,什么是门脉高压? 为什么门脉高压会引起呕血和便血等表现?,三个知识点,肝脏

13、的功能:新陈代谢 原料供应:消化系统 输送工具:脉管系统,(2)肝门静脉系统 ,1.收纳范围 2.组成变异 3.形成走向 4.结构特点 5.属支 6.交通途径 7.临床意义,肝门静脉,由肠系膜上静脉和脾静脉汇合而成。,收集肝以外的腹腔不成对脏器静脉血。,连于两种不同的毛细血管之间、无瓣膜。,主要属支有肠系膜上、下静脉,胃左、右静脉,脾静脉,胆囊静脉,附脐静脉。,通过食管静脉丛、直肠静脉丛、脐周静脉网等与上、下腔静脉系统吻合。,脾静脉,肠系膜上静脉,肠系膜下静脉,胃左静脉,胃右静脉,胆囊静脉,肝门静脉主要属支:,副脐静脉, Four ramus communicans between porta

14、l and systemic circulations,交通途径(1),上腔静脉,通过食管静脉丛和上腔静脉系相交通,食管静脉丛,交通途径(2),直肠静脉丛,下腔静脉,通过直肠静脉丛和下腔静脉系相交通,交通途径(3),通过脐周静脉网和上、下腔静脉系相交通,上腔静脉,下腔静脉,脐周静脉网,临床意义,食管静脉丛曲张,直肠静脉丛曲张,脐周静脉丛曲张,静脉曲张,临床意义,食管静脉曲张,直肠静脉曲张,“海蛇头”,静脉曲张,临床意义,静脉曲张,脾肿大,腹水,小结,组成、收纳 特点、属支 交通途径(3个) 肝门静脉 hepatic portal vein,思考题,肝门静脉把静脉血运送入肝脏,肝固 有动脉将动脉血也输送到肝脏,两种 血液在肝血窦汇合,经过肝脏处理后 流向了哪里?,?,静脉 Vein,本节基本要求 掌握上腔静脉、头臂静脉的合成及主要属支,静脉角的概念。颈内静脉的起始、主要属支;上肢浅静脉的起始与注入部位;下腔静脉的起始、主要属支、走行与注入部位;大隐静脉的起始,走行和注入部位;肝门静脉的特点、位置、汇合的静脉及其主要属支。,


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