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1、Unit 4 What can you do? 第6课时,Warming up,1. Sing English songs.,What, what, what can you do? Sing, sing, I can sing English songs. What, what, what can you do? Play, play, I can play the pipa. What, what, what can you do? Dance, dance, I can dance. What, what, what can you do? Draw, draw, I can draw

2、cartoons. Wow, its wonderful.,2. Free talk.,规则:同桌两人一组,以 pair work 的形式展开自由对话。,例如: S1: Can you sing English songs? S2: Yes, I can. Can you swim? S2: No, I cant,3. Play a game“异想天开”.,同学们自由畅想,并用 I hope I can.造句。 例如: T: I hope I can fly. S1: I hope I can swim. S2: I hope I can dance well. S3: I hope I ca

3、n draw beautiful cartoons.,Presentation,1. Lets play“传话”.,规则:老师分别偷偷告诉每组排头组员 Story time 中的新句型,每组同时开始,将听到的句子小声传给下一名同学,选出最快最准确的一组,给予奖励。,(1)同学们以“开火车”的形式操练数遍下面这个句子。,Here comes some tasty food.,(2)同学们以“开火车”的形式比赛,两组同时开始,由排 头组员开始向下一名同学传声。,例如: S1: I can do things for you. I can cook for you. S2: I can do thi

4、ngs for you. I can make a robot for you. .,(3)观察图片后理解短语throw a ball的意思,然后集体操练 下面这个句子。,Dont throw me into the lake.,2.学习 Story time 部分的故事。,lake,(1)看图片,确定这个故事发生的地点。,(2)听录音并回答以下问题。,Who are they in the story? Where are they?,(3)师生共同讨论答案。,(4)听录音完成探究学习第一、二题。,探究学习第一题 听 Story time 部分的录音,判断正误。 ( ) (1) Snake

5、is hungry. ( ) (2) Rat is Snakes tasty food. ( ) (3) Rat can dance. ( ) (4) Rat cant sing. ( ) (5) Rat cant swim.,探究学习第二题 听 Story time 部分的录音,选择正确答案。 (1)Does Snake eat Rat? Yes, it does. No, it doesnt. (2)Is Rat smart? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.,(5)同学们回答上述问题,老师根据学生回答问题的情况 决定播放录音的次数,最后公布答案。 (6)同学们理解故事后,

6、再跟读一遍录音。 (7)分步进行表演:第一、二场景同桌之间表演,第三、 四场景前后桌之间表演,第五、六场景交叉位之间表 演。最后同学们找到自己的好朋友,表演整个故事。,(8)完成探究学习第三题。,读课文对话回答问题。 (1)What is Snakes tasty food?_. (2)What can Rat do?_. (3)Does Snake throw Rat into the lake?_. (4)Can Rat swim?_. (5)Who is the smarter(更聪明)one?_.,Consolidation,1.小小擂台赛。,规则:将全班分为男生、女生组,每组每次由一

7、人提问挑战对方。 注:所提问题以 Story time 部分的故事为中心。,2.“故事大王”:完成探究学习第四题,改编故事。,(1)同学们按照下列框架重新串接故事。 (2)同学们以 pair work 的形式改编对话。 (3)同学们以组为单位,自愿上台表演。 (4)师生共评“改编之星”“表演之星”等。,3.听录音,完成教材 Lets check 部分的练习题。,4.完成教材 Lets wrap it up 部分的练习题,并总 结规律。,规律:“play + 球类”;“play +the+乐器” 小组合作操练“Can you play the + 乐器?”和“Can you play+球类?”的问答。 拓展: (1) play basketball, play football, play volleyball, playping-pong, etc.(2) play the violin, play the piano, play the erhu, play thepipa, etc.,Homework,1.听录音并背诵对话。 2.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。 3.把故事讲给你的父母听。 4.预习下一课时。,


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