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1、课时训练 4 4 LessonLesson 4 4 UnderstandingUnderstanding if there is an idea that somewhere is great,it will get lots of good people applying whether its true or not.Factors such as a sense of history and the presence of outstanding college teachers were part of the reputation of Cambridge,” he said. 1

2、1.What is special about the latest ranking of universities? A.It is very subjective. B.It involves many indicators. C.It is made by international professors.D.It includes all the universities across the world. 提示:细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容及第五段第一句可知,这一最新排名具 有一定的主观性,它是根据世界上很多大学老师的看法而综合得出的。 答案:A 2 2.Which of the

3、following shows the correct order of the ranking? A.CambridgeMITOxfordHarvard B.CambridgeHarvardOxfordMIT C.HarvardMITCambridgeOxford D.HarvardCambridgeMITOxford 提示:细节理解题。根据第五段中“.headed by Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).”可知,在新排名中哈佛大学和麻省理工学院 排名为前两位。同时根据第一段的第一句话可知哈佛大学排名为第一,由此可得

4、 出答案。 答案:C 3 3.The underlined word “dominate” in Paragraph 5 probably means “ ”. A.affect B.decide C.control D.improve 提示:词义猜测题。根据后文内容可知,美国(的大学)在前十位中占了七位,前二 十位中占了十四位,故此得出答案。 答案:C 4 4.What can be inferred from the passage? A.No Asian universities are among the top 10. B.At least seven UK universities

5、 are among the top 20. C.The Times Higher Education magazine is from the US. D.Reputation affects students decisions when choosing universities. 提示:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,新的排名对学生在报考学校时对大 学的选择有一定的影响。 答案:DB B When you think of an artist,you probably think of someone painting on canvas(画布).But Guido Daniele

6、creates fantastic paintings of birds,elephants,tigers,and giraffes by painting on skin.Born in Soverato,Italy,Guido Daniele has been called “Hand Gogh”(after artist Vincent van Gogh)since he began creating works of art on peoples hands in 1990. Painting on the hands can be a challenge because,unlike

7、 canvas,the skin moves when rubbed.Danieles models must remain perfectly still for hours as he paints.He often uses his daughter and his son as his “canvases”. Before he can begin to create his “manimals”(the artists name for his hand animals),Daniele studies photographs of the animal that he will b

8、e painting in order to be able to understand its character and give it life.“Next,”he says,“I look at the hand from different perspectives(视角),and I begin to imagine what is the best way to position the hand for me to paint the animal.”He also studies the skin of the model,preferring it to have litt

9、le hair and few blemishes(瑕疵). Daniele starts by drawing on the models hand with a pencil.He next paints the skin using watercolours made specifically for body art.The eyes of Danieles painted animals look amazingly real,and they are the most difficult part to paint. Paintings on hands must eventual

10、ly be washed away.Guido Daniele says that hes gotten used to this part and that he doesnt really mind seeing his work washed down the drain(排水沟).“Tomorrow,I will paint the next one.The important thing is to take many good photographs before washing the hand!” 5 5.Danieles paintings are mainly about

11、. A.scenery B.plants C.stories D.animals 提示:细节理解题。根据第一段的 birds,elephants,tigers,and giraffes 可知,丹 尼尔主要是画动物。文中也多次出现了关键词 animal。 答案:D 6 6.In Paragraph 3 the author mainly tells us . A.what Daniele needs to do before painting B.why Daniele chooses to paint “manimals” C.how Daniele develops his own styl

12、e of painting D.how Daniele paints on the skin of his models 提示:主旨大意题。文章第三、四段介绍了丹尼尔是如何在手上作画的。第四段 开头的“Daniele starts by drawing.”及第三段开头的“Before he can begin to create.”都说明第三段主要介绍了丹尼尔作画之前进行的准备,故 选 A 项。 答案:A 7 7.From the passage,we can know that . A.Danieles daughter and son usually buy canvases for hi

13、m B.its more difficult to draw on the hands because hands are not big enough C.Daniele started to draw pictures on canvas in 1990 D.the most attractive parts of Danieles drawings are the eyes 提示:细节理解题。由第二段最后一句可知,丹尼尔的子女经常给丹尼尔当模特, 而不是给他买画布,A 项错误;由第二段首句可知,B 项错误;由首段可知,丹尼尔 从 1990 年开始在手上作画,C 项表述错误;由第四段最后一

14、句可知,丹尼尔将动 物的眼睛画得惟妙惟肖,与 D 选项意义相符,故选 D 项。 答案:D 8 8.How does Daniele feel about the fact that his paintings must be washed away? A.He feels disappointed at this.B.He cares little about this. C.He is satisfied to see this. D.He in fact cant accept this. 提示:细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“.hes gotten used to this part a

15、nd that he doesnt really mind seeing his work washed down the drain.”可知,丹尼尔对作品被洗掉并不在意。 答案:B 9 9.What do we learn about Daniele from the passage? A.His real name is Hand Gogh. B.His works are mainly drawn with pencils. C.He is an artist who paints on hands. D.He often asks his wife to be his model. 提示:细节理解题。根据第一段末句的“.he began creating works of art on peoples hands in 1990.”可知,丹尼尔是一位在手上作画的画家。 答案:C


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