what 引导名词句精讲

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《what 引导名词句精讲》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《what 引导名词句精讲(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Ambitions and dreams,Key points(重点): 1.过去完成时; 2. 描述人物性格与工作; 3. 谈论工作与事业; 4. 谈论将来的计划与希望。,1. 我最喜欢的事情是钓鱼。2. 我最享受的是玩电脑游戏。3. 我最讨厌的是蛇。,表达意见,What I hate most is snake.,What I like most is fishing.,What I enjoy most is playing computer games.,描述意见,对我来说最重要的事情就是我们能在一起。最好的事情就是我有份不错的工作。最糟糕的事情就是我们从来没有时间陪孩子。,The m

2、ost important thing for me is that we are together.,The best thing is that I have a good job,The worst thing is that we never have time for the children.,1) 概念:表示过去的过去 -|-|-|-其构成是had +过去分词构成。 那时以前 那时 现在 2) 用法 a. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris.

3、 b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示“原本,未能“ We had hoped that you would come, but you didnt.,过去完成时的时间状语,before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 Eg.1. He s

4、aid that he had learned some English before. 2. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. 3. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.,练习,昨晚我吃过晚饭后就去上学了。Last night, I went to school after I had had my supper. 2. 他说他已经把以前学的英语单词忘掉

5、了。He said that he had forgotten the English words.,Activity 1(中文看文章译文),ballet dancer journey to take part in yacht charity waves helicopter harbour,Activity 25,这几个活动内容都是为了巩固过去完成时态的练习,大家可根据后面答案自己学习掌握。,Activity 6,1)trip:是一次短途旅行和访问并返回的总称,既可以是旅游,也可以是因处理事务外出, 例如:a business trip(出差) 2)voyage:指在空中或水上“航行”。

6、3)tour:指从某一地点起,沿着一定线路作游历后又返回的总称。 4)travel:指长途旅行、游历。 5)journey:多指在陆地上的长距离旅行,也可指车辆在规定的时间和线路内行驶。,Activity 6,你上班的路程有多长?How long is your journey to work? 2. 你是坐火车旅游的吗? Do you travel by train? 3. 泰坦尼号第一次航程就沉了。 Titanic sank on its first voyage.,Activity 62,4. 下个星期我到法兰克福出差。 I have a business trip to Frankfu

7、rt next week. 5. 我一定要走了。我回家的路程很远。 I must leave. I have a long journey home. 6. 自从他们退休以后他们很享受旅游。 They have enjoyed travel / travelling very much since they retired.,Activity 7,Activity 7,doctor 医生 teacher of young children 青少年的教师 university lecturer 大学讲师 company director 公司主管 police officer 警官 soldie

8、r 士兵 lawyer 律师 banker 银行家 advertising executive 广告主管,Activity 8 里表示比较的句子,I think that personality is more important than qualifications I dont think gender is important, although there are still far more men in management in,形容词比较级,英语中表示二者的比较时常用形容词的比较级than的结构 比较级的构成:一、规则 在单音节词尾 加er,如以e结尾,就直接r, 如: fa

9、st faster, largelarger, 闭音节单音节词如只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个字母,再加er,如: hot hotter; bigbigger; wetwetter,形容词比较级,3. 少数以y结尾的双音节词,末尾加er(如y前是辅音字母,则变y为i,再加er),如:happyhappier 4. 其他双音节和多音节词皆在前面加单词more。如:relaxed_ more relaxed; attractive_ more attractive 形容词前常用的修饰语: a bit / a little (一点), much / a lot (非常),far (多),不规则形容词

10、比较级,good better, best bad worse, worst little less, least much more, most many more, most illworse, worst far farther/ further , farthest / furthest,Activity 8 里表达意见的句型,I think that. You need to be. Age doesnt matter, but Its true that . You do need intelligence I dont think personality is important

11、. You have to be,Activity 9,智力方面的因素: 思想敏捷 超凡记忆力 聪明 细致缜密,a sharp mind,an excellent memory,bright / intelligent,a good eye for detail,Activity 9-2,个性: 沉静的 迷人的 易怒的 耐心的 有活力的 积极的 随和的,calm,charming,moody,patient,dynamic,positive,easy-going,Activity 9-3,工作做法: 一个好的工作协作者 一个激励者 一个好的组织者 工作努力的 一个好的团队领导,a good t

12、eam worker,a motivator,a good organiser,hard-working,a good team leader,Activity 12,个性: 你总是喜欢交新朋友吗? 在讨论事情的时候你感到受挫和喜欢开始动手做事情吗? 你是有抱负的并还有很多事情要争取的吗? 当其他人不能够很快的明白你的时候你有耐心吗?,Activity 12,5. 你喜欢按别人建议的方式干事吗? 6. 在比赛或考试中是否总想当第一? 能力和技巧: 7. 你心细缜密吗? 8. 你怀疑别人说的话吗? 9. 在团队里你能畅所欲言吗? 10. 你总能按时完成任务吗? 11. 你画画、写诗、作故事或者设

13、计时装吗?,Activity 12,12. 你喜欢说外语多于翻译别人的文章吗? 偏爱: 13. 你喜欢独自工作吗? 14. 你喜欢承担责任吗? 15. 你现在的工作是你喜欢的吗? 16. 你宁愿早起还是喜欢迟些开工? 17. 工资重要还是工作满意度重要? 18. 小组讨论时你是否喜欢根据你自己的知识行动?,Activity 13,做完activity 12 的测试后可对这里的结果。(参考译文),Activity 15,向别人推荐/ 介绍另一个人 She would like to She wants to She likes She has She prefers. She is *look

14、forward to *doing sth. 期待(做)某事,Activity 16-20,一些表达意图、愿望、理想或者可能性的句型 1. 可用进行时态表示:Im writing to you to give you some information. 2.用be going to do sth. 词组表达:He is going to go to university. 3. 用plan, want, intend等表意图、打算,用hope表愿望,用might表达可能性,计划、打算1,他打算去跑马拉松。Hes planning to run a marathon. 2. 我们打算赚很多很多的

15、钱。We intend to earn a lot of money. 3. 我即将上大学了。Im going to go to university.,计划、打算2,4. 他将在各科考试都做的很好。 He will do well in all the exams. 5. 我正在学一门外语。 Im learning a foreign language. 6. 我不想搬屋。 I dont want to move house.,计划、打算3,7. 他想换工作。 He would like to change his job. 8. 他想得到份好工作。 He wants to get a good job. 9. 我确定他能写小说。 Im sure he could write a novel.,计划、打算4,10. 他不想停止工作。 He doesnt want to stop work. 11. 他们打算去国外留学。 They are going to study abroad. 12. 我希望我在大学能表现不错。 I hope Ill do well at university.,



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