外研社高一英语必修二M1 Module 1 Grammar

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1、Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Grammar,1. Learn about using nouns as verbs. 2. Learn the usage(用法) of “will” and “be going to”.,Learning aims,Leading-in,名词用作动词,1.When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.,2. “Zhou Kai, where are yo

2、u going?” she asked. “To the park. Im going to play football,” said Zhou Kai. “But its raining! Youll catch a bad cold,”said his mother. “No, I wont. Ill be fine,” said Zhou Kai, as heopened the door.,be going to表将来,will表将来,名词转化为动词很多表示物件、身体部位或某类人的名词可以 用作动词,某些抽象名词也可用作动词。名词和动 词在转化时,有时意思不改变,有时意思也相应地 变化

3、,在学习的过程中注意记忆总结。 head, eye, name, paper, book, air, voice, hand, coat, dress, diet, skin, mail, ship, face, shoulder, dust, work, answer, picture, peel, knife, nurse, bottle, cash, use, house, mask, etc. We ship grain to Africa. 我们把谷物运往非洲。 They are heading for Shanghai. 他们正在前往上海。,GRAMMAR 1,【即学即练】 . C

4、omplete the following sentences. 1. Did you _ (预订) a seat on a plane yesterday? 2. Please _ (递) me the book. 3. They _ (取名) their dog Bob. 4. She _ (护理;照顾) her aged mother every day.,book,hand,named,nurses,Complete the sentences using the words as verbs.1. This apartment _ six people and a dog. 2. S

5、he _ the silk gently. 3. It _ really delicious. 4. Can you _ me those papers?,houses,fingered,tastes,hand,finger hand house mother taste,一般将来时 一般将来时表示未来的动作或存在的状态,其表达形 式有以下几种: 用shall或will+ 动词原形。shall仅用于第一人称,即I, we作主语时; will用于所有人称(包括第一人称)。 If time permits, we shall/will visit the Palace. Jenny will ha

6、ve a sleep-over Saturday.,GRAMMAR 2,在时间、条件、让步、方式状语从句中不用will, shall 表示将来。 Ill tell him as soon as he comes. 他一来我就告诉他 Ill write to her when I have time. 我有空会给她写信,【易错提醒】,有时条件句中出现will,表示愿意。 If you will wait a few minutes, Ill tell the manager. 如果你肯(愿意)等候几分钟,那我就去通知经理。 when, if 等连词引导的其他从句,该用什么时态就 用什么时态。 I

7、 dont know if he will come. (宾语从句) 我不知道他会不会来。 When he will arrive is unknown. (主语从句) 他什么时候来还不知道。,2. be going to+ 动词原形,表示即将发生的事情或近期 准备、打算做某事,以及有征兆的天气变化。 I am going to send him a card on his birthday. 我打算在他生日时送他一张卡片。 Look! The sky has clouded over. It is going to rain. 有征兆,即将下雨,不宜用will。,【易错提醒】 Sorry,

8、I forgot to post your letter. Never mind. Ill post it myself. 当下做出的决定,不宜用be going to。,【名师点津】will和be going to (1)单纯谈到将来的事情,没有主观因素,可用will。 It will become warm when spring comes. 春天到来,天气将会变暖。 I will be twenty next month. 下个月我就20岁了。 (2)表示说话人的推测,用will。 She will be all right after taking the medicine. 吃了这

9、药,她就会好的。 That will be your house. 那是你的家吧。,(3)表示一种倾向,用will。 Each time he comes to Beijing, he will visit the Great Wall.他每次来北京,都会去参观长城。 Without water, man will die. 没有水,人会死。 (4)表示说话时决定马上要做的动作(多半是听了对方 的话后所做出的反应),用will。 My chest hurts when I breathe. 我呼吸时,胸部疼痛。 Lie down please, and Ill examine you. 请躺下

10、,我给你检查一下。,(5)表示经过事先考虑或安排后的意思,即“打算做 某事”,用be going to do。 She has borrowed some books from the library. She is going to make a careful study. 她从图书馆借了一些书。她打算好好做番研究。 (6)在口语中,表示将要发生的事情时,多用 be going to do。 Whats going to happen? 将要发生什么事? Is there going to be a party tomorrow evening? 明天晚上有聚会吗?,(7)表示根据已有的、

11、并被注意到的迹象判断将要发 生的事情,多用be going to。 Look at the cloud! It is going to rain. 看那乌云!要下雨 了。 (8)be going to do可用于表示将来时间的条件状语从 句,will却不能。 If we are going to start early, 5 oclock is OK. 如果我们计划早出发,5 点就可以。 (9)will 可用于表示意愿、拒绝等的条件状语从句中。 If he will do something useful, he will save the boy. 如果他愿意做些有益的事,他会救这个男孩的。

12、,1.(2015北京高考)Dr. Jackson is not in his office at the moment. All right. I him later. A. will call B. have called C. call D. will be calling 【解题关键】由时间状语later和情景可知,此处表示临时性的打算,应该使用will表示一般将来时。,【高考链接】,2. (2014北京高考)What time is it? I have no idea. But just a minute, I _ it for you. A. check B. checked C.

13、 will check D. would check 【解题关键】句意:几点了? 我不知道。等等,我给你看一下。看表的动作还没有发生,选择将来时态。,3. (2014大纲版全国卷)Unless some extra money_, the theatre will close. A. was found B. finds C. is found D. found 【解题关键】句意:如果不能多筹集一些钱,这个影院就要关闭。主句是一般将来时,unless引导的状语从句通常用一般现在时表示将来。,4.(2013北京高考)Do you think Mom and Dadlate? No, Swiss

14、Air is usually on time.A. were B. will beC. would be D. have been 【解题关键】句意:你认为妈妈和爸爸会迟到吗?不会的,瑞士航空公司的飞机一向准时。通过句意可知是在询问将要发生的事情,故使用一般将来时。,6.(2013湖南高考)“What do you want to be?” asked Mrs. Crawford. “Oh, I president,” said the boy, with a smile. A. have been B. am C. was D. will be 【解题关键】句意:“你想当什么?”克劳福德太太

15、 问。“哦,我想当总统,”男孩微笑着说。此处will表示意愿。,1. My mother is _ (knife )a piece of meat. 2. The teacher asked us _ (hand)in our report earlier.,Class exercises,knifing,to hand,3. Close the door of fear behind you, and you _ (see)the door of faith open before you.,will see,4. By the time you have finished reading this book, your meal _(get) cold.,will get,5. We eyed each other thoughtfully. (英译汉)_,我们若有所思地看了看彼此。,Master the grammar learned in this class!,



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