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1、Unit one Writing a personal letter,Welcome!,What kind of letter are we going to write today?,The kinds of letters,letter of greeting love letterinvitation letter business letter and more,Invitation Letter from the Mayor Dear Sir or Madam: the Peoples Government of Dongguan have decided to hold the C

2、hina Dongguan International Agricultural Science and Technology Fair in Dongguan in November 1999. Your coming marks our honor. We warmly invite you to participate and visit the fair, . . Lets gather in Dongguan and welcome the advent of the new century in a common way.Tong Xing Mayor of Dongguan,Re

3、questing Letter of Credit Dear: Thank you for your order No.11. The goods will reach you within 11 days. I hope that you will find everything completely to your satisfaction. We hope there will be more opportunities to do business you.Sincerely yours, Tom BlackManager,Formal letter or informal lette

4、r?,A personal letter?,body,address date,end,signature,postscript,title,正文,信内地址 日期,结束语,签字,附言,称呼,Before you start,A. Introduction Who are you writing to ? Where and when did you meet him/her?B. Questions What do you know his interests were in the past? What do you want to ask him/her?C. Information-Ma

5、ke note about your life: What are you doing now? What were your interests then? How have your interests changed? If your interests havent changed, tell him/her .D. Find a reason to finishE. Sign off,I.信件开头 (写信、收信、回复) 1 I have the pleasure to tell you that 2 I am glad to receive your letter of May. 3

6、 Thank you for your letter of May 5th 4 Many thanks for your nice letter.II.引出话题-topic 1 I have some important/wonderful news for you. 2 you will find it hard to believe, but,More tips!,III.信件结尾 (祝福、感谢、保持联系) 1 I hope you will be well again soon. (not “I wish”!) 2 I wish you good luck in 3 Thank you

7、for all you did for me while I was in your country. 4 I hope to hear from you soon. 5 Please write to me soon and tell me about your life at your school.,应用文写作技巧,英文书信由6个部分组成。它们是信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语、签字。 格式一定要正确。 信的正文和写文章一样,要分段写,每一段有一个中心思想。,Homework: Write a letter to Brian Blakey or Bob Black. Talk abou

8、t his lifestyle in the past. Ask whether his lifestyle is changing now. Tell him about your life in the school. (80-100 words),武汉搬家 武汉搬家公司电话 武汉搬家 武汉搬家公司电话 bth53dwb 请少爷示下,是看看差不多,收了,发付外头人回去呢,还是真要在这儿装起来,扰少奶奶姑奶奶 们清赏。”这话一出,众人再不放过,都问什么东西。明柯拉了拉那青翘双髻底梳在耳边的小辫子:“就你嘴快。”青翘不但嘴快,而且甜:“少爷若不想小姑奶奶 们看,巴巴的叫送到这儿做什么?运回去

9、,婢子们收着,您慢慢儿验看不成?您有了好琴,便想给小姑奶奶 们看,婢子能不揣摩您的心意吗?”苏含萩笑道:“果然是个好丫头!五小子,你就快叫把那琴搬进来!哎哟!连我都心痒痒了。”明柯道声:“得令!”果然传命下去。俩力大的小厮把那口大箱子吭哧吭哧搬到外头,换了腰圆膀粗的婆子接手,且喜那箱子下是装轮子的,半抬半推的弄进了暖阁里,拆开了。先见着上头是几片雕花榆木板,花色倒也巧妙新奇。这几片木板拿出来,可以勾连组合在一起,成了个落地架子,再下头方是那琴,倒也有琴弦、琴轴,只不过跟通行的琴都长得不一样。明柯在旁边跳来跳去的献宝:“不错吧?听说是古物哦!传说中的古琴就是这样子的吧?”苏含萩好气又好笑道:“老


11、对了!就好像苏明远的影子一样!那被戏称为“明犬”的大汉,实在是很具备戎人特征的。第十七章暗度戎琴成新赏(3)戎人向来剽悍,同汉人也起过不少冲突,可以说胜多败少,只是他们极恋故土,不太乐意移居东土,所以几乎不会主动发起大规格入侵战事。近百年来,中原力量强盛,一发压住了他们。他们不再与汉人征战、每年向汉人朝廷朝拜纳贡,还有一些头脑灵活的戎人,到中原来做生意,做得比北胡好得多,仅次于南蛮,但异域风致更胜于南蛮,成了中原街头一大风景。四 明秀一直凝神端详那琴,听得“戎商”二字,点头向明柯道:“他未必是骗了你。你且看,这琴架虽然新些,琴身上木头的光泽,却显是有年头了。并琴钉等处,光泽温润如一,应不是新做出来的。又看它纹饰风格,敢问何尝是我们中土偏好?琴上,


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