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1、THE WORLDS NATURAL WONDERS,TOP SEVEN !,-BY Echo JIN,Travel desperately! Wonders are compared to seven typical human beings .Each of them can be characterized by one quality or virtue.,TOP ONE:,Colcardo,the grand canyon,科罗拉多大峡谷,Length:446 kilometers Width:16 kilometers Depth: 1740 kilometers Area: 27

2、24 square kilometers,THROW DATA AWAY,From the depths of the canyon comes welling silence 峡谷深处静寂无声. Seldom can you hear the roar of the river. You cannot catch the patter. Like applause, from the leaves of the cottonwoods on the shelf-like plateau below you. 我们很少听见河水的咆哮声或下面壁架式高原上三角叶杨树发出鼓掌般的劈啪声。 For a

3、ll sounds are swallowed in this gulf of space. 因为这一切声音都在这深渊的空间被吞没了,The is silence is not the silence of death; Rather, it is a presence. It is like a great piece of music. But music made of man works up to a climax and ceases; the Grand Canyon is all climax, a chord echoing into eternity. 它让人禁不住地低声细

4、语。 这种寂静不是死一般的沉寂;相反,它是万物存在的宁静。它就像一曲伟大的乐章。人类创作的乐曲逐渐进入高潮,但也有终止的时候,而大峡谷则高潮迭起,是永远回荡不止的和音.When our eyes are filled with the thick yellow, we are most likely to be facing with an old man who is simple and serious.(古朴 庄重) Considering our own life ,I believe only live a simple life with a steady heart can we

5、 be blessed with the most shining sight!,TOP TWO:,Victoria falls,-the smoke that thunders (雷鸣之雾) !the stronger,On hearing the nickname, we could have imagined the vast scene nature presents us!,维多利亚大瀑布,Seen the spay that falls generate from the sky, you heart can be totally shocked by the majestic a

6、nd free character(磅礴和洒脱) 空中鸟瞰蒸腾的云雾,你的心会为他磅礴和洒脱的气概所折服! Once standing at the bottom of them, the higher you hold your head, the tiniest you will feel just like a dust! 于最低谷仰望,愈昂首便愈慨叹吾身之渺茫如尘埃,Back from the Stronger, it usually occurs to us that what a single life to the whole human history is what a du

7、st to the Victoria Falls! 从震撼中回归,我们恍然大悟:我之于人类就如一粒水珠之于浩瀚瀑布! Thus, be as strong as the huge falls and everyone is sure to gain our majestic and free dream! 强壮如斯,定达最磅礴洒脱之梦境!,Qomolangma,珠穆朗玛峰,TOP THREE:,THE BRAVER,Qomolangma, is shaped like a gigantic Pyramid and full of power and grandeur, 珠穆朗玛峰!形如庞大的金

8、字塔,充满了力量, 承载了庄严! Towers into the sky while the land features are extremely precipitous and complicated。顶峰高耸入云,侧身地势犬牙差互,不可知其险要! The braver has been standing still there for thousands of years waiting for brave figures to challenge! 这位用着直面苍茫人生数千年只为等待真勇士的挑战!,Trust me, we are all the brave. Why not give

9、 ourselves an opportunity to enjoy the most amazing scenery:Hugging white cloud in the dawn, kiss the wind in twilight, smile at the naughty rain and listening to the thunder! 相信我 我们皆真勇士 给自己一个机会领略最瑰丽的风景:他,破晓与白云相拥,暮色中亲吻着清风,宠溺着雨的嬉戏,倾听惊雷的呐喊!,Mammoth Cave,猛犸洞,TOP FOUR:,THE WISER- hide its capacities and

10、 bide its time(韬光养晦 沉潜 积淀),Nobody knows how many years it takes him to prepare this wonder for us, while everybody is falling love with it! 无人知晓 多少光阴耗尽 他积淀传奇 但我们都情不自禁的爱上了他Nobody knows how can he stand the loneliness and despair when hiding under the ground while everybody can sense the wisdom and ac

11、cumulation.无人知晓 多少次绝望和孤独中挣扎 但我们为他的睿智和积淀汗颜Maybe nobody can promise us a bright future while everybody must be surprised by our diligence and wisdom ! 也许没有人许诺我们康庄大道 但我们的勤勉和睿智定会凤舞九天,Alaska Glacier Bay,A dreamland of ice and snow (冰雪幻境) -THE QUENE,TOP FIVE:,阿拉斯加冰河湾,At the first sight of Alaska Glacier B

12、ay, it reminded me of the Queen of ice in Narnia(纳尼亚)! Yes, she is a real queen in the ice and snow world!,Wearing a white dress all the year, she leads a calm and peaceful life.银装素裹,她的生命宁静恬淡,三联素材 PPT模板免费下载,Only hug with the dreamland can you touch the calm and elegant soul there:相拥与冰雪幻境 你才能触碰她宁静优雅

13、的灵魂She smiles at the jumping seals, stares at the baby bears with kindness, shows tender care for streams and sing peaceful song called smooth wind.对腾跃的海豹微笑,慈爱的凝视熊宝宝,爱怜地轻抚溪流,应和着宁静平和的风声。 Maybe in some cases, what we need is not rush to our aim but lead a calm and peaceful life! To sum up, slow down a

14、nd smell the rose. 某些生命的历程承载不了我们的急功近利,而平和恬静的栖息才能给予我们慰藉,放慢脚步因为花开正妍!,贝加尔湖,Lake Baikal,TOP SIX:,-the princess,Comparing to the calm queen above, Lake Baikal is a passionate and shining princess. 相比于冰雪女王,我们的贝加尔小公主热情闪耀!,People can hardly imagine how brilliant and changeable the pearl is . 世人难以勾勒这个明珠的变换和绚

15、烂!,he princess dance to the butterflies and sings to the birds in spring春日里 与蝴蝶共舞 并百灵歌唱The princess dresses herself in bright colored flowers in summer 夏日用花朵的斑斓色彩将她装扮,冬日竟也不能将她的热情冰封We love her due to her sincere and passionate attitude to the world!我们爱她 因为她对这个世界真挚的爱和永恒燃烧的热忱,Autumn attach the sorrow o

16、f young girl to her 秋日赋予了她少女般的惆怅和忧伤的旋律Winter can not even frozen her passion,Yellowstone National Park,TOP seven:,黄石公园,-the peach garden (桃花源)the hermit,When it comes to the peach garden ,the hermit 陶渊明 always comes into our mind first. Similarly, Yellowstone national park is widely thought as a hermit.,Such a large amount of various trees stand along the shore, the exuberant grass and fragrant flowers attract you all the way.夹岸数百步中是奇树 芳草鲜美 落英缤纷 Wired and colorful stones enable you think highly of nature.斑驳怪石令你赞叹自然造化的神奇。,


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