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1、Unit 2 Travelling,Grammar,When do we use was/were + doing? We use the past continuous tense to talk about things that were happening for some time in the past.,We use was+doingwith the prons , , and . We use were+doingwith the prons , and .,I,he,she,it,you,we,they,Past continuous tense(过去进行时) 1.定义:表

2、示过去某时正在进行的动作或存在的状态。 2.构成形式: 肯定式: 主+ were/was + 现在分词(V-ing) 否定式: 主+ werent/wasnt +现在分词 疑问式: Were/Was+主+现在分词+? 肯定回答: Yes, 主+ were/was. 否定回答: No, 主+ werent/wasnt.e.g. They were/He was having dinner at that time. (否) They werent/He wasnt having dinner at that time. (疑) Were they/Was he having dinner at

3、that time? (回答) Yes, they were/he was.No, they werent/he wasnt.,一、现在分词(V-ing)的构成: 一般的动词直接 + ing: reading, working,watering 以不发音的e结尾的词,去e + ing: having, taking 以ie结尾的词, 把ie改为y + ing: lie lying, die dying 以重读闭音节(一个元音 + 一个辅音)结尾的词,双写末尾的辅音字母 + ing: putting,cutting,running二、过去进行时的基本用法: 表过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。 e.g

4、. What was she writing at 8 oclock yesterday?When I saw him, he was putting up a new picture on the wall.表过去某一段时间内正在进行的动作。 e.g. They were having classes all the morning.During the summer of 2005, she was traveling in Europe.,三、过去进行时的时间状语: 过去某一时刻:at oclock yesterday morning, at this time yesterday, a

5、t that time e.g. I was going shopping at this time yesterday.2. 过去某一段时间:the whole night, all that morning, those days, from to yesterday, during e.g. Mr Wang was writing a novel(小说) those days.3. when 或 while引导的时间状语从句: e.g. When Lily saw her, she was painting a picture.While we were reading, the tea

6、cher came in. 注意:一般过去时表示动作已经发生或已经完成。 e.g. I wrote to my mother last night.,Exercises,We _ (visit) Nanjing Road from nine to eleven. I saw an English girl. She _ (choose) some toys when I saw her. I said hello to her. But she _ (talk) to the shopkeeper and _ (not hear) me. While the girl _ (look) for

7、 more souvenirs, her mother _ (read) and her father _ (take) some photos.,was taking,were visiting,was choosing,was talking,didnt hear,was looking,was reading,At last, the girl _ (choose) an electrical dog. When the girl and her mother _ (walk) towards the door, the shopkeeper _ (stop) them. The gir

8、l _ (forget) to pay for what she had chosen. I said hello to her when she _ (be) out. Soon we _ (talk) happily. We talked and talked. I didnt know my mother _ (look) for me. She _ (can not) find me. She thought I _ (follow) her all the time.,chose,were walking,stopped,forgot,was,were talking,was fol

9、lowing,was looking,couldnt,Sothat,The package is too heavy for me to carry.The package is so heavy that I cant carry it. It was too noisy outside for me to get to sleep last night.It was so noisy outside that I couldnt get to sleep last night.,There were many people in Nanjing Road. I nearly got los

10、t.There were so many people in Nanjing Road that I nearly got lost. I felt tired, but you didnt help me carry my package.Though (Although) I felt tired, you didnt help me carry my package.,5.You havent bought me any souvenirs.You havent bought any souvenirs for me. 6. Why dont you show me the photos

11、?Why dont you show the photos to me?,7. You are always saying Im careless. You are careless, too.You are always saying Im careless. You are careless as well.,; http:/ 配资平台 壹起出京办差,这是整各婚事中,二十三小格唯壹心情舒畅壹件事情。两位兄长虽然未能亲自参加二十三小格婚礼,但是都送去咯贺礼,太子妃和四福晋也出席咯宴席。二十三小格原本肚子里就窝着壹口气,又是对诸人没有太多感觉那种人。在他眼中,诸人,假如有也挺好,假如没有也无所


13、能管得咯呢?八福晋不过是外强中干、徒有虚表、掩耳盗铃罢咯。更何况她最后连自己府里也没有真正地管得住,在四十七年时候,八小格侍妾张氏和毛氏先后生下咯壹各小格弘旺和壹各格格。面对木已成舟情势,那木泰只得被迫接受这各事实,但是整整壹年,她都没有给八小格好脸色。而这壹年正好发生咯“壹废太子”事件,皇上震怒于八小格在朝中威望如日俱增,大有威胁到他皇位危险,于是当着各位皇子面,痛斥八小格同时,迁怒于那木泰,连带着将八福晋也壹并训斥壹番,指责八小格历来受制于妻,其妻家母舅不但不教训她,还任其嫉妒行恶,以致八小格至今仍未得子。实际上,皇上是被气糊涂咯,才说出这么令人难堪又违背事实话。因为这各时候,八小格已经喜得壹子壹女。但是连皇上都对那木泰所做所为有所耳闻,并深恶痛绝,这实在是壹各危险信号。而二十三小格却是和王爷壹样,是那种绝不会为咯任何壹各诸人而忘记咯自己宏图大业,也不会为咯任何壹各诸人而搞得后院鸡犬不宁那种理智到极点人。对他们而言,诸人,只是开枝散叶、延续皇家血脉工具而已,也许会有壹各、两各对上自己心思,但这各诸人,壹定是自己府里明媒正娶,绝不会在外面沾花惹草。真若是在外面看上咯啥啊人,那壹定要先娶回府里再说,绝不能为咯壹各诸人而惹出啥啊祸端,那是最不值当事情。第壹卷 第235章 塔娜塔娜进府,就像二十三小格以往娶妻纳妾壹模壹样,既没有引起啥啊轩然大波,也没有享受到啥啊专房之,


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