Chapter One Ancient Chinese Economic Thoughts Part Four 中国传统文化概论

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1、Chapter One Ancient Chinese Economic Thoughts and Business Culture Part Four,. Teaching aims: Able to offer a general description on Jinshang and their culture; Able to show ones view on Jinshangs features. . Teaching style:New content. . Teaching periods:Two classes. . Key points for teaching:Why d

2、id Jinshang prosper but then decline? . Difficult points for teaching: The reasons of age-long contempt for commerce in ancient China,.Teaching procedure 1. Social rank of merchants in ancient ChinaThe living conditions of merchants,The reasons of age-long contempt for commerce in ancient China,Prom

3、oting Agriculture and Restraining Commerce,古代重农抑商政策主要表现在:一、统治者反复强调农业为本业,商业为末业;二、在土地问题上,采取抑制兼并的政策,防止农民大量破产,稳固农业生产基础;三、强化户籍管理,限制人口流动;四、从多方面限制商人和商业活动:限制商人的政治权利,堵仕途之路,不许其后代做官;利用税收制度惩罚商人;对重要行业采取官营,不许商人染指;从日常生活方面对商人进行限制,对其穿衣、建房、乘车都有歧视性规定,等等。,a. Physical features of China, a largely continental countryb. T

4、he traditional family-as-an-ecnomic-unit-system-age-old self-contained and self-sufficient societyc. Confucianism, the dominant philosophical school d. Overpopulation,明清两代人口猛增,原因主要有三: 其一,元明清三代长期和平安定的社会环境。 其二,明代中后期,美洲的玉米、甘薯传入中国。 其三,明代的“一条鞭法”和清代的“摊丁入地”制度也大大促进了人口的增长。,从严格的意义上讲,中国到秦才实现大统一。从公元前221年秦统一到东汉末



7、人口的增长。物极必反,现在人口增长已成灾。1981年,中华人民共和国政府决定把计划生育、控制人口作为一项国策。,2. A general view of ancient chinas merchant groups and their business cultureGuildJinshang Huishang Yueshang Zheshangetc.,3. Jinshang and their cultureA. The strongest merchants group in Qing dynasty Camel teams Fleets Shanxi draft bank,It is

8、a banking firm that provided merchants and longdistance travelers with drafts that they could exchange for cash at a specified branch after reaching their destination, thus effectively reducing the cost and risk of carrying bulky metallic cash. It was the Jinshang who established the first piaohao t

9、rade exchange shop in China.,Shanxi merchants in BeijingShanxi merchants in South China Exploitation of the international market,B. How could Shanxi merchants thrive for hundreds of years? The barren soil A place of strategic importance,C. The culture of the Shanxi merchants The general recognition

10、of business Faithfulness and honesty The entrepreneurship Cooperation with fellow merchants Generosity and leniency benevolence Openness and tolerance Seeking commonality while preserving difference Persistence and initiative,Representatives:,The Qiaos family courtyard: Folk museum. The Qvs family c

11、ourtyard:Jin merchants culture museum. The Caos family courtyard( Sanduo Hall): noble family. The Changs family Manor: the first Chinese Confucian merchants Residence. The Wangs family Courtyard: Shanxis largest well-preserved buildings, the Shanxi first house.,乔家大院民俗博物馆。 渠家大院“晋商文化博物馆”。 曹家三多堂“长治显赫家族”。 常家庄园中国第一儒商旧居。 王家大院山西最大的一座保存完好的建筑群,人称“三晋第一宅”。,. HomeworkDiscuss the description on page 172.,


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