
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:54067747 上传时间:2018-09-07 格式:PDF 页数:4 大小:5.12KB
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1、毛绒绒的托比猫Good morning , sir. 早上好,先生。Good morning , young man 早上好,年轻人。Good morning , madam. 早上好,女士。Good day. 早上好。Many cats lived in Kitty village. 有许多猫都住在猫咪村。But only Toby the cat had long and fluffy hair. 但只有托比的毛是又长又毛绒绒的。One day, the other cats make fun of Toby. 有一天,其他的猫都在取笑托比。“ You are not like us”,

2、said one cat. “ 你和我们不像” ,有一只猫说。“ You are different”, said another cat. 另一只猫说,“ 你是不一样的 ” 。“ Why is my hair so fluffy”, thought Toby. 托比心想, “ 为什么我的毛是毛绒绒的” 。The next day, Toby went to the barbershop 第二天,托比到了理发师的店里。“ Welcome !”“ 欢迎! ”He had Robby the barber cut his hair short. 它让理发师罗比把它的毛剪短了。“ Now , I a

3、m not different from others and I am cool”, thought Toby happily. 托比高兴地想着,“ 现在我没有和别人不一样了,而且我很酷” 。One day, another fluffy cat Sandy moved to Kitty village. 有一天,另一只毛绒绒的猫杉蒂搬到了猫咪村。No one could stop looking at Sandy. 没有人能停止注视杉蒂。“ She is not like us”, said one cat. “ 她和我们不像” ,一只猫说。“ She is different”, sai

4、d another cat. 另一只猫说,“ 她是不一样的 ” 。“ She is such a pussy cat”, shouted many cats at once. 许多猫一起大叫说,“ 她是一只如此可爱的猫” 。Toby went to the barbershop again. 托比又到了理发师的店里。Use one drop of the water in this bottle everyday ,每天用一滴这瓶子里的药水;It will make your hair grow fast. 它会让你的毛长得飞快。“ Now with my hair grown long ag

5、ain I will be cool ,” thought Toby happily.现在等我的毛长长了我就会边哭了。One day, one cat Andy dyed his hair blue. 有一天,一只叫安迪的猫把它的毛染成了蓝色。No one will stop looking at Andy. 没有人能停止注视安迪。“ He is not like us ,” said one cat.一只猫说, “ 他和我们不像。”“ He is different ,” said another cat.另一只猫说,“ 他和我们是不一样的。”“ He is gorgeous ,” shou

6、ted many cats at once.许多猫大叫说,“ 他好迷人。 ”Toby went to the Barbershop again. 托比又到了理发师那里。“ Are you sure you want to do this ,” asked Roby the barber looking at Toby,s new grown hair.“ 你确定要这样做吗?” 理发师罗比看到了托比新长出的毛问道。“ You look gorgeous the way you are. You handsome little cat,” Said Robby.“ 你本来的样子就很迷人了,你这只小

7、帅猫,” 罗比说。Toby went home. He looked into the mirror. 托比回到家,他照照镜子。“ Yeah I am different , and my hair is gorgeous,” he said.他说, “ 是呀,我是不一样的,而且我的毛很迷人。”The next day, Toby walked on the street with his head held high and his tail up. 第二天,托比头抬得高高的翘着尾巴走在街上。He is not like us. Said one cat. 有一只猫说,“ 他和我们不像。”He is different , said another cat “ 她是不一样的,” 另一只猫说。“ He is gorgeous !” shouted many cats at once.许多猫大叫说,“ 他好迷人。 ”And now on one can stop looking at Toby 而现在,没有人能停止注视托比了。Its good to be yourself. 做自己真棒!单词花园Fluffy 毛绒绒的Barber理发师Barbershop理发馆Pussy cat猫Dye染色Gorgeous迷人You look gorgeous 你看起来很棒



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