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1、Lscat 第一阶段准入能力模拟考试1、 请选出合适的词填入空格原文:离婚在这个国家已是司空见惯的事。译文: Divorce has been a common in this country. A: event B: incident C: happening D: occurrence 2、 请选择一个恰当的词填入空格,注意近义词的辨析。原文:这个小屋又冷又湿。译文: The cottage was cold and . A: damp B: moist C: humid 3、 下面哪一项将英文的表语译成中文的主语?英文: That is what the president meant.

2、 中文:A: 主席的意思就是这样。B: 这就是主席的意思。C: 这就是主席所指。4、根据中文句子内容,选择适当的介词填入空格中,注意不同介词的语义差别。中文:但在最近一波企业丑闻爆发期间,监管机构表示,审计机构伙伴成员提交工作品质不统一,他们对此感到担心。英文: But the recent wave of business scandals, regulators expressed concern at the variable quality of audit work offered the member partnerships. A: at at B: during by C: a

3、t by D: in by 5、 根据下面英文对话的语境,选择将句中所提问的部分在译文答句中作为焦点强调的一项,并将其选项序号填入空白处。英文: When did she come to the office ?She came to office this morning. A:今早来办公室的是她。B:她是今早来的办公室。C:她今早来办公室了。6、 请选择合适的选项,将中文句子中的从句翻译为相应的短语,完成英文句子。中文:我在场时,他很沉默。英文: Hes very silent my presence. A: at B: on C: in D: by 7、 请选出正确的一项英文文本,注意冠

4、词的使用。中文:香港特别行政区的行政机关、立法机关和司法机关、除使用中文外,还可以使用英文,英文也是正是语文。英文:by the executive authorities, legislature and judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. A: In addition to the Chinese language, English may also be used as official language B: In addition to Chinese language, English may also

5、 be used as an official language C: In addition to the Chinese language, the English may also be used as an official language D: In addition to Chinese, the English may also be used as official language 8、 请问哪一选项将原文的名词success和 failure 译成了形容词?原文: He is a great success in scientific studies, but a tot

6、al failure as a father. 译文:A: 在科研上他很出色,但作为父亲却完全不称职。B: 在科研上他取得了极大的成功,但作为父亲却完全是一个失败者。C: 在科研生他成绩卓越,但作为父亲却完全是一个失败者9、 下面引号内的英文句子中主句作为主语,条件从句作为述位。请问哪个选项将原文中的主位译成了述位加以突出?原文: Then an idea struck her, and she said, “ I will give you three thousand Crowns, if you will help me to carry out this plan. ”译文:他急中生智

7、,说:“”A: 如果你帮我实施计划,我就给你三千克朗。B: 我会给你三千克朗,如果你帮我实施计划。C:如果你想从我这得到三千克朗,就帮我实施计划。10、以下文本为夫妻的对话,具有一定的幽默效果。根据英文语意,选择最能使译文读者感受到原文幽默效果的一项译文,完成中文文本。英文: Wife:What do you think about my new boots?中文:A: 这贵的也太离谱了把?B: 你刚说买的是靴子还是船啊?C: 你刚说买的是靴子还是船啊?(英文中,“靴子”和“船”的发音相近。)11、根据中文句子的内容,在下列选项中选出适当的介词组合填入空格中,完成英文句子。中文:预计网通将于1

8、1 月中旬在香港和纽约市场首次挂牌交易,该公司股票的首次公开发行将测试出基金管理人对其他中国国有公司上市的兴趣。英文: The IPO China Netcom, which is expected to debut on the Hong Kong and New York markets in the middle of November, will be a test of fund managers appetite for listings other Chinese state-owned companies. A: by by B: on in C: before on D: i

9、n on 12、根据中文语义,选取一组恰当的介词,填空完成英文句子。 中文: 卡拉两年前是加州洛杉矶分校心理学专业的学生。她现在在楼下的麦当劳吃午饭。英文: Karla was a psychology major UCLA two years ago, and she is now lunch in the McDonald s downstairs. A: at at B: in in C: at in D: in for 13、请根据英文句意,从三个选项中,选择分类方法和信息呈现顺序与原文类似的一项。原文: Vitamins can be broadly classified into

10、two main categories:water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins are B-complex vitamins and vitamin C. Water-soluble vitamin cannot be stored in the body and need to be gotten form food every day. The fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A,D,E and K. The fat-soluble vitam

11、ins can be stored in the livers and body fat as long as six months. A: 水溶性维他命包含维他命C 及 B 族维他命。水溶性维他命不能贮存在体内,因此需要每天从食物中不断地补充。脂溶性维他命包括维他命A、D、E和 K,可在肝脏及脂肪组织走哦那个贮存6 个月之久。维他命可大体分为这两类。B: 维他命可大体分为两类:水溶性维他命(包含维他命C 及 B 族维他命,不能贮存在体内,需要每天从食物中不断的补充)和脂溶性维他命(包括A、D、E和 K,可在肝脏及脂肪组织中贮存6 个月之久)。C: 维他命可大体分为两类:水溶性维他命和脂溶性维

12、他命。水溶性维他命包含维他命C及 B族维他命。 水溶性维他命不能贮存在体内,因此需要每天从食物中不断地补充。脂溶性维他命包括维他命A、D、E和 K,可在肝脏及脂肪组织中贮存6 个月之久。14、请选出一项恰当的译文。原文: She is a dove of a woman. 译文:A: 她是个如鸽子般聒噪不休的人。B: 她是个如鸽子般温柔的人。C: 她是个爱鸽如命的人。15、下面英文句子选自剧本中一段叔侄间的对话,请问那个项目在翻译插入语look here 时注意说话人的语气和身份?原文: Uncle:Well, I think it s high time you began to earn

13、a living at once. A: 喂B: 唉C: 瞧您16、句中的“我们”指的是作者和他妻子,当时“我”正在为第二次心脏手术找医生咨询。请问比较三个英译文,找出最简洁的那个。原文:我们径直驾车到了给我看病的心脏病专家的诊所。译文:A: We drove straight to my cardiologist s office. B: We drove straight to the office of the cardiologist whom I saw. C: We drove straight to office of the cardiologist who had treat

14、ed me. 17、请根据中文语义,从下列选项中,选出第一句话的焦点成为后一句话话题的一项。原文:他想到了母亲。母亲长得漂亮,并且个性很强。译文:A: He thought of his mother, a handsome and strong-willed woman. B: His mother was handsome and strong-willed. He thought of her. C: He thought of his mother. She was a handsome and strong-willed women. 18、请根据中文译文补足英文句子,选择唯一正确的

15、选项填入空白处,注意英文短语搭配的使用。中文:我不明白为什么你想抹去那段记忆。英文: I don t understand why you wanted to that memory. A: cross out B: blot out C: make out D: get out 19、根据中文句子的意思,选取一个恰当的介词填空完成英文句子。中文:他去年七月横渡长江。英文: He swam the Yangtze River last July. A: across B: over C: in 20、以下文本选自关怀与翻译的教科书。根据英文语意, 选择采用了内指手法的一项中文译 文。英文: E

16、very language has its own devices for establishing cohesive links. Language and text-type preferences must both be taken into consideration in the process of translation. With thins in mind, let us now move on to examine other types of cohesive device that often require careful handing in translation. 中文: 每一种语言都有其自身的衔接机制。在翻译过程中, 必须考虑语言和文本类型的不同特点。A: 现在我们探讨翻译中往往要小心处理的其他一些衔接手段。B: 那么,我们现在探讨翻译中往往需要小心处理的其他一些衔接手段。C: 鉴于此,我们现在探讨翻译中往往需要小心处理的其他一些衔接手段。21、请根据中文语义,从下列选项中,选择第一句话的焦点成为后一句话


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