
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:53928803 上传时间:2018-09-06 格式:PDF 页数:2 大小:5.97KB
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1、八年级期中复习完成句子专项训练 1.我的妈妈已经整理好了房间My mother _ _ _the room 2.我将整理这些桌椅。I ll _ _ the tables and chairs. 3.你的房间太脏,请把它整理一下。 Your room is too dirty.Please _ _ _ 4.我妈妈经常在起床后整理房间。 My mother often _ _ the room after getting up. 5.那个人已经占用了那些房子。 The man has _ _ those houses. 6.他占用了我们的地方。He _our place. 7.是什么使你对音乐那么

2、的感兴趣?What made you _ _ _ music? 8.如今,许多外国人对中国很感兴趣。 Today lots of foreigners are very _ _ China. 9.我喜欢水果,比如香蕉,苹果和橘子。 I like fruits, _ _ bananas, apples and oranges. 10.除了语文和英语之外,在学校我们还学数学和音乐。 _ _ _ Chinese and English ,we learn maths and music. 11.医生说我应该休息几个星期。 The doctor said I should have a rest fo

3、r _ _ _weeks 12.请稍后,我立刻叫她。Please _ _ . I ll call her. 13.他起床晚了,结果迟到了。He got up late,_ he was late for school. 14.这种杂志每周出版一次。This magazine _ _ once a week. 15.对不起,现在我不能回答你的问题。 I m sorry. I can t answer your questions_ _. 16.他的第一部小说在去年出版了。His first novel _ _ last year. 17.你觉得当一名球员怎么样?What does it _ _

4、to be a basketball player 18.天气一直在不断变化着。The weather is changing _ _ _. 19. 我不知道她明天是否能来 I dont know _ he will come _ not tomorrow. 20. 事实上,他根本不曾去过那里。 _ _ ,he hasnt been there at all. 21顺便问一下,你知道邮局现在还开门吗? _ _ _ ,do you know if the post office is open now ? 22. 你家离火车站远吗?Is your home _ _ from the railwa

5、y station? 23.不要害怕犯错误!Don t _ _ to make mistakes 24、他害怕一个人去那。He is _ _ go there by himself. 25.自从他来这所学校,已经交了许多朋友。 He _ _ many friends since he came to the school. 26.他害怕和其他人交朋友。He is afraid of _ _ with others 27.他总是担心自己的成绩。He always _ _ his grades. He is always _ _ his mother. 28.别担心你的妈妈, 她会好起来的。 Do

6、n t _ _ your mother, she will be better soon. 29.那时他正在和其他同学谈话。 _ _ _ he was talking with the other students 30.一天天的, 我和其他同学更加亲近了。_ _ _ I became closer to my classmates 31.开始,我并没有明白他的意思。_ _, I didn t understand him. 32.当你过马路时小心车辆 _ _ _ the traffic when you go across the street 33.他向下看了一下,但什么也没看到。He _

7、 _ but saw nothing . 34.如果你遇到麻烦,可以向警察求助。 If you re in trouble ,_ the police _ help. 34.去年他在一个小广播站里求职。He _ _ jobs in small radio station last year. 35.如果你不喜欢这个节目,关上电视机。 If you don t like the program _ _ the TV . 36.如果你想打开录音机,按蓝色键。 If you want to _ _ the recorder ,press the blue button. 37.我想看电视机,请打开它

8、。I want to watch TV ,please _ it _. 38.离开房间时,别忘了关灯。 Don t forget to _ _ the light when you leave the room. 39.这位医生救了这女孩的生命。The doctor saved _ _. 40.这位医生挽救了他们的生命。The doctor saved _ _. 41.那位女孩挽救了那个男孩的生命。The woman doctor _ _ life. 42.快点,否则你就会错过早班车。_ _or you d miss the early bus. 43.红灯不亮,请等30 秒。 If the

9、red light doesn t _ _, wait for thirty seconds. 44.请将你电脑上的那个游戏卸掉。Please _ _ _ _your computer. 45.因为他考试没几个,刚才他爸爸对他发脾气了。 Because he didn t pass the exam ,his father _ _ _ him. 46.格林先生帮我学英语。Mr. Green often _ _ _ my English. 47.毕竟他还是个孩子,他回答不了这类问题。 _ _,he is a child ,he can t answer the questions. 48.会议结

10、束了时他们唱了一首歌。 They sang a song _ _ _ _ the meeting. 49.在上学之前托尼帮助母亲做了家务。 Tony _ _ _ _ before he went to school. 50.这个人刚才把一款游戏从电脑上删除了。 The man _ a game _ his computer just now . 51.从五岁开始我的朋友至少写过20本书。 My friend has written _ _ twenty books since he was five years old. 52.如果你努力学习,将来就能上大学。 You will _ _ _ g

11、o to college if you work hard. 53.快点,要不然就迟到了。You must _ _or you _ _ late. 54.他很小的时候就会游泳。He _ _ _swim at an early age. 55.每天晚饭后我们都一起打篮球。We play basketball _ _ after supper every day. 56.昨天晚上他父亲到家时,他正把游戏从电脑上拆下来。 He was _ a game _ his computer when his father arrived home last night. 57.他三岁时就已经能写字了。She _ _ _ _ write since she was 3 years old . 58.以前他们曾经帮助过33个孩子学习数学。 They _ ever _ 33 children_maths .


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