新版开心学英语五年级下 unit6 Good habits

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1、How often do you go fishing?,I go fishing once a week.,How often does Gogo go fishing?,He goes fishing once a week.,How often does Gogo go swimming?,He goes swimming twice a week.,How often does Tony go hiking?2. How often does Dad go sightseeing?3. How often does Jenny go camping?,He goes hiking on

2、ce a month.,He goes sightseeing twice a year.,She goes camping three times a month.,Unit 6 Good Habits,好习惯,How often Gogo pack his schoolbag?2. Does Gogo eat three or four times a day?How often does Gogo wash his face?,根据课文内容,回答问题。,He packs his schoolbag everyday.,No, he doesnt.,He eats about six or

3、 seven times a day.,He never washes his face.,pack his schoolbag: 整理他的书包,school lunch room: 学校午餐室,six or seven times a day: 六次或七次一天,wash his face: 洗他的脸,es,s,understand: 明白,根据课文内容填空。,Today, Tony and Ben talking about Gogo in the school _ _. Gogo is Tonys _. He _ his _ everyday. And he _ about _ or _

4、times a day. But he doesnt _ his _. Mom _ washes for him.,lunch,room,friend,packs,schoolbag,eats,six,seven,wash,face,sometimes,brush: 刷,wash: 洗,comb: 梳,finish: 完成,pack: 整理,hang up: 挂起,take out: 拿出,clean up: 打扫,1.Jenny _(洗)her face every day. 2.Look! Tony is _(刷)his teeth. 3. Can you _(拿出)the trash?

5、4. He _(整理)his schoolbag every day. 5.Do you _(完成)your homework? 6.Lisa likes _(打扫)the room. 7. I _(挂起)my clothes for mom. 8. Jenny is _(梳)her hair now.,washes,brushing,take out,packs,finish,cleaning up,hang up,combing,brush: 刷,wash: 洗,comb: 梳,finish: 完成,his:他的,her:她的,teeth:牙齿,face:脸,hair:头发,homewor

6、k:作业,How often does he ?,How often does she ?,(她多久洗脸一次?),How often does she wash her face?,She washes her face every day.,(她多久刷牙一次?),How often does she brush her teeth?,She brushes her teeth twice a day.,(她多久完成作业一次?),How often does she finish her homework?,She finishes her homework every day.,(她多久梳头

7、发一次?),How often does she comb her hair?,She combs her hair three times a day.,刷牙,洗脸,梳头发,完成作业,pack: 整理,hang up: 挂起,take out: 拿出,clean up: 打扫,his:他的,her:她的,schoolbag:书包,clothes:衣服,the trash:垃圾,the room:房间,How often does he ?,How often does she ?,(他多久整理书包一次?),How often does he pack his schoolbag?,He pa

8、cks his schoolbag twice a day.,(他多久晾衣服一次?),How often does he hang up his clothes?,He hangs up his clothes every day.,(他多久倒垃圾一次?),How often does he take out the trash?,He takes out the trash every day.,(他多久打扫房间一次?),How often does he clean up the room?,He cleans up the room once a week.,整理书包,挂起衣服,倒垃圾,

9、打扫房间,选择正确的词填空。 1.How often _ (do, does) Jenny eat? 2. She _ ( washes, brushes) her teeth. 3. Do you _(comb, wash) your face everyday? 4. Please _ (pack, finish) your bag. 5. Can you _(take, clean) up your room? 6. I help dad _ (hang, clean) up the clothes. 7. She _(brushes, combs) her hair . 8. Dont

10、 _(take, hang) out the trash.,does,brushes,wash,pack,clean,hang,combs,take,1.Peter _(梳头发)every morning. 2.Mother often_(整理书包)for Lisa. 3. Can she _(晾衣服)? 4. How often does he _(完成功课)? 5.Tony and Jenny _(倒垃圾)for mom. 6.Lisa likes _(打扫房间). 7. I _(刷牙)twice a day. 8. Jenny doesnt _(洗脸)today.,combs his h

11、air,packs her schoolbag,hang up her clothes,finish his homework,take out the trash,cleaning up the room,brush my teeth,wash her face,cousin : 表兄弟,in the evening : 在晚上,get up : 起床,wrong : 错的,right: 对的,wear : 穿,Tony _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _,brushes his teeth twice a day.,根据每个人不同的生活习惯,写六个句子。,你怎样能有好的牙齿?,健康的,步骤,里面,外面,咬的部分,漱口,巧克力,糖果,


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