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1、一、衡量死亡水平常用指标 二、死亡水平的变化与差别 三、分析死亡水平常用方法标化法;因子分析法;捕获再捕获方法;DALYs (Disability-adjusted life year),第 五 章 死 亡 分 析,一、衡量死亡水平常用指标,1、粗死亡率(Crude Death Rate, CDR)CDR= D/P * 1000D: number of deaths (year, place) P: mid-year population应用:反映总人口中死亡水平; 受年龄构成的影响大。,2、年龄别死亡率 (Age Specific Death Rate, ASDR),ASDR= Da / P

2、a * 1000 Da: number of deaths of a given age Pa: mid-year population of a given age,Period Age Specific Death Rates at Different Levels,and presented on a logarithmic scale:,IMR = D0 / Bt (x1000)D0 : number of infant death, in year tB: number of live births, in year t中国(2010年): 13.1,婴儿死亡率(Infant Mor

3、tality Rate),The Decline of Infant Mortality Sweden 1750-2000,IMR(2006年)=2.4,分子: number of infant death, in year t 分母:mid-year number of infants, in year t,0 岁死亡率:death rate for infant,IMR ?=? Death Rate for infant,新生儿死亡率 (Neonatal Mortality Rate, ),number of neonatal death (in year t) / Btneonatal

4、death 28 daysRatio of NMR to IMR: 一般与IMR负相关关系,Ratio of Neonatal to Infant Mortality by Level of Infant Mortality:,Data for England and Wales 1905 to 1997,U5MR: # of deaths of children under age 5/ B (in year t) Indicator for ranking by UNICEF 2009年数据: Range: 209 3 (Singapore, Sweden) China: 19, rank

5、ed 105 among 193 countries,5岁以下儿童死亡率 (Under-five Mortality Rate, ),0-4岁儿童死亡率 (death rate for children under age 5),# of deaths of children under age 5 / mid-year number of children under age 5,MMR = # of maternal death (in year t)- x 100,000# of live births (in year t)Maternal Mortality Rate: # of m

6、aternal death (in year t)- x 100,000mid-year women ages 15-49,孕产妇死亡率 (Maternal Mortality Ratio),Maternal death is death of a woman, while pregnant, or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration or site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pre

7、gnancy or its management, not from accidental causes,Maternal Death Definition,分子:某年某地某死因死亡人数; 分母:某年某地平均人口数(死因别死亡率,10万);某年某地总死亡数(死因构成,%) 死因顺位: 从高 低排序:死因顺位(一般10位),3、 死因别死亡率、死因构成、死因顺位,中国2009年部分市/县前3位主要疾病死亡原因顺位,来源:中国卫生统计年鉴,2010年,中华人民共和国卫生部编,反映某时期(各年龄)的死亡水平; 不受年龄构成影响且综合性好.作为衡量不同国家/地区健康水平的指标.,4、 寿命表指标: e

8、0,出生预期寿命:人口期望寿命 Life expectancy at birth (years),2010年部分国家出生预期寿命(e0)(2010世界人口数据表),北京:,二、死亡水平的变化与差别,1、发达(欧美)国家死亡水平的变化与差别 死亡水平的转变: 1800年(19世纪)以后,死亡率开始下降; 1900年(20世纪)以后,死亡率下降加快; 1950-70年,死亡率下降减缓/停滞; 1970年以来,死亡率有所下降。,Epidemiologic Transitions 疾病谱的转变,Horiuchi (1999) “epidemiologic transitions”: External

9、injuries to infectious diseases (settled cultivation) Infectious diseases to degenerative diseases (19th Century) Decline of cardiovascular mortality (1970s) Possible Future Transitions: Decline of cancer mortality Slowing of senescence,Cause of Death in U.S. by ICD Revision:,Source: NCHS,2、发展中国家死亡水

10、平的变化与差别,死亡水平的转变: 1920年(20世纪)之前:死亡率高,预期寿命 30岁 1920- 1945年:一些发展中国家死亡率下降; 1945 - 1965年:死亡率快速下降; 1975年以来:死亡率下降缓慢,且两极分化。,三、分析死亡水平常用方法,1、标化法,直接法 :,计算标化死亡率, p选择一个“标准”人口(年龄)构成,Px 已知:实际(年龄)别死亡率, mxp = mx * Px,间接法 :,计算标化死亡比,SMR 选择一个“标准”(年龄)别死亡率,Mx 已知:实际总死亡数, d实际年龄别人口数, pxSMR = d / ( px * Mx),2、Decomposition A

11、nalysis of Components for CDR, 粗死亡率的因子分析,设: ASDR2=r; ASDR1=R,ni2 ni1 CDR2CDR1=ri(- ) Ri (- )N2 N1,ni2 ni1 =1/2(ri+ri+Ri-Ri)( - ) 1/2(Ri+Ri+ri-ri)( - ) N2 N1展开, 合并1,3,6,7; 及 2, 4, 5, 8,Then:n1i n2i - + - N1 N2 CDR2 CDR1 = ( -) (ASDR2i ASDR1i) 2ASDR2i +ASDR1i n2i n1i+( - ) ( - - ) 2 N2 N1,即, CDR2CDR1A

12、SDR Effect + Age Composition Effect应用:分析两个CDRs 不同是由于各年龄别死亡率不同造成的?还是由于年龄构成不同造成的?及各因素作用的程度。,Decomposition of Components of Difference Between Countries and the U.S.A. CDRs (U.S.CDR=8.75), ,Composition,3、Chandra Sekar- Deming Method Capture Recapture Method 捕获再捕获方法,问题的提出:估计总数/率; 漏报,以死亡报告为例:A: 被两个系统都报告的

13、死亡者的数量; B: 被系统II报告、未被系统I报告的死亡者的数量; C: 被系统I报告、未被系统II报告的死亡者的数量; D: 两个系统都未报告的死亡者的数量,未知数?,设:P1是系统 I (死亡)报告的概率;P2是系统 II (死亡)报告的概率;N为总死亡数;求: D, A = N * P1 * P2,B = N * P2 *(1- P1),C = N * P1 *(1- P2),D = N * (1-P2) *(1- P1),代入,B * C D = A,B * C D = A调整公式 (因为A有可能为0) :N = (R+1)(S+1)/(A+1)- 1; R: (A对应的)行和;S:

14、 (A对应的)列和; D = N - A - B - C参见:Sekar CC, Deming WE. On a method of estimating birth & death rate and the extent of registration. J. Am. Stat. Assoc., 1949, 44:101-15,应用:是估计(出生、死亡、疾病发生)漏报的方法,实际应用步骤: (1) 存在两个(基本相互独立的)收集资料的来源;(2) 匹配两个来源的被报告/发现者;(3) 求总例数N, D(4) 漏报率: S1 = (B+D)/N; S2 = (C+D)/N,重要假设条件,1. Population is closed 2. Individuals captured on both occasions can be matched;匹配的例数是真实的;不匹配的例数也是真实的 3. Capture in the second sample is independent of capture in the first; 4. Probability of capture is homogeneous across individuals,


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