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1、把 课 堂 交 给 学 生我对语法教学的一点心得葛宏艺(安徽省怀远第一中学,安徽怀远233400)语法堪称是语言的“骨架”遣词造句、连句成篇莫不依赖于深厚的语法底蕴。对于许多中国学生来说,英语语法博大精深,足他们望而生畏的“拦路虎”。如何既轻松义有效地向学牛传授语法知识是我任教以来一直孜孜专研的问题。经过不断摸索和实践我对语法教学积累了一点心得,具体做法就是:把课堂交给学生,J:他们自己去发现和归纳语法规律,这种方法化繁为简效果共佳,现结合“过去分词作状语”这一经典语法项目,把我的语法课常单现给大家希望能给同行们提供一点借鉴。一、课文例句导入。消除学生恐惧过去分词作状语是普通高中课程实验教科书

2、第五册第i单元“Life in the Future”的语法项目首先我让学生在刚刚学过的奉单元第-一篇课文中找到如下几个句子:1Werriel about the iourney,1 was unsettled for the first days2Well-KHewnfortheirexpertisehisparentscompany transported me safely into the future3Hit by a lack of fresh airmy head ached通过选择课文的句子作为语法教学的导入句,借助学生对已有知识的亲切感,在第一时间消除了学生对“语法”的排斥和

3、恐惧营造n理想的教学时机。二、细心观察。找出潜在的语法规则我提醒学生以“过去分浏和句子主语的关系”为着眼点观察这一组句子,把他们对过去分词作状语的第一印象告诉我。很快地。他们发现r这蝗句子的共性:1句子的主语是过去分词的逻辑主语。2句子的主语和过去分词的动作有被动关系(如句3);有些过去分词已具有形容阋性。此时可用来表示主语的状态(如句l,句2)。我为他们的细心和精确感到开心,接着呈现出更多例句:1Ask about his family,the boy kept silent2Caught in a heavy rain。he was wet to the skin3Given anothe

4、r chanceI could do it better4Badly treatedthe dog remained faithful to its owner5She began to cry as if bitten by a snake6MrWang came in,followed by two students通过比较。学生进一步了解到过去分词可以根据需要作时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随等多种状语。越来越多的新发现让学生兴奋不已,我趁机让他们把过去分词作状语转换成相应的状语从句。至此,学生对过去分词作状语有了更深的领悟,头脑中新旧知识的链接也初步完成了。三、科学安排练习。巩固学习

5、成果为了检验和巩固学生的学习效果,我精选了三组习题,并依据由易到雉的原则循序渐进地呈现。ICombine the two sentences in each pair,using the past par-fieiples:1I Wag frightened by the loud noise1 went to etee what Washappening2The museum Was built in 1910The museum is almost 100years old3The players were beaten by the opposite teamThey werenot d

6、iscouraged4George was exhausted after a day8 workHe took semetablets to help him feel bertor5John Was lost in deep thoughtHe wMked up and down the122II,Multipie choice:1The research is 80 designed that once nothing Can bedone to change itAbegins Bhaving begun Cbeginning Dbegun2tosunlightfortoomuchti

7、mewilldoharmtoonesskiILAExposed BHaving exposedCBeing exposed DAfter being exposed3Prices of daily goodsthrough a computer c明be low-er than store pricesAare bought Bbought Cbeen bought Dbuying4When first to the market,these products enjoyedgreat SuccessAintroducing BintroducedCintroduce Dbeing intro

8、duced、 5 with the size of the whole earth,the biggest oceandoes not seem big at a11ACompare BWhen comparingCComparing DWhen compared6When helpone often says“Thank you”or“ItSkind of youAoffering Bto offer Cto be offered Doffered7 with SO much troublewe failed to complete tIle taskontimeAFaced BFace C

9、Facing DTo face8by a greater demand for vegetablesfarmers have builtmore green housesADriven BBeing driven CTo drive DHaving driven9The flowers his friend gave him will die unless every dayAwatered Bwatering Cwater Dto water10 around the Water Cube,we were then taken to seethe BifdS Nest for the 200

10、8 Olympic GamesAHaving shown BTo be shownCHaving been shown DTo showIIIFill in tIle blanks with proper nonpredicate verbs;1 (see)from山e top of the mountain,the city looks morebeautiful2 (see)fromthetopoftIlemountain,wecangetabeauti-如l view ofthe city3 (see)a beautiful view of the city。we climbed to

11、thetop of the mountain通过对以上三组习题的逐一解答,学生不仅对过去分词作状语有了全面而深刻的感悟。而且与现在分词和不定式作状语进行了对比原本分散的知识点被有机地串连在一起,形成新的立体的知识结构。这种融会贯通的知识将进入学生的长时记忆,他们的视野也随之拓宽了。“知其然,更知其所以然”,学生们踊跃热烈地参与到语法课堂的每个环节,完全颠覆了传统语法课的枯燥乏味。在整肖课的教学中,例句一观察一归纳一练习,每一个细节都服务于语法教学我却只字不提“语法教学”,而是将课堂交给学生,让他们在发现中感悟,在感悟中品味学习的快乐。这种“不落痕迹”的语法课堂模式。实际上是我对“淡化语法”的一种诠释。



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