
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:53630270 上传时间:2018-09-03 格式:PDF 页数:2 大小:16.48KB
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1、1 美国街头俚语 A small fish in a big pond无足轻重的人I d rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small f ish in a big pond. 我宁做鸡头不做凤尾(2) Act of God 天意,不可抗力He is successful at last. It may be an act of God. 他终于成功了,这也许是天意。(3)All ears 全神贯注,认真听If you have anything to say, just shoot I m all ears.你有什么话尽管说我洗耳恭听。(

2、4)All thumbs 笨手笨脚,笨拙She was all thumbs but tried to knit a sweater. 她笨手笨脚的,却想织一件毛衣。(5)All wet 大错特错的I m afraid your idea is all wet.恐怕你的想法完全是错误的。(6)An apple polisher 马屁精(直译擦苹果的人)I don t like Robert, because he got high grades on the exam by being an apple polisher to the teacher. (7)Asleep at the swi

3、tch 玩忽职守,失职The new comer was asleep at the switch and two trains crashed. 新来的扳道工玩忽职守,导致两列火车相撞。 (8)At the end of one s rope 无计可施,黔驴技穷,走投无路(注) the ropes (工作等的 ) 秘诀 ,窍门I m at the end of the rope I lost my job, and I dont have any money in the bank. 我现在是走投无路了-没有工作也没有钱。(9) Backseat driver 瞎指挥的人,爱发号施令的人I

4、hate those backseat drivers when Im doing my duty. 当班的时候我可不喜欢那些瞎指挥的人。(10) Ball and chain 锁链,拖累;妻子,家庭(注) ball and chain系于囚犯脚部之铁球与铁链How can I just pick up and go like you guys Ive got a ball and chain. 我可不像你们那样说就走我有我的家室。(11) Beats me 我不知道(注) beat 使(人 )难倒 ,使无法对付 ,使认输Beats me. We havent learned that yet

5、. 我不知道我们还没有学过。(12) Behind bars 坐牢(注) bars 指(固定在门窗上的木质或金属) 棒 the s of a jail 监狱的铁条Charlies behind bars for robbing a bank. 查理因为抢银行被关进了监狱。(13) Bell the cat 为大家的利益承担危险的事(敢于在危险中挺身而出)2 He is such a good boss that he always bells the cat for us. 他是个好老板,在风险面前,他总是为我们着想,承担一切!(14) Bite the hand who feeds you

6、恩将仇报,忘恩负义(15) Break a leg 祝(演出等)成功I know you are going to be great in the play tonight. Break a leg! 我知道你今天晚上的演出会成功。祝你顺利!(注) 1. leg 指的是舞台上的柱子,本意为祝你演出成功,掌声大的连柱子也断了。2. “ break a leg”源于莎士比亚时期的舞台传统。演出结束后,演员一般要到前台谢幕,若表演出色,一般会赢得台下观众的“ 小费 ” 。当然,接受了小费,演员是要弯腿行 “ 屈膝礼 ” 的。由此, “Break a leg”成了希望演员演出成功的形象说法。3.还有一

7、种观点带有浓厚的迷信色彩。传说人们非常相信精灵的存在,而这些精灵最喜欢制造争端。如果你许了个愿望,他们就会故意让相反的事情发生。于是人们要 “ 祝愿某人好运 ” 时, 就会故意说 “ 祝你跌断一条腿” ,希望借此骗过那些精灵,让好运来临。“ break a leg”的语义范围逐渐扩大,除了演出,也可用于祝福某人试镜/考试 /面试成功。e.g. Break a leg in your test today. (16) Catch some Zs 睡觉Im tired to death and I have to cacth some Zs. 我快累死了,必须要去睡会觉。(17) Close, b

8、ut no cigar! 答案接近但还是不对(注) no cigar: 没有雪茄,得不到雪茄烟的奖励I just missed the center of the target, so close, but no cigar. (18) Dead meat 完了,死定了You are dead meat unless you turn in the homework on time. 你要是不准时交作业,你就死定了!(19) Dear John letter 绝交信e.g. My heart was broken when I received a Dear John letter from

9、my girlfriend. (典故 ) 朝鲜战争时期,有一首表达女友向美国大兵分手主题的流行歌曲“Dear John“风靡一时,其开头一句就是“Dear John, oh how I hate to write“ , 后来在美国军队中, a Dear John letter 就成了 “ 女友写来的分手信” 之代名词。有趣的是, “Dear John Letter”还引出了另外一个词组“That is all she wrote”。二战时在军队中有一个流传很广的笑话:一名士兵将女友的来信念给战友们听。“Dear John”,他刚一开口就停住了。战友们催他继续往下念,他说:“That is all she wrote.”(她就写了这么多,我被甩了! )(另) john: a toilet. e.g. Im just going to the john - can you wait for me? (20) Dont have a cow 别大惊小怪Dont have a cow! Ill pay for the damages. 别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。


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