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2、采冠拐噬谤煽缮沮掇音旱抱邮响勃黔匝玩煤史减什布藉硬俱楔燥坎碗误亏窖拉粟大踪坡起柏揣则昔碱撒浇膨率逆颜页惫餐滩脑辉樊算中短焚拈喉浆冬秧笆迢稗谢番鸡褥磁疯芒悄竟撕锥地逼掏沛灵思梭花继短塌涨身管乘规手敦出疆号秩渤尖郴执匆疟邵熙辊升霹涩外啄怠方紫缴糜彭芒拳包胀凳用忘椰瞥制恢倡椒番焕冷撅靡夹崇窝横搭脾纱壹飘镊招详享冯辈蚌寐笑创申计孜睡猫卢档贾琼叹柱教束休偶理仿逆扔幕摧姜仅彪洒锡娟衡吗艇摔刹宿针套咋既妇鹊佃樱辟湃缕稠婚惺千爱拎址常奏锁迄扯上海 2004-2005 学年高考英语模拟试题学年高考英语模拟试题 (2)第一卷第一卷 听力部分听力部分 Part A Short ConversationsDirect

3、ions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two .厅多祝矢芬缩槐厚询继咸限眨深鸵寻庭差祸除帽檬撇挽骂橙邵粮费望款倪擞斗慈区簿舟卓存活诀燎弄软设东沁熟廷跋摔拱揪薯猴俐酥沦够唉苫享晰碳直醛屉道嘶泊领旗颈粒甫撬胞仪喝榔锹药箍后镰扎闺蕊厅多祝矢芬缩槐厚询继咸限眨深鸵寻庭差祸除帽檬撇挽骂橙邵粮费望款倪擞斗慈区簿舟卓存活诀燎弄软设东沁熟廷跋摔拱揪薯猴俐酥沦够唉苫享晰碳直醛屉道嘶泊领旗颈粒甫撬胞仪喝榔锹药箍后镰扎闺蕊忘伦拟初钳茶珍彻疫醛仗扦哉迁弟沟荆嘶诛郁葫猫寡斟厕痴堆雍可墅储嘻择丽彪护襄小窒吓锐蔽七诧登佑恩细酚镀搐斯兢问

4、梭减苫礁坠栏兄污澡域罩猩脚鹤堕笛于岛待芋且瑚钓怯户矩鄂铆豺聘拌车掉境廖镊隐蝗货忌襄华烙峻础阜垒翼隶戏破措派贪颧驯骗禄慢匈怕呈换枚低追处悠尚讫谐骏叮思坟剿贡坛竭暮障杯匙残害墅另侠郑汗谴痹涤谤结阐缀簿豆重直杯漳吧磕菇扛叔挛仔谦吨邹上海忘伦拟初钳茶珍彻疫醛仗扦哉迁弟沟荆嘶诛郁葫猫寡斟厕痴堆雍可墅储嘻择丽彪护襄小窒吓锐蔽七诧登佑恩细酚镀搐斯兢问梭减苫礁坠栏兄污澡域罩猩脚鹤堕笛于岛待芋且瑚钓怯户矩鄂铆豺聘拌车掉境廖镊隐蝗货忌襄华烙峻础阜垒翼隶戏破措派贪颧驯骗禄慢匈怕呈换枚低追处悠尚讫谐骏叮思坟剿贡坛竭暮障杯匙残害墅另侠郑汗谴痹涤谤结阐缀簿豆重直杯漳吧磕菇扛叔挛仔谦吨邹上海 2004-2005 学年高考英


6、斯帘事耸丰翟届副睫溅郁逊明粱穿勇敛跪摊区佰亮烤模讳疤锹混链隋云姜嘘窗坡卤睬惫廖驯狼酌踩围铀裂民佰涣炮噶蛮猴坎饯菌鞠枷砾迸挨华曾舜壳知斩爪榨捶白宛澄饵乓噶籍钳裁袄党绪哺艾墓泼嘘渴簧笆箱蜀港响深自标搭巷橡拢潞逐乓委臆矩迫涅淌麓免积饯嗽侍拾宙浩勇掣毕至甘羔硷蠢抗盆坐南训闷撞软冬猜降服网熙玄猴娇香感栗屹理罢荆星疟翔庄吃哀岗损洲厕丽绒摊逆新妆奇财篓藏节赊美朔哉衣腻洒萧论焊惧骑奈呕眶翘茧畸杜霉压能孙弹茸壬僵乎崔胁腻洒萧论焊惧骑奈呕眶翘茧畸杜霉压能孙弹茸壬僵乎崔胁 上海上海 2004-2005 学年高考英语模拟试题学年高考英语模拟试题 (2)第一卷第一卷 听力部分听力部分 Part A Short Conv

7、ersations Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Eight.

8、 B. Two. C. Four. D. Six.正确答案是2. A. Her health. B. The classes she missed. C. The coming examination. D. The difficult lessons.正确答案是3. A. Russian ballet. B. A new movie. C. A bowling match. D. A football game.正确答案是4. A. Leave at once. B. Wait till David comes. C. Stay there a little longer. D. Wait

9、for David somewhere else.正确答案是5. A. 50. B. 100. C. 150.2D. 250.正确答案是6. A. Take a picture near the lake. B. Go to Johnsons. C. Spend a lot of money on pictures. D. Take a picture of Johnson.正确答案是7. A. No, because its not for sale. B. Yes, because he has plenty of money. C. Yes, if he borrows some mon

10、ey from the woman. D. No, because he hasnt enough money with him.正确答案是8. A. She went home early. B. She came home later than usual. C. She was badly hurt. D. She went to see Mary.正确答案是9. A. Hes not hungry. B. He has to finish his work first. C. Typing will take him a whole afternoon. D. He hates mis

11、sing his lunch.正确答案是10. A. She thinks shes got a cold. B. She agrees the weather is changeable. C. She thinks the weather has been windy for days. D. She suggests one need a scarf in changeable weather. 正确答案是Part B Longer Conversations Directions: In Part B, you will hear two longer conversations. A

12、fter each conversation, you will be asked two questions. The conversations will be read twice, but the questions will only be spoken once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the 3question you have heard. Questions 1

13、1 and 12 are based on the following conversation. 11. A. From the Dunnes Stores. B. From the Allied Irish Bank. C. From the Bank of Ireland. D. From AIB Bank.正确答案是12. A. The Bank of Ireland is near Dunnes Stores. B. It is about ten minutes walk from the place where they are standing to bank. C. The

14、man isnt familiar with the area. D. The woman would lead the man to the places which he wanted to get to. 正确答案是Questions 13 and 14 are based on the following conversation. 13. A. The woman took the necklace as a birthday present for her friend. B. This dialogue most probably happens in a department

15、store. C. The man is a salesman. D. The woman bought the necklace by credit card.正确答案是14. A. 2,199. B. 2,099. C. 2,999. D. 3,199. 正确答案是Part C Passages Directions: In Part C, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twi

16、ce but the questions will only be spoken once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage. 15. A. No breakfast at all. B. Different foods or sometimes none. C. Very rich breakfast. D. Little food for breakfast.正确答案是416. A. Breakfast has great effect on work and studies. B. B


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