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1、1.The Chinese government demanded the Philippine government launch a thorough investigation into the incident and inform the Chinese side of related details as soon as possible.,中国政府强烈要求菲律宾政府对此事件展开彻底调查,并尽可能快地通知中方有关详情。,2 Undoubtedly,a proper diet can not only help you lose weight,but also help you ke

2、ep fit and lead a more active,happier and healthier life.,毫无疑问,合理的饮食不仅能帮你减肥,而且能让你保持健康,过上更加积极、快乐和健康的生活。,3 The majority of the students hold the view that its convenient to go to school by electric bike.,大多数学生认为骑电动车上学非常方便。,4 When it comes to me,I feel that we students should not pay much attention to

3、our appearance.,就我而言,我认为我们学生不应该过多地关注我们的外表。,5 He insisted on driving home no matter how hard I stopped him from doing so.,不管我如何阻止他,他都坚持开车回家,2 vt. 原谅;饶恕,一、考纲词汇识记 1 n 过错;缺点;故障;毛病vt. 挑剔vi. 弄错,fault,forgive,custom,3 n. 习惯;风俗,4 vt. 举起;提高;唤起;饲养,5 vi. 凝视;盯着看,6 n. 烈酒(常用复数);精神;情绪,7 vt.介绍;引进;提出 n介绍;引入;导言;入门,8

4、n文化;文明 adj.文化的,9 n方式;样式;方法 n礼貌;规矩,raise,stare,spirit,introduce,culture,manner,10 n印象;感想 vt.使感动, 留下印象 adj.给人印象深刻的,感人的,impression,introduction,cultural,manners,impress,impressive,12 vt.& vi.打断;中断;插嘴 n中断;打断,13 adj.无礼的;粗鲁的 (同义词) ( 反义词),interrupt,interruption,impolite,rude,14 adj.伤残的;残疾的 n残疾;无能 vt.使残疾;使失

5、去能力,disabled,disability,disable,11 vt.& vi.举动,举止;行为表现 n举止;行为,behave,behavio(u)r,polite,二、高频词汇活用 一言辨异 15He is famous for _ Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instruments.In his daily life,he doesnt like to _ business with pleasure.A few days ago,he felt a strange _ of excitement and fe

6、ar.(mix),答案: mixing;mix;mixture,16Yesterday Michael _ to his boss for being late,but much to his disappointment,she didnt accept his _.(apologise),答案: apologised;apology,1interrupt vt.& vi.打断(正在说话或动作的人);中断;妨碍; 插嘴教材P36原句May I interrupt you for a moment? 我打断你们一会儿可以吗? Sorry to interrupt,but there is so

7、meone to see you. 对不起打扰一下,有人要见你。,(1)interrupt sb.in sb.s talk 打断某人的谈话 (2)interruption n中断,打断,打岔;插嘴;妨碍物without interruption 不间断地,持续不断地,He interrupted our talk to give us some advice on how to learn English well.他打断我们的谈话,就如何学好英语给 我们提了一些建议。 Chinese civilization is the only one in the world. 中华文明是世界上唯一没

8、有中断的文明。,without interruption,interrupt,disturb (1)interrupt打断,使中断,中断正在做的事或打断某人的谈话。 (2)disturb指打扰,妨碍(别人做事);干扰(正常的状态);使不安,烦恼。,自填助记 用interrupt,disturb的适当形式填空 A light wind the surface of the lake. The traffic was by a snowstorm.,disturbed,interrupted,2apologise (apologize) vi.道歉;谢罪;辩白 教材P37原句What does B

9、ill say to apologise for losing the bike?比尔因丢失自行车而道歉时说了什么?,(1)apologize to sb.for (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉apologize to sb.that. 因向某人道歉 (2)apology n. 道歉 make/offer an apology to sb.for (doing) sth.因为(做)向某人道歉 owe sb.an apology 应向某人道歉,Bill is apologizing to his friend for having kept her waiting for a l

10、ong time. 比尔因让他的朋友等了好长时间正在道歉呢。 He agreed to his teacher for his mistake.他同意为他所犯的错误向老师道歉。 I have done great wrong to him and I really owe him an apology.我真的冤枉了他,我应向他道歉。,offer an apology to,3fault n过错,缺点,故障,毛病 vt.挑剔;vi.弄错 教材P37原句I guess it wasnt really your fault,was it?我想这不完全是你的错,对吗? Who broke the cu

11、p?谁把杯子摔碎了? Its my fault.I dropped it. 这是我的过错,我摔碎的。,(1)find fault with 挑剔,找的毛病,找的 碴;对吹毛求疵find fault in 看出的缺点;找出的毛病in fault 有过错,有责任;该受责备 (2)faultless adj. 无错误的;完美的faulty adj. 有缺点的;有过失的;不完善的,He is always the way I do things. 他总是对我的处事方式百般挑剔。 Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty. 商品如有缺陷,可要求退款。,findin

12、g fault with,4introduce vt.介绍,引入,入门,引导 教材P37原句You ask him to introduce you to the man.你请他将你介绍给那个人。,(1)introduce.to. 把介绍给; 向介绍introduce.into. 把引入/传入(into后接表示地点的名词)introduce oneself 自我介绍 (2)introduction 介绍,传入,初步,导言;入门an introduction to a book 一本书的序言a letter of introduction 介绍信,Now please allow me to i

13、ntroduce you to some of our school rules here. 现在请允许我向你介绍我们学校的一些规章制度。 Tobacco Europe in the sixteenth century.烟草在十六世纪传入欧洲。 Let me .Im Prof.Johnson. 让我自我介绍一下,我是约翰逊教授。 Youd better read the introduction to it when you get a new book. 当你拿到一本新书时,你最好读一下书的序言。,was introduced into,introduce myself,.单词拼写 1Im not going to _(道歉) for what I saidit was a fair comment.,答案: apologise,2Had he not made an apology to her,she would not have _(饶恕) him.,



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