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1、第二章 商务访问,Chapter 2 Business Visit,第二章 商务访问 (Business Visit),Along with the development of economic globalization, more and more business travels in the form of rhetorical visits, formal business visits and participation in international conferences and large-scale activities are taking place around

2、the world. In recent years, China is becoming an incresingly important destination of all types of business travels. As an interpreter, it is necessary to be familiar with the interpretation under these circumstances.In a formal visit, the host will usually, deliver a speech, expressing welcome to t

3、he guest, introducing the status quo, and very likely putting forward the expectations for the future. After that, the guest will, in return, extend his gratitude to the host for the hospitality received. After doing so, he will sit down and discuss the mission of the trip. The interpreter should no

4、te that the language used here should be formal and polite.,Vocabulary Work,memorandum 备忘录;便笺 alumni 男校友;男毕业生(复数) official trip 公差 breakneck speed 突飞猛进 direct flight 直达班机 call for 邀请;提倡;要求 sister school 姊妹校 humane leadership 人性化的领导 aluminum 铝 blue helmets 联合国维和部队;蓝盔部队 hides and skins 生皮;原料皮 meteorol

5、ogical storms 气象风暴,Vocabulary Work,诚挚 sincere 名胜 places of interest 欢聚一堂 get together 声誉 reputation 青春活力 full fo vatility and passion 零部件 spare parts 不懈努力 work unswervingly “绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运” “Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and Peoples Olympics“,Sight Interpretation (1),IOC: International Olympic

6、Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会 National Games 全运会;全国运动会 extend full support to the preparation 全力支持准备工作 fullfill its promise 兑现承诺,Sight Interpretation (2),全球总裁兼CEO Global President and CEO 西门子全球媒体峰会 Siements Global Media Summit 不二人选 only one 商业贿赂丑闻 commercial bribery scandal 受命于危难之时 take the position at the cr

7、itical time,Note-taking (1),Sino-U.S. ties 中美关系 viceminister of the Chinese Foreign Ministry 中国外交部副部长 expand common interests 扩大共识 promote a win-win situation of mutual benefit 促进共赢互利局面,Note-taking (2),香港回归十周年 the tenth anniversary of Hong Kongs return to the motherland 中央驻港联络办公室领导 officials from th

8、e Liaision Office of the Central Peoples Government in Hong Kong SAR 瞩目的成绩 remakable achievements 香港和内地 Hong Kong and mainland,Sentences in Focus (C-E),业界精英 elites in this industry 共商合作发展大计 discuss the blueprint for development 借此机会 taking this opportunity 更大的热情、更好的服务、更好的业绩 greater passion,better se

9、ivice, stronger performance 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 Long distances separate no bosom friends. 干杯! Cheers! / prepose a toast for,Text Interpreting (Passage 1),card 名片 time difference 时差 预定(没付钱) order 预定(已付钱) book 预定(保留座位) reserve 声誉很好 be well known 小作坊 small workshop 地道的中国菜 real Chinese food,E-C Interpretation (

10、Passage 1),China was Victorias third largest market for food and fiber exports in 2004, with a value of more than $600 million.参考译文:2004年,中国成为维多利亚州食品和纤维制品的第三大出口市场,出口额高达6亿多美元。建议:在这句话的翻译中,可以在with的地方断句,with之后的半句要补主语,另起一句。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),We enjoy isolation from pest and disease incursion

11、s that have occurred elsewhere in the world.参考译文:和世界上其他地方不同,我们这里没有病虫害。也可将名词 isolation译作动词,译为“远离”,全句可译为:我们远离于世界其他地方的病虫害。建议: isolation from 的意思是“独立于,隔离于”。如果直译,效果不好,可以选择意译。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),Dairy is an example of our incresingly important trade ties with China.参考译文:我们和中国之间的贸易关系越来越重要,乳制品业仅

12、仅是一个例子。建议:如果直译为“乳制品业是 的例子”,那么定于就过长,而且也不能强调如此发达的乳品业贸易仅仅是个例子,中澳两国的贸易关系是十分紧密的。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),It is a great honor for me to speak at one of Chinas great academic institutions, one that is helping to revive and maintain your countrys historic tradition of leading the world in science and

13、 technology, and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout country.参考译文:清华大学是中国最具声望的学府之一,来到这里演讲我感到十分荣幸。贵校正努力恢复和保持中国领导世界科技的传统。贵校的毕业生更是遍布全国各地,担任领导职务。建议:这是个长句,应注意适当断句。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),And technical expertise needs to be harnessed to the development and security of society as a whole参考译文:专业科技知识应该被用于全社会的发展和保障建议: 将被动句转换为陈述句,更符合中文的习惯。并且灵活翻译harness 为“用于”连接后半句。,



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