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1、Unit 2 Sailing round the world,by Yu Shuli,The title “Sailing Round the World” means “travelling round the earth by ship,” i.e. 环球航行,Pre-reading,Comprehension of the text (answer the questions on page 31),Warm-up activity,step1: divide the class into groups step2:each group has 5-minute discussion a

2、bout how Chichester made his round-the-world voyage and trace his route by drawing arrows on maps. step3:suammary of his course,Chichesters Course,set off from _,sailing across _,and turing around _into the Indian Ocean. arrived in_,with the first half of his voyage completed. after a rest, he set s

3、ail again from_on the second passage of his voyage via_.He arrived back in_. It took him _ to complete the_voyage single-handedly.,Background Knowledge,弗朗西斯.奇切斯特爵士 奇切斯特于1901年生于英国,年轻时来到新西兰,从事了许多不同的工作。1929年回到英国,独自飞行到达澳大利亚。随后他试图环球飞行,但在日本发生事故 ,飞机损坏,计划破产。 二战后他转向航海,1960年乘坐“吉普赛.莫斯二号”赢得了从普利茅斯到纽约的横渡大西洋比赛,历时4

4、0天。1966年8月27日他乘坐“吉普赛.莫斯四号”完成了环球航行,与1967年5月28日成功返回英国,受到英国女王的封爵。1972年,奇切斯特逝世。,Background Knowledge,封爵: 骑士是中世纪流传下来的封号,意即“战斗中最勇敢的人”。由于骑士战功卓著,从而跻身于贵族行列。 现今的爵士是荣誉称号,是用来奖励那些在科技、文化、体育等方面为国家做出重大贡献的人。 封爵仪式一般过程是,被册封的人单膝跪在国王或王后的面前,国王或王后用手中的剑依次接触他的左右肩和头,然后宣布册封他为爵士,从此他在正式场合使用的名字前面要加上“Sir”。,Cape Horn:the southernm

5、ost point of South America.All the water between South America and the Antarctica Ocean is squeezed through this narrow,shallow gap. Sometimes,the waves there may be as high as 50 feet.,Language points,single-handed:adj;adv done by one person without help from others. -The job cant be done _. -She a

6、ccomplished the task by her _ efforts.,word-formation : “a. n. -ed” (new) adj./adv. e.g. good-mannered 有礼貌的;warm-hearted 热心的;absent-minded 心不在焉的。 另外,solo: a. =single-handed “单独的 ”;作此意是,使用不太普遍,多用于表“独奏”。如: a solo play solo还可以作n., 意为“独唱(曲),独奏(曲)”; 如:a violin solo 小提琴独奏曲,transatlantic: a. crossing the A

7、tlantic Ocean 横渡大西洋的,trans- “横过,贯通,在另一方;”transcontinental (a.横贯大陆的)transnational (a. 跨国的)transoceanic (a. 横渡大洋的),determined: with ones mind firmly made up -He is determined that his child will not lead a poor life. -The government is determined to further the reform.,determine/determination,determin

8、ed is derived from the word root determine, the suffix ed can be added to some verbs or nouns to form adjectives, with the meaning “有”,“具有特征”; e.g. develop-ed developed (发达的) advance-ed advanced (先进的) consider-ed considered (深思熟虑的), determine to do “决心做某事”;e.g. He determined to study harder at Engli

9、sh at the beginning of this term. determine sb. to do “使某人决定做某事;” e.g. A serious illness determined him to give up smoking.(一场重病使他决定戒烟。),retire:give up ones job because of old age -Professors usually retire at 60 in China. -Next year I will retire from the school. retirement:n,voyage:1:n-sea journey

10、 -The letter was writeen on Hemingways voyage from the US to Paris. 2:v-go on a sea journey -The seaman has almost voyaged around the world.,device:something made for a special purpose -A wind vane is a device to tell from which direction the wind blows.,cover:1.pass over or travel a certain distanc

11、e -The travellers covered 400 miles a day by car. -They covered three states in two days. 2. 覆盖,包括,涉及。 如说,“桌子上布满了灰尘。” The table is covered with dust.,previously:before -Previously the two were good friends. -We planned previously to visit the Museum, but we simply do not have the time.,attempt:n:eff

12、ort to do sth -A true friend will make every attempt to help you. vt:try to do sth -He attempted to win her love by sending her expensive gifts.,attempt: = try 试图,尝试;企图,attempt指想尽办法做某事,其所含的失败的可能性比较大;e.g. He attempted walking until fell over. (他试图走一走,结果摔倒了。) 常用结构:attempt to do sth./attempt doing sth.

13、 /attempt sth. 试图(做)某事。 而try(试着,努力);普通用法,泛指花时间或劳神费力的尝试。,dissuade sb from doing sth:prevent sb from soing sth -They dissuaded him from leaving school.persuade sb to do sth persuade sb into doing sth dislike; disappointed;disappear,dissuade vs. persuade, dissuade: vt. =prevent (sb.) from doing sth. by

14、 reasoning 劝阻;其常用结构是:dissuade sb. from doing (劝某人不要做); e.g.The old always dissuade the young from taking risks.(老年人总是劝青年人不要冒险。) 其反义词(antonym) 是:persuade,persuade: v. =cause to do sth. by reasoning, begging or arguing 说服(强调结果);常用结构:persuade sb. to do sth. / persuade sb. into doing sth. e.g. The mothe

15、r persuaded her son to put on more clothes. (母亲说服儿子多穿些衣服。) Nothing would persuade him into accepting our opinion.,fortunately:luckily -_I catch the train.,fortunate:adj. =lucky幸运的, be fortunate in 在方面幸运;e.g. Were fortunate in having a good teacher. be fortunate to (be) 很幸运做 e.g. We were fortunate en

16、ough to catch the last bus yesterday evening.,contact:v:/get in touch with -Do you contact your old classmates often? n:/state of touching or communication -Many people are afraid of contacts with AIDS patients.,nearby:not far off -My son studied at a nearby school.(adj) -There is a school nearby.(adv),waken:vi/stop sleeping -He wakened at the first ray of daylight. vt: -The alarm bell wakened him out of a sound sleep.,


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