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1、高考英语二轮专项写作综合课件,你校校报急需在校内招聘一位同学任英文版编辑, 请你以学生会的名义用英文以An English Editor Wanted 为题写一则招聘启事,要点如下: 1.工作内容:从英文报刊 杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章;挑选和编辑同学们来稿. 2.要求: 乐意贡献出一些业余时间为同学们服务;英文,美术皆好; 能熟练使用电脑. 3.请感兴趣的同学在本周内与学生会联系. 注意: 字数不少于60.,演练,招聘启示写作技巧: 首先招聘启事, 要有吸引力, 且文字应容易为人们所明白. 启事是一种公告性的应用文.无论机关,团体,单位还是个人需要向公众说明什么事情,求得什么帮助,都可

2、以要把说明的事情写成启事告知大众.通常,启事是张贴在广告栏或墙上,必要时也可以登报.常见的启事有招聘启事,失物启事,招领启事等. 启事的写法: 把启事内容的关键词作为文章的标题写在正文的正上方 如等. 2. 发布启事的日期写在正文的右上方,或省去不写. 3.发布启事的单位或个人的署名写在正文的右下方. 4. 启事一般不用称呼,形式灵活多样,语言言简意赅,内容生 动活泼,招聘启事开头表达: Our school paper is in great need of Our shool paper is starving for Our shool paper is looking for 对申请人

3、要求时可说: The applicant must He should . are necessary/ essential if you get the job, you should 交待联系方式: Those who are interested in the job please get in touch with Will anyone interested in the job please get in touch with? Will anyone interested in the job please contact.? Apply to ,我校校报急需在校内招聘一位同学任

4、英文版编辑 our school paper is in great need of our shool paper is starving for our shool paper is looking for 从英文报刊 杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章choose from suitable for 挑选和编辑同学们来稿. pick out edit them for use. 要求: 乐意贡献出一些业余时间为同学们服务 The applicant must devote to He should . spare time are necessary/ essential serve if

5、 you get the job, you should 英文,美术皆好; 能熟练使用电脑.be good at do well in the ability to 请感兴趣的同学在本周内与学生会联系. Those who are interested in the job please get in touch with Will anyone interested in the job please get in touch with? Will anyone interested in the job please contact.? Apply to ,An English Edito

6、r Wanted Our school paper is looking for an editor for its English edition. The job mainly includes two parts: one is to choose English articles from other newspapers, magazines or the internet suitable for us students. the other is to pick out articles from students in our school and edit them for

7、use.We hope that he / she could meet the following requirements: first, he / she is willing to devote some of the spare time to serving the others. Second, its necessary for him / her to be good at both English and art. Whats more, the ability to use the computer is important as well.Those who are i

8、nterested in the job please get in touch with the students union this week.students union,单句翻译: 1. 我除了学英语,还学法语。2. 这件事对你我都很重要。3. 他不光给我钱,还给我建议。4. 他不仅是著名诗人,还是著名剧作家。5. 他们去了长城,我也去了。,. Im learning French as well as English. It is important for you as well as for me. He gave me money as well as advice. He

9、was not only a famous poet but also a well-known play writer. They went to the Great Wall and I went as well.,6. 我的家乡是一个占地36平方公里,人口20万的小镇。7. 解放前,人们生活很艰苦。8. 20年来,这里发生了巨大的变化。9. 这里建起了公园、商场、影院、医院,还有学校。10. 人们的生活丰富多彩。,. My hometown, with a population of 200 thousandand covering an area of 36 square kilome

10、ters, is a small town. Before liberation, people there lived a hard life. Great changes have taken place there in the past 20 years. Besides schools, parks, shops, cinemas and hospitals have also been set up. Peoples lives are rich and colourful.,必背的关联词60 个 表示而且 whats more besides in addition Furthe

11、rmore meanwhile not only- but also- as well as to begin with / First of all/ First / Second/Third,表示对照 however on the other hand on the contrary,表示因果 as a result therefore thus otherwise,表示目的 for this reason for this purpose so that in order to in case,表示总结 in a word in short in brief in conclusion

12、in other words generally speaking,表示强调 in fact as a matter of fact to tell the truth last but not least above all the most important without any doubt believe it or not Only in this way,表示个人观点 in my opinion as far as I know as far as I am concerned As we all know,表示解释 that is in this case for exampl

13、e actually as for,表示条件 as long as,at first early in the morning this morning the other day,soon later on after a while several minutes later,finally in the end at last,suddenly immediately at once,表示时间,表示方位 by the side of next to in the middle of in front of,1 我认为,志愿者工作不仅对社会有利,而且 对他们自己有好处,因此志愿者是光荣的,

14、我们 都应积极参加,使我们的国家变得更和谐更美丽。2 为了援助贫困边远地区的教育,一些志愿者加入 到西部建设中.同时,还有些志愿者组织各种活动 宣传环境保护的重要性。,用恰当的关联词翻译,In my opinion, doing voluntary work will do much good not only to society but also to the volunteers themselves. Therefore, volunteers are honorable and we should take an active part in it to make our count

15、ry more beautiful and harmonious.,In order to improve the standard of education in those remote and less developed areas, some volunteers join in the Go West Project. Whats more, some others organize various activities to help people realize the importance of protecting our environment.,大约75%的学生上大学有

16、必要,因为高等教育能 增加知识,提高个人素质。然而,15%的学生认为 上大学没有用,因为大学毕业生找到好工作很困难。 而且,学费也太高,付不起。剩余的10%认为条条 道路通罗马,所以他们认为是否上大学无所谓。,About 75% of the students think it necessary to go to college, for further education can increase their knowledge and improve their personal qualities as well. However, 15% of the students think

17、that it is no use going to college because its extremely difficult for college graduates to get satisfactory jobs. In addition, the tuition is too high for them to pay for. The remaining 10% hold the view that “ All roads lead to Rome”. Therefore they think it doesnt make any difference whether they go to college or not.,


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