英语七年级下外研版Module 1课件5

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1、恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Unit 3 Language in useModule 1恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设 Language practiceIm visiting my friends .He isnt writing a postcard .Is she enjoying her visit ?Are they buying postcards ?恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备

2、考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Look at the picture in Activity 1. Say what they are doing . Tony is talking on his cell phone . .恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Complete the conversation Tony is having with his dad. Tony: Hi , Dad ! Dad: Hi , Tony. What (1)_( you /

3、do ) ? Tony: We ( 2) _ ( visit ) the Forbidden City. Lingling and Betty ( 3 )_( write ) postcards. Dad: What ( 4 ) _ ( Daming/ do ) ?are you doing are visitingare writingis Daming doing恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Tony: He ( 5 ) _ ( take ) photos. There are lots of pe

4、ople here . They ( 6 )_ ( enjoy ) the sun . Some ( 7 ) _ ( look ) at the buidings and some ( 8 ) _ ( listen ) to the guide. Dad: ( 9 )_ ( you / have ) a good time ? Tony: Yes, we ( 10 ) _ ( have ) a great time , Dad !See you later.is takingare enjoying are lookingare listening Are you havingare havi

5、ng恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设 Write about the pictures .Some boys are playing football . They arent playing basketball .恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Some old people are doing Taijiquan . They arent doing Yangge .恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课

6、、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设He isnt watching TV. He is using a computer.恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Match the words in Box 1 with the words in Box 2 to make phrases.buying calling drinking driving eating enjoying going having leaving lyingsaying shopping t

7、aking talking waiting for watching writing 恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设a ballet a bus/ train a coffee a drink in a pub a hot dog for presents good night her mother home in a restaurant in the sun lunch on the phone photos postcards the office the school trip to sleep

8、 to the opera恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设 Answers : buying : a drink in a pub ; a hot dog ; lunch ; postcards calling : her mother ; home ; on the phone ; photos ; postcards ; the office drinking : a coffee ; in a restaurant driving : a bus ; a train ; home ; to the

9、opera eating : a hot dog ; in a restaurant ;lunch 恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设 enjoying : a ballet ; a coffee ; a drink in a pub ; a hot dog ; lunch ;the school trip going : home ; to sleep ; to the opera having : a coffee ; a drink in a pub ;a hot dog lunch leaving

10、: a ballet ; home ; the office lying : in the sun saying : good night shopping : for presents 恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设taking : a bus ; a train ; a coffee ; a drink in a pub ; a hot dog ; photos talking : on the phone ; to someone waiting for : a bus ; a train ; a

11、 coffee ; a drink in a pub ; a hot dog ; her mother ; lunch watching : a ballet an opera writing : home ; postcards ; to someone恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设 Around the world Its morning in New York . 恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Its mi

12、dday in London . 恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Its evening in Sydney.恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设 Think of a friend or a member of your family who you dont often see. Write a postcard saying what youre doing at the moment.Learning to le

13、arn Lots of words and phrases ? Choose six seven words and phrases which are important to you . Write them down .恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设Martin and Helen White 22 West Street LondonMonday Dear _ How are you ? Im enjoying school very much. Im learning English. Were. See you soon. Love _( your name ) 恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设恒谦教育教学资源库恒谦教育教学资源库教师备课、备考伴侣教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设专注中国基础教育资源建设 Show your postcard to other students.Wb. Ex. 1 , 8 , 9 , 10&11


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