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1、六年级级数学上册课课件-比的基本性质质和化简简比江苏苏省连连云港市田家炳中学高一生物现现代生物进进化理论论的主要内容课课件八一建军节军节 主题题教育活动动PPT模板军队军队 国防改革强军军梦学习习 Garments Construction Standards 服装制作标准 Contents 目录Section 1: - Components and trims 成分和辅料 Fabric面料 Interlinings粘衬 Internal trims内部辅料 Linings里布 Threads缝纫线 Zips拉链 Buttons纽扣 Fastenings, rivets and studs扣合

2、件,铆钉和工字扣 Trims, belts and motifs饰边,腰绳和花边 Elastication橡筋 Accessories服饰配件Section 2: - Manufacturing guidelines生产指导 Garments衣服 Accessories服饰配件Section 3: - Presentation guidelines外观指导 Pressing熨烫 Finished Goods整理 Labels标牌 Packing包装Section 4: - Safety安全性 Garments衣服 Accessories服饰配件 Replacement Needle Proce

3、dure断针纪录 Good Housekeeping Guide良好的管理指导Section 5: - Childrens Safety Requirements童装安全性要求 Fabric / Materials面料 / 原料 Components成分 Design Aspects设计外观 Textile Accessories纺织辅料 Metal Content金属物料 Toxicity毒性 Nickel镍 Lab Test测试 1六年级级数学上册课课件-比的基本性质质和化简简比江苏苏省连连云港市田家炳中学高一生物现现代生物进进化理论论的主要内容课课件八一建军节军节 主题题教育活动动PPT

4、模板军队军队 国防改革强军军梦学习习Internal trim内部装饰For menswear Poly/cotton woven pocketing must be used. 必须用涤/棉梭织物做男装口袋布。Lining里料 For padded garments the lining must be quilted or stitched at appropriate intervals to prevent the padding from falling. Padding must not escape through the weave of the outer fabric of

5、 the inner lining.对于有填充物的衣服,里料必须衍缝或加缝适当间距的缉线防止填充物陷落。填充物不能透出里布面料。 Lining must not be visible beyond the hemline of cuffs of a garment. The lining must finish 2.5 cm(1inch)above the hem, and cover the hem stitching.里料不能吐露服装下摆及克夫。必须在摆上2.5CM(1英寸)处修光边且遮盖下摆缝迹。The fibres used in the lining must be stated o

6、n the care lab 里布面料成分必须注明在洗标上。Sewing thread 缝纫线 Must be a good colour match unless intended as a contrast.必须良好配色除非设计成撞色。 Must be colourfast to washing and light.在 洗涤及光照下不能褪色。 100% Polyester thread must be used on products with low flammability requirements.要求必须用低燃点的100%聚脂纤维缝纫线。 Bulk thread should be

7、 used in over-lock loopers when sewing Elastane fabrics.缝制弹性面料时必须用包缝线迹。 Monofilament thread is not acceptable for use at any time.任何情况下都禁止使用单纤维缝线。2六年级级数学上册课课件-比的基本性质质和化简简比江苏苏省连连云港市田家炳中学高一生物现现代生物进进化理论论的主要内容课课件八一建军节军节 主题题教育活动动PPT模板军队军队 国防改革强军军梦学习习SECTION 1 COMPONENTS AND TRIMS 第一部分 成分和辅料The following

8、section gives a summary of the general quality assurance procedures for components trims. 以下部分将列出关于服装部件的一般品质保证程序概要。All components trims must be suitable for the after care of the garment according to the wash care instructions given.所有服装部件必须与服装上的洗标所显示的内容相吻合。Fabric 面料 Take care to make sure that all

9、fabrics with raised fibers that produce a nap, or fabric that is cut one way design, are cut so that separate panels and separate garment pieces run in the same direction.注意所有拉绒的凸面织物,或设计为以一个方向裁剪的面料,必须以同方向缝制拼片和服装部件。 Fabric faults are not acceptable in garments unless they are inherent in the fabric a

10、nd are agreed at the buying stage.不接受服装面料上的疵点除非是缘于面料本身固有的问题造成的或疵点在客人接受的范围内。 Variations of shading are unacceptable within a garment, or from one garment to another. Garment pieces must be numbered after cutting.不接受同一件服装上的色差或服装间的缸差。开裁后的服装裁片必须编号防止产生色差。Interlinings 粘衬 Garments showing delamination (bub

11、bling), glue marks or strike through caused by interlining are not acceptable. All interlinings must be applied using correct temperatures with fusing machines tested at regular intervals.不接受由于粘衬导致服装上的分层,起泡,露胶或者穿透。所有的粘衬必须用热熔机械以正确的温度粘贴并且 定期测试。3六年级级数学上册课课件-比的基本性质质和化简简比江苏苏省连连云港市田家炳中学高一生物现现代生物进进化理论论的主要内

12、容课课件八一建军节军节 主题题教育活动动PPT模板军队军队 国防改革强军军梦学习习Zips 拉链 Only zips approved by BS are accepted.只接受经过公司确认的拉链。 Spring lock or auto lock zips must be used. Auto lock zips are preferred. Pintuck zips are not acceptable.必须用弹簧锁或自动锁头拉练。首选用自动锁头拉练。不能用大头针拉练。 The base of an open-ended zip must be reinforced where atta

13、ched to the fabric. The zip slider must not be obstructed.拉链缝到面料上底端开口处必须加固,上下拉动拉链时不能有生涩的感觉。 The tops of the zips should be secured with a top zip stop where necessary. No sharp edges should protrude at the top. All surplus zip teeth should be removed. 拉链顶端需要处必须有齿止安全保护。顶端不能有突出的锋利边缘,多余的拉齿必须剪掉。There mu

14、st be no sharp edges exposed at the bottom of the zip tape. These must be trimmed back or if possible enclosed in the hem fabric. All metal parts must be removed. 拉链码带底部不能留有锋利的边缘,反面必须修光,如果缝于下摆上,所有的金属部分必须清除。Buttons 纽扣 All garments must carry a spare button of each ligne used. There must be 2 spare bu

15、ttons if the garment has 10 buttons or more.所有的服装上每个款式的纽扣必须留有一颗备纽,若服装上有十颗或者更多此款纽扣,必须留有两颗备钮 。 Buttons must be securely attached using a lockstitch machine.纽扣必须用锁式缝纫线钉扣机缝钉牢固。 Metal components must be nickel free.金属成分中不能含镍。 Non- toxic buttons must be used.纽扣必须无毒性。 Buttons used on childrenswear must not be two-part.童装上的纽扣不能是可以分成两个部分的类型。 Buttons used on childrenswear must not represent any form of food substance.童装上的


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