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1、大学英语四级听力 辽宁工程技术大学 马志辉 2010年3月1大学英语四级听力大纲要求考试目标组成部分七检四基应试准备2大学英语语四级级听力岸照国家教育部颁发的大学英语教学大纲(修 订本)的要求,学生在修完基础阶段大学英语1-4 册后应具有一定的听的能力。大纲所要求的听的 能力指的是,对题材熟悉、句子结构不太复杂、 基本上无生词、语速每分钟为130-150词的篇幅 较长的会话、谈话、报道和讲座,能掌握其中心 大意,抓住要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点 和态度。大学英语四级考试中,听力理解部分的 目的是测试学生运用所掌握的基础语言知识,理 解英语口头材料,获取口头信息的能力。 3大学英语四级听力考

2、试目标听力理解听力理解部分测试学生获取口 头信息的能力。录音材料用标准的 英式或美式英语朗读,语速约为每 分钟l30词。听力部分分值比例为 35%,其中对话占15%,短文占 20%。考试时间35分钟。4大学英语四级听力组成部分听力理解部分考核学生获取 口头信息的能力,包括理解 主旨大意、重要事实和细节 、隐含意义,判断话语的交 际功能、说话人的观点、态 度等。5大学英语四级听力组成部分对话部分(Listening Conversations) 包括短对话和长对话,均采用多项选 择题的形式进行考核。短对话约有7 8段,每段为一轮对话和一个问题;长 对话有两段,每段为58轮对话和3 4个问题,对话

3、部分共l5题。每段对话 均朗读一遍,每个问题后留有15秒的 答题时问。6大学英语四级听力组成部分短文部分包括多项选择题型的短文理解(Listening Passages)和复合式听写(Compound Dictation)。多项选择题型的短文有3篇,每篇长度为 210250词 ,朗读一遍,每篇34题,共10题,每个问题后留有 15秒的答题时间.复合式听写测试考生在不同层面上(从词汇到语篇层面 )的听力理解能力。这部分测试采用一篇200250词 的短文,删去若干个单词和句子,全文朗读三遍。要 求考生根据听到的内容填写所缺信息,所缺单词必须 用原词填写,所缺句子信息既可按原文填写,也可用 自己的语

4、言表述。7检测七种能力1) 获取特定信息或具体信息的能力 2) 理解明确或隐含表达的信息的能力 3) 判断推理和引申的能力 4) 理解主旨要义的能力 5) 理解说话人的态度,观点和意图的能力 6) 根据所听的内容,准确记录单词及句子大意 8短对话高分技巧91. 短对话高分技巧-基本题型明示与暗示题条件句计算题职业关系题地点与场所题肯定与否定题转折与让步题10短对话高分技巧-基本题型明示与暗示M:I dont want to buy the book Prof.Smith told us to read for the exam. Do you think you could lend me y

5、ours?W: Well, Im not using it right now. But I really need to keep it handy just in case.Q: What does the woman mean?11短对话高分技巧-基本题型条件句:M: I love watching football games at home. Its so relaxing to watch them do battle.W: I guess Id feel the same way if only I could understand the rules.Q: what can w

6、e infer about the woman?12短对话高分技巧-基本题型职业关系题:W: Did you see Simon in the business office? I didnt find him in the classroom.M: Yes, he was applying for a student loan.Q: What was Simon?Waiter, waitress, receptionist, teacher, professor, students, lawyer, secretary, repairmen, patient, doctor, actor,

7、actress, librarian, ,manager, boss, nurse, postman, husband, wife, policeman, driver, photographer, milkman, barber, plumber, mechanic, clerk, customer.131. 短对话高分技巧-基本题型地点与场合M: Excuse me. Does this bus go to Market Street? W: Sorry, Im a stranger here myself.Q: What does the womans reply mean?14短对话高

8、分技巧-基本题型计算题:M: How long does the exam last, Mary?W: We were allowed two hours, but I finished in less than half the time. My desk -mate Jean handed in her paper just in time.Q: How much time did the woman take for the exam?15短对话高分技巧-基本题型转折与让步题 W: Someone told me the new restaurant on Green Street is

9、 pretty good.The atmosphere is wonderful. But whats more important to you, good food or nice atmosphere?Q: What does the man imply?few, little, neither, nor, hardly, rarely, scarcely, poorly, seldom, tooto, deny, fail, miss, hate, cancel, rather than, instead of, far from, run out of 16短对话高分技巧-应对技巧应

10、对技巧1 要心态平和 5 要边听边记 2 要巧用时间 6 要阅读选项 3 要预测问题 7 要边听边记 4 要留意言外 8 要注意情景17短对话高分技巧-应对技巧言外之意-推理对话中的含蓄性试题较多,所以,不仅要理解说话人的表层意义,还需 体会言外之意。如:经典例题:What do we learn from the mans reply?A He doesnt care if it is turned off.B He thinks the woman is right.C He is reluctant to turn it off.D He wants the woman to watch

11、 the game, too.听力原文:W: Do you mind if I turn the TV off?M: Cant you see the football match hasnt finished yet?W: But the baby is already in bed.M: Oh, all right. You always get your way. 从男士使用的反问句我们可以看出,他对对方提出“turn the TV off” 的提议是不情愿的。所以正确答案是C。 18短对话高分技巧-应对技巧2、要善于阅读选择项 由于只有大约15秒钟的答题时间,所以在阅读选择项时一定要避

12、 免逐词阅读,要运用略读技巧 。对于较短的选择项,一般可采用扫 视法;对于较长的选择项,可采用竖读法。 Example 1: A) Running .B)节器Cycling .C) Fishing .D) Hunting . 只需用眼光掠过选择项,便可知是四种不同的活动。 Example 2: A) A double room B) A single room C) A room on the top floor D)A room on the second floor. 这组选择项虽然稍微长一些,但扫视一下便可以了解它们涉及的 内容是“什么样的房间“。 191. 短对话高分技巧-应对技巧测试

13、: A: The man enjoys traveling by car. B: The man lives far from the subway. C: The man is good at driving. D: The man used to own a car.A:Tony should continue taking the course B: Tony can choose another science course C: She approves of Tonys decision D: She cant meet Tony so early 201. 短对话高分技巧-应对技

14、巧A: The worker had finished loading the truck B: The worker had just started loading the truck C: The worker had gone home D: the worker had had a fight with the driverA: son leave for school B: son go to work C: husband have breakfast D: husband got to office21长对话高分技巧222.长对话高分技巧基本题型长对话是新增设在Section

15、A 部分的新题型 ,短对话原来的个减少到个。长对话 共计道题。它结合了短对话的问答方式,要求既要注意 其中细节,又要注意整体的把握,还要能够 应付出道题的题量。其主要题型为主题题和细节题,也偶会出现 推断题232.长对话高分技巧基本题型主题题:一般在对话的开头 对话的开头部分一般都会引出谈话的 主题,比较容易设主旨题,主要考查对谈话 主题或所涉及场景的把握。 24W: Please have a seat, Mr. Thunders. I received your job resum elast week, and was very impressed. M: Thank you! W: W

16、e are a small financial company trading mostly stocks and bonds. May I ask why you are interested in working for us? : Whats the purpose of Mr. Thunders visit? A To make a business report to the woman. B To be interviewed for a job in the womans company. C To resign from his position in the womans company.


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