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1、1.什么是国际音标?由于英语的拼写形式和读音有很大的 分歧, 所以无法完全根据字母来读音。为了精确地学习和掌握语音, 就要借 助一种注音手段来弥补这一缺陷, 于是便 产生了一定数量的精确记录语音的符号,叫做“音符”(Phonetic symbols)。国际音标(旧称万国音符)是国际 语音学协会(IPA - International Phonetic Association) 于1888年拟定的一套为各国语言注音的语音符号。我们这里所 说的国际音标是专门为英语注音的那一部分标音符号。目前我国通用的国际音标共有48 个, 其中, 元音音标20个,辅音音标28个。英语元音 (English vow

2、els) 英语元音音素共 20个。分单元音 和双元音两大类 。a. 前元音:/ i: /, / i /, / e /, / / b. 后元音:/ :/, / /, / :/, / u /, / u: /, / c. 中元音: / : /, / /a. 合口双元音:/ ei /, / u /, / ai /, / au /, /i/b. 集中双元音:/ i /, / /, / u /单元音的分类双元音的分类a.爆破音 / p /, / b /, / t, / d /, / k /, / / b.摩擦音 / f /,/ v /,/,/ /,/ s /,/ z / , / /,/ /,/ h /,

3、/ r / c.破擦音 / t/,/d /,/tr/, /dr/,/ts/,/dz/ d.鼻音 /m/ , /n/, / e.旁流音(舌侧音) / l / f.半元音 / w /, / j /英语辅音 (English consonants) (共28个 )i:eme we he equal sceneeesee indeed breeze succeedeaeat beat neat real defeatieyield piece field believe发 音 规 则eiseize receive ceilingipolice ski machine eopeopleeykeyi:ii

4、t fit pig miss kiss fill picnicycity pretty busy sixtyepretty English Englandeecoffee committee i eymoney valleyiecarried worried ladiesavillageowomen i ubusyuibuild guiltcoffee committee i echeck enter gentle accepteaspread bread weatheriefriendaany many e aisaidaysays ubury Better late than never.

5、(迟做总比不做好)Better to do well than to say well .(口说不 如实干) e aQ cat map fat hat mad back gas catch match fact happy marry stamp act adapt attractive national Catch that mad black catThank you for the stampapass glass demand advanceararm garden smart harmfulauaunt laughearheart: earheartalcalm half: A la

6、rge army marched past the farmyard Its hard to see any stars in the dark sky ocome compass governmentooflood bloodusun adult culture customoutouch trouble couple double awsaw law draworaccording force born cornoabroad boardoubought brought course cough O:autaught caught naught faultoodoor flooralall

7、 ball talk small walkoremore store before explore O : oremore store before explorearwar warm warnawater salt also false O: ooffer block college possibleoucoughowknowledgeO a soft song / a coffee shop / cost a lotThe clock is stopped , its not longLost time is never found againO owho do lose movement

8、oofool spoon cool tooth chooseurude pollution June revolutionaryewthrewu: ueblue cruelty trueoeshoeuifruit ruin juiceWho said the soup was too cool? As a rule , the skies are blue in June u: uput push pull helpful bush bullet carefulowoman wolf lose whoseoogood wood book woolen footballoulcould shou

9、ld would u pretty English England u He looks like a good cook I took my book and looked at it as long as I could aagree ahead admire attend adventurearcalendar polareranother order gatheromethod Europe second管理资源吧(),提供海量管理资料免费下载!Eorlabor behavior actor doctorourcolo(u)r oufamous ursurprise surviveEu

10、refeature LecturemeasureMy younger brother is a doctor Give me some butter and sugar We will have a get-together after supperEurturn fur church furniture furtherorword worth worst workourjourneyirbird birthday thirsty stirE:erserve emergency deserted determineearearth heard searchE:atake case behave

11、 able latestaiwait rain train raise grainaymay way play stayeabreak greateieieight neighbor reigneythey greyeiinice like wife advice wise tidy high fight brighteiheightymy by why type try satisfy fryuybuyaiono home notice bone devote herooaroad boat coat coachousoul shoulder though althoughowknow bo

12、wl slow low flow follow owe EUouloud house shout south outer mouth about owau now how town tower元音字母在重读开音节或重读相对开音节中读元 音字母本身的音:元音字母 读音 例词 读音 a /ei/ a /ei/e /i:/ me /mi:/I /ai/ I /ai/o /EU/ no /nEU/u /ju:/ cue /kju:/ 小 结元音字母在重读闭音节中的常用读音:元音字母 读音 例词 读音a /Q/ man /mQn/e /e/ men /men/I /i/ bit /bit/ o /O/

13、hot /hOt/u /u/ put /put/ a /i / village /e / any many /Q/ catch match fact happy marry /A:/ pass glass demand advance /O/ what wash swallow want watch /E/ agree ahead admire attend /ei/ take make table case behave able latestai /e/ said /ei/ wait rain train raise grain ar /A:/ arm garden march smart harmful /O:/ war warm warn /E/ calendar polar /CE/ area vary various au /A:/ aunt laugh /O:/ taught caught naught fault ay /e/ says /ei/ may way play stay e /i:/


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