
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:51936594 上传时间:2018-08-17 格式:PPT 页数:9 大小:2.74MB
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1、 Sandstorm is a meteorological phenomenon commonly found in arid and semi-arid regions. It is resulted from convection currents created by intensive heating of the ground. These currents can create wind up to 120km/h and appear as a solid wall of dust as much as 1,525m high which blow over a long di

2、stance. Sandstorm is a kind of climatic hazard. It occurs when strong wind raises and carries along clouds of sand or dust which is so dense that it obscure the sun and reduce visibility to less than 1 km. Sandstorm usually occurs in deserts or areas near to arid and semi-arid regions. It was found

3、in areas like Sahara Desert in North Africa, Central Australia, Southwest of USA, Central Asia and Northwest China. Sandstorms have been more serious in recent years. They occur earlier in the season and are affecting a wider area. In 2006, they came a week earlier and the affected area had extended

4、 beyond 3 million km2. The air quality of northern China has been seriously affected by sandstorm. By 19 April 2006, 55 out of 113 monitored cities had seen fewer clean days than a year before. In times of sandstorms, people need to wear masks and traffic was seriously affected due to lower visibili

5、ty. The airborne particles in sandstorm cause an increase of allergies, especially among children. Respiratory and eye sickness become more common. Medical expenses of families may increase. Conditions for the formation of sandstorms A specialist in meteorology pointed out that sandstorms were forme

6、d under three conditions: strong wind, rich source of sand and unstable air conditions. The three conditions can be a result of natural causes. However, for the second condition, the supply of sand is more of a result of desertification caused by human activities. Relationship with the atmosphere Relationship with relief Relationship with vegetation


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