六年级英语上册 Unit 2 Where is thescience museum课件 人教版PEP

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Unit 2east 太阳从东方升起the West Lake 美丽的西湖南辕北辙North South WestNorth South EastWestNorth South East North East WestSouth 上北下南左西右东turn left turn rightgo straightPlay a game.你能迅速地给人指明方向吗?每次只有1秒钟哦!你会是最棒的.Ready? b hospitald bookstorec post officea librarye shoe storeThe library is in the middle.The post office is west of the library.The shoe store is east of the library.The hospital is north of the library.The bookstore is south of the library.BOOKSTO RECINEM APOST OFFICESHCO OL


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